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Lada Laika

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Lada Laika

  1. the notes aren't flat, that's just how colundi sounds
  2. "we're on your side!" yelled the white trust fundie from his beer pong table as people die in the streets
  3. now what am i supposed to do with all these failure to launch memes where i swap out matthew mccongogohoylyly with elon musk
  4. https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/29/us/george-floyd-new-video-officers-kneel-trnd/index.html
  5. After much insistence I finally watched Avatar: The Last Airbender. I almost gave up midway through Season 2 but the Ba Sing Se arc is actually fantastic and I ended up appreciating the show on the whole. But I'm now 3 seasons into Legend of Korra and it is a far superior show in almost every way (some questionable animation by a secondary studio in Season 2 aside).
  6. The prequels told a bad, but new story poorly. The sequels told the original trilogy's story again, but poorly. I'll take the former any day of the week. Also the prequel memes are better. Also Ewan McGregor.
  7. also what the fuck year is it? this is a thread that would get started in 2002, not 2020. get a hold of yourselves.
  8. My monitor died today and I was real cheesed about it until I realized I had been using the same one since 2010.
  9. Not really understanding the hate in this thread, the album is pretty good. Agreed that "Mequetrefe" is a highlight, as well as the entire run from "Afterwards" through "Rip the Slit."
  10. all the articles i've seen have gone on to list over half a dozen additional people getting vetted. the klobuchar thing is such a non-story. people are getting burnt out from COVID news so the media is just trying to stir shit up.
  11. Gonna pile on here and say that yeah S1E1 is the only episode actually worth watching. It's basically just a Darabont zombie movie, and the abrupt plummet in quality in episode 2 is fucking hilarious.
  12. Pike was one of the best aspects of Discovery season 2 tbh. I'll be cautiously excited about this (although I'm on record as enjoying Picard and being a glutton for punishment)
  13. The only way The Thing could have been better is if MacReady was played by Jesse Eisenberg
  14. This pandemic may succeed in making me quit smoking. How am I supposed to look cool at gigs now? Thanks Sean.
  15. Rewatched Community (skipped s4) and s6 is a lot better than I remember. Or maybe that’s the edible talking
  16. I’ve generally been in good spirits lately so I was wondering when my soul would get kicked in the fucking teeth.
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