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Posts posted by Psychotronic

  1. @xox:


    Interessting. For a better understanding of all facts i am forced to say the following. I did not target for any head in particular. I just opened my channels and this head created itself using my hands and my eyes.

  2. I just though lynch was tryin to process a bad acid trip, using all these reoccuring elements, like the red carpets, the tranforming women and all the other little things in most of his works. I hope you know, that you just fucked up my weekend. Gaaaawddamn, now i need to rewatch everything and put this information into place.


    FUCK! Does Bob have characteristic traits, that the Mephisto and Cowboy also have?

  3. I think he mentions in the book Lynch on Lynch that Lost Highway takes place in the same universe as Twin Peaks?

    WTF?! Then Mulholland Drive also plays in the same universe. The cowboy and the mephisto dude are exactly the same entity, both also have the same skills.

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