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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. was generally low income people dealing with complex problems of their situation/life/town/industry. it's that thing when they would ask someone about obamacare and they'd say it was dumb and should go away then the reporter would ask about the affordable care act and medicaid expansion and the same people would say how much that's helped them and saved their lives or whatever... facepalm. republican/foxnews etc messaging worked very well with all that. also what usually happens.. a bunch of things get passed during a democrats administration.. those things take a few years to roll out and benefit people.. that democrat doesn't get re-elected.. then things get good for some people and they attribute it to the republican who just took office a month ago.
  2. yeah.. just general gripes about the forever long election season, the news cycle and all the spin and fucking "swing voters" who can't find their way out of a wet paper bag. wasnt 538 famously wrong about enough things in 2016 to catch some shade? i remember various breakdowns of all that.. maybe they were right but only about popular vote.. but wrong about swing states and stuff. i've seen several interviews and stories about people in various rural and small towns and even edges of larger places in the midwest where people say "things were better under trump because a loaf of bread is thru the roof expensive now!" and shit like that. people ready to vote against their own interests.. as is the american way.
  3. i fucking hate all this shit. i hate the polls. i hate the predictions. i hate the swing states and i hate the electoral college. it's all bullshit. i fucking hate it. i hate it.
  4. haha! more google news https://www.hindustantimes.com/business/google-layoffs-sundar-pichai-led-company-fires-entire-python-team-for-cheaper-labour-101714379453603.html Google layoffs: Google has laid off several employees in the past few weeks. The company witnessed recent cuts in its Python section as the entire team was laid off owing to Google's plan to reduce costs by hiring less expensive labor outside the United States,
  5. idk.. i have pretty much everything on vinyl but not all the remixes.. have some. have a bunch of their stuff on CD too.. also have things like "we are are why" on vinyl. randomly grabbed it off the warp store back in the day. OG Eps on vinyl but some are in rough shape. most good though. also have the limited special metal case version of Quaristice and DVD/CD of gantz graf.. i don't have any lego feet.. but have bunch of gescom of course. i should put it in a pile and take one of those photos wearing hunting gear and displaying my bounty
  6. a good 30 minutes of shitting on musk and tesla
  7. Same shit different company. Replace the people who know how to do things with toadies who manage profits but don’t give a shit about anything else. Fucking fucks. Like Boeing or GE or whatever.
  8. the nuts and bolts of all the things. big picture stuff about human beings as a "super organism" and all that nate hagens type stuff. well done documentary focusing a lot on perspective and shifting that to something based in reality of the human predicament. edit:
  9. jfc they're all lunatics. that article is hilarious. the "greys" and "blues" thing is just absurd. where do these assholes get such shitty ideas? “Balaji has the highest rate of output per minute of good new ideas of anybody I’ve ever met,” wrote Marc Andreessen, co-founder of the V.C. firm Andreessen-Horowitz,
  10. country music's 2 Live Crew. NSFW language
  11. slick and well done video about why evangelicals are fucking crazy and how they're funding settlers in west bank etc. there's a part two
  12. i think that's all arguable and that's what she's doing. but whatever ymmv. maybe watch the whole video though ?
  13. here ya go. this is where ya turn to get cool the angst from jocks
  14. thats the first one i've seen and dude even post it on a forum "i released an album created w/Ai." ugh. "there's gonna be so much shit art" - already is but now it's gonna be people writing prompts thinking they have some special sauce. we all know the special sauce. anyway.. i took the opportunity in that thread to post those two Ai youtubes that take it all to task as the shitshow it is...
  15. and here we go https://uhuhtapes.bandcamp.com/album/a-i-explorations We Are The Music Makers | Volume One by Various
  16. ignatius


    more spoilers. thoughtful analysis of things and the layers built in to the direction. it's a bit cynical at times but thoughtful
  17. Overtime winner from last night. the guy who scored this goal has 5 OT winners in the playoffs in his career in only 14 OT games. there's 6 other players on that list but w/many more games. dude is clutch in the playoffs. anyway.. nice goal. he out waits the goalie then backhand roofs it. i don't think he meditates but he could?.. experience and muscle memory. kinda ridiculous goal.
  18. if you make grilled cheese sandwich... before you put the cheese on the bread put a bit of apple butter or your favorite jam (something tart works well but apple butter has a different kick) on the bread then put the cheese on then put it in the pan.. you'll get a nice mix of savory salty buttery bread with melted cheese and a touch of the jam flavor in there. works well w/aged white cheddar cheese and swiss. i just ate one made w/a bit of aged white cheddar and a bit of baby swiss w/apple butter on each slice of bread. it was quite good. i've also made it w/a thing layer of marion berry jam as well. quite good.
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