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Posts posted by maitake

  1. Also interesting:


    Crosscheck is managed and controlled by Kris Kobach, Kansas’ Secretary of State, who recently led a failed legal challenge against the U.S. Election Assistance Commission’s decision to not require documentary proof-of-citizenship on the federal mail-in voter registration form.


    Under Crosscheck, the procedure for identifying a “match” compares three fields: (1) First Name; (2) Last Name; and (3) Date of Birth (“DOB”) . Other information, such as Middle Name, Name Suffix, and Last Four Digits of the Social Security Number (“Last Four SSN”) are included on the reports, but are not used to indicate a “match.


    Crosscheck appears to use a free program for encryption. 14 However, privacy advocates have expressed alarm about [Crosscheck’s] transmission of highly sensitive personal information of millions of citizens via a website that lacks proper protections.



    Yes. Cross check openly admits in its Participation Guide that the program generates a high number of false positives: “Experience in the crosscheck program ind icates that a significant Due to the more detailed data matching (see above), t here may be less false positives under ERIC than Crosscheck . 3 number of apparent double votes are false positives and not double votes . Many are the result of errors — voters sign the wrong line in the poll book, election clerks scan the wrong line with a barcode scanner, or there is confusio n over father/son voters (Sr. and Jr.).” 24 The inaccuracy of Crosscheck’s data appears to be reason why some states have left the program.  For example, a spokesperson from the Or egon Se cretary of State recently explained : “ We left [Crosscheck] because the data we received was unreliable and we felt joining the ERIC project would better meet our needs . ”



    No. Crosscheck does not require its participating states to conduct their voter registration list maintenance activities (based on Crosscheck results ) under the strict guidelines of the National Voter Registration Act (“NVRA” ). 31 The NVRA 4 sets forth important legal protections against being unlawful ly purged from a voter list .

  2. http://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/voter-list-accuracy.aspx



    The process of removing voters from the voter rolls is important for ensuring that voter rolls are accurate, up-to-date and do not contain duplicate records. In order to maintain the accuracy of the voter list, states have processes in place to remove voters because of a variety of reasons: death, felony conviction, mental incapacitation, change of address or duplicate records. The systems that check for duplicate records or ineligible voters usually do not automatically remove the voters. When a state receives information that an individual on the voter list is no longer eligible from one of the checks listed above, most states (though not all) require that the election jurisdiction first contacts the individual. Typically the state will send out a card to the voter, wait for a given period of time and if there is no response the voter will be removed, cancelled or moved to an inactive list.


    So they send a postcard..


    For an idea of the scale: http://projects.aljazeera.com/2014/double-voters/interactive.html?



    The total Crosscheck list contains 6,951,484 voters from 28 states. These two lists obtained by Al Jazeera America represent 1,703,958 voters.



    So if i'm understanding this correctly. They are sending 6,951,484 postcards to potential duplicates?

  3. it's not acceptable. you have a chance at learning something about the killer's psyche and motivations, information which could always add to the pool of intelligence that is drawn from by experts whenever things like this occur. they waste that opportunity (and, by extension, make future incidents just as difficult to understand or prevent) when they let their animal brains take over and just go in for the kill. unless there's imminent danger and there's no other sensible option, it's never acceptable.


    I've always been amused at how few terrorists are taken alive for questioning. it's almost like they don't want to discuss their motivations cos it might lead into controversial territory re American foreign policy :cisfor:


    i think you'd find it's surprisingly difficult to capture murderous people who don't expect to live alive. combat is not like an action movie.


    also, i keep hearing people talk about tear gas, but i'm pretty sure most tear gas products do not come with remote controls. i think it's likely the decision to strap remote controlled explosives to the bot was because it would actually work. why risk someone trying to be a hero and close the gap enough to throw a canister? strap some plastic explosive to the bot and no one is put at risk.


    the attacker knew military techniques and was using them. if i were in the police's shoes i would be a bit hesitant to get near him i think. there's a video of the shooter bum rushing one of the officer's behind a pillar, and it shows quite clearly how fast and dangerous he was. the cop had no idea how to respond to the bullets coming his way, and was promptly shot in the back within seconds.


    anyway, just brainstorming some contrary ideas here. i don't think police bomb bots would end well if they become a thing police forces use regularly. i'm pretty sure this was just an isolated case of cop killing rampage and the FBI/ATF/Marshals or whoever showed up making it stop NOW.

  4. Well she does have one fair point. I dunno how much the public pitchforking and people saying "MURDERER!!!" everywhere really helps things become any clearer. I watched both of the videos repeatedly and I still can't tell wtf the guy was doing with his right hand. It certainly looks like piss poor policework from the footage but who are we to talk. I doubt any of us have been rolling around on the ground with a guy who for some reason won't just stop resisting and has a pistol in his pocket.


    There are better examples out there of cops being power hungry pigs. The ones in this incident were obviously frightened and in a panic. Not saying it's justified, but people are making them out like they were racist cuntbags. To me, they don't appear to be all that well trained and are not controlling the situation properly.


    Maybe i'm wrong here. If anyone has any further information I am not considering just lemme know. Apparently the officers have had "excessive force" citations before? This isn't surprising. Many, many police officers get written up for this. Even the gentle ones.

  5. Marijuana is a nightmare hall of terrors for me. I've never been able to manage it well but I connected with this stoner chick and decided to give it one last try. I only took 2 hits but I entered into 3 hours or so of the worst dread. Time stood still and I was convinced that I was never going to come back from it. I told her that it was a bad trip, put on Rhubarb and went to bed. The next day, my palms were still sweaty and I couldn't shake the anxiety for 2 days afterwards. Some brains just aren't made for it I guess. I know the argument of picking the right strain and indicas vs sativas et al. but I don't want to risk going down that psychosis rabbit hole again. I don't think any positive experience could outweigh the risk of those bad trips.




    I learned the hard way that size and number of hits are critical without a tolerance to the herb. I've had a number of panic attacks from the stuff. Thing is, it might seem like a small amount just taking 2 hits but the size of puff can fool you. The tiniest bit will get induce a pretty strong high without a tolerance at all.


    My last panic attack was recent. My friend has a huge bong and I took what I thought was a single modest hit from it. Granted, I also had drank way too much coffee that day so was already feeling a bit jittery. My mind went off the deep end and I thought my heart was pumping erratically. I freaked the fuck out and lost complete feeling in my hands and legs. I called the dispatch in a paranoid frenzy and she sent the ambulance. They ended up dropping me off at the nearest hospital. It was fucking embarrassing.


    In hindsight I realized what i'd done. Broke my own rule again.. It never seems like much until the high grows strong.


    I take a SINGLE hit that is SMALL VOLUME when I don't have a tolerance anymore, like after giving up smoking for a while. And not a single hit on a bong.. Just a small pipe or something. I did this a month later after the panic attack and had a great high with no problems that lasted through the night. I felt completely fine the whole time.

  6. Bank just up the street from where I work was hit by an armed robbery. The guy made it out and they're hunting for him.

    Just another day in America. LOL




    lol jesus what a day..

    our shop sits next to a school which had an explosive device planted on it today too


    I was wondering what all the police were doing...






    State police are asking for the public’s help after an improvised explosive device was found on a Radford University intramural field.

    A university maintenance worker found the device Wednesday near a trashcan at the volleyball court. Around 12 p.m. Wednesday, state police bomb technicians arrived at Radford University and rendered the device safe a short time later.
    The incident is still being investigated by Virginia State Police and Radford University police.




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