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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. um, i watched this "unexpected violent tongue eruption" video which is a person getting the thing on/under their tongue drained from puss and i'm now broken. it's not gore.. it's gross. the tongue gets sliced in swollen part and it's like a water fountain of puss comes shooting out of the person's mouth. of course it was on reddit in r/popping which i now know exists and is not about break dancing. i thought about posting it here as a spoiler but no. you'll have to go find it on reddit if you're into that.
  2. wait a few days then get tested. i think they say wait 5 days at least. some people don't show symptoms for up to 10 days
  3. https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/08/politics/mike-lee-tommy-tuberville-trump-misdialed-capitol-riot/index.html really was a coup attempt. Putin popping open some champagne
  4. there will be T like Q who speaks for trump and have a whole bunch of followers or something stupid.
  5. on a smoothie break i just saw a clip of 700 Club debunking the rumors that the people who stormed the capitol were antifa or a communist conspiracy. even showing photos of the people at past events and calling them out as Qanon and white nationalists. i hope all the olds are watching that shit and soaking it up.
  6. i wonder if Big T is banned from The Melania?
  7. he also can't pardon himself for taxes owed. he can't pardon himself out of financial ruin. at a minimum he's going to pay lawyers millions for years to represent him in court.
  8. just didn't see this coming. lols. spitting lies for 4 years is like a boomerang
  9. i'm aware of it and think about it often. i'll try to sprinkle those thoughts on the next pizza. pandemic lockdown is weird when in a bubble of 1.
  10. i ate 3 pounds of cheese covered potatoes. then, i took all the tracks in folders and dipped those folders into cheese and deep fried them.. then i rolled them in a pizza with ranch dressing.. then i ate the pizza. now, i will never shit again and my tracks will rot in my bowels with cheesy potato ranch dressing pizza. one day when i die and shit myself the sound will be an immense roar or overlapping all at once tracks playing all at the same time.. their degraded data cheese forever corrupted laying a curse upon any ears within range.
  11. i would get the vaccine even if it could only be injected in the peener or vagene.
  12. and the Qanon shit got picked up by "essential oils" anti-vax moms in the suburbs and karens.
  13. er, eventually. but the millions of jews probably feel different.
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