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Posts posted by Psychotronic

  1. 8 minutes ago, goDel said:

    Thanks. Seen the autopsy thing. Is an interesting view.

    So the gist is that the guy from that other vid thinks he found a way to cure covid-19. He's describing a process to cure the disease, right? 

    Not sure I'd consider that a reason for vaccines not being needed. Or rather, I'm sure that's not the right conclusion to draw from that vid. 

    Not a cure, but maybe a way to take the severity out of the disease.

    I'm not sure either, but a little spark of hope is nice in these times.



  2. 1 hour ago, goDel said:

    So the summary why we might not have to wait for a vaccine is....

    seriously people, this doesn't need to be difficult. remember einstein? 

    • “If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself.”

    edit: not interested in following a course when i'm only interested in the summary.

    Okay, let me try. There are chemical processes in the body that process O2 and the foods we're eating. There are certain conditions and genetic predispositions that can lead to a off balance in that system, so that when it's attack by covid (via ACE2 receptors, which are part of that system) collapses faster and much harder. The collapse leads to a wide range of symptoms but it seems that the most severe is actually a thrombosis in the arteries that connect heart and lungs, that causes a heavy under-saturation of o2 in the blood and blood clots moving through the body damaging organs.

    He now thinks that NAC - N-Acethyl-L-Cystein could help to re-balance that system and also act against the thrombosis because it also has proven to work as a blood thinner in clinical tests. He then goes through a lot of papers to support his theory.

    More about the thrombosis findings is talked about in this video...




  3. 4 minutes ago, goDel said:

    so, in other words, there is no gist. ok thanks O_o

    There kinda is, but he uses like 10 videos to explain the basics so you be half way able to understand what he's talking about. But there is also no solution, just a hypothesis. He also introduces a lot of papers.

  4. 2 minutes ago, goDel said:

    whats the gist of that vid, btw. it started out with those chemistry blabla without a clear conclusion. couldn't be arsed to sit out the technical arguments before coming to the actual conclusion. anyone presenting their conclusions this way, isn't used to communicating science more broadly, imo.

    This is a series for med students. They don't need that. Watch the whole thing if you wanna dig deeper.


  5. 1 hour ago, MaartenVC said:

    In Europe, a lot of Countries are starting to ease the lockdown measures as new cases decrease.
    Business owners welcome this, they want to make (more) money.
    People seem to be fed up with the lockdown.

    Governments should decide how many (sick, poor, elderly, and innocent) humans (=citizens) are worth the sacrifice.
    What can governments tolerate? What can the people tolerate? What can hyper-capitalists tolerate? It's a triumvirate.

    Smaller second wave incoming in about 1-2 weeks.
    Question is not if it will come, but when and how bad it will be.
    We will be slightly better prepared because most medical equipment is present.

    Immunity against covid-19 is still something we are not sure about.
    Covid-19-waves might be an ongoing thing for the foreseeable future.
    Maybe face-masks, distancing and hand-washing will be permanent.
    Mass-vaccination is still some time away.
    Hope the virus doesn't mutate too hard.

    Let's see how things enfold...

    Could be that we don't need a vaccine.


    I have personal reason to believe that he's on the right track. That was the last thing i tried before covid loosened its grip on me. (Just an opinion.)


  6. Fehler


    Du wähntest dich in Sicherheit

    Und warst auch kompromissbereit

    Der Fehler der dir unterlief,

    Bis Opa dann für immer Schlief

    Den dachtest hättst du abgestellt

    Und deine Umwelt auch erhellt

    Doch nun zeigt sich am Ende dann

    Auch du trägst grau beim Sensenmann.

  7. 34 minutes ago, dingformung said:

    Do you have more examples of these politics?


    Here in Germany people getting fatigued by being careful it seems. When this whole thing started people were barely on the streets, now it's almost back to normal. Might be the nicer weather. Still, death count is rising and all the work that's been done and all the discipline to contain the pandemic right now is on the line. People are getting careless and the situation could soon become the same as in the Netherlands and Belgium.

    Das wird alles eskalieren... Zeit zu preppen.

    • Farnsworth 1
  8. 2 hours ago, rhmilo said:

    Likewise, don't grow soft fruit in city parks. Those are called "pee pee berries" for a reason.

    that's actually a good thing to discuss. What to grow where? Any insights? What plants grow fast and have a lot of proteins? We need them pretty soon i guess.

  9. 6 hours ago, Zeffolia said:

    guerilla gardening is good, except don't plant edibles in areas near roads, highways, or any area with water running over non-natural land which may have oil, gas, and pesticide runoff.  it's better to not have a berry bush growing on land like that, because you're better off eating nothing than eating those berries

    I agree. :ok:

  10. Well, in my opinion we should throw around seeds in all areas where human beings live, in all the green spaces that could work for the seeds. Just guerilla bomb them during the nights, while it's raining and let stuff grow wild. Flood the towns with food, it needs to grow on every corner. Garden's for just you and your family won't help if million's of people around you are starving and have access to weapons.

  11. 3 hours ago, bendish said:

    Guess we shouldn't only pile scorn on poor yokel evangelical deliverance types. The educated elites also sound pretty stupid in some cases as well.


    Man... wow.

    Both of them should be dragged down to methadone mile, to share some nice needles with the fellow people that live on that street. They can be easily spotted in front of the Harvard Sqr T entrance.

    If you can't look beyond your own nose to see that much of the problems that you see in the US right now is a systemic failure, then please hide in silence and don't ask people to fucking sacrifice themselves.

    Think of a way to change the system, so it doesn't have these problems anymore.

    Any luxury can be based on capitalism. Any basic needs for survival need to be publicly founded, NGO or whatever... These won't make money and they never should. They make our lives better... simple.

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