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  1. My mate and I always used to always try to get to a couple of gigs I the UK when they did tours, usually London/Brighton and Manchester/Nottingham. Kinda miss doing that (and albums too but dont feel I can add anything to that thread). Did go to both London shows in 22 though. That was ace.
  2. Sooo...ive been messing around in M4L for the last few weeks making a few objects and made an FM synth, although I'll be buggered if i can get the amp env to work. Still, I managed to make a track with it.
  3. Thanks for your kind words. Funnily enough, both were written with putting a live set in mind.
  4. More glitchy IDM. All done with Operator in Ableton 11.
  5. Untitled


  6. Soooo....it's been a while. Ive been working at my tunes on and off, and I was rather pleased with this.....bit Autechrey but happy with the progression.
  7. Whoop! A friend managed to snag us tix!
  8. Tickets for Manchester sold out in minutes Seriously, Sean and Rob if you're reading this, please either do more dates or play bigger venues.
  9. Here's mine. All albums and singles on vinyl. Bass Cadet box set above. Also have American Bass Cadet 12 too. Two versions of Envane; Laughing Quarter with alternate endings Ae + Hafler Trio vinyl box set out of view. The records to the right are all Ae remixes (others are in my collection but with respective label collections), and Gescom (excluding Skam releases).
  10. Might be my favourite from the entire NTS sessions. 6 years on, and I still have no idea what its doing!
  11. A mate just moved to Brussels for work, so naturally 3 of us are coming over from the UK for the gig. It'd be rude not to, right?
  12. I keep listening to the recording of the second show. I can confidently state that the last 20 mins or so is the best Ae ever (IMO)
  13. Just got back home after the weekend. What a blinder! I was lucky enough to get tix for both shows. First show was brutal and pummeling at times. As others have said, the total darkness making for some strange feelings. I was hallucinating slightly, seeing things in the dark, and my ears were playing tricks on me (or were they?), and I lost all perception of time. We were in the second row down the front off to the left, and I was worried the sound would be a bit pants but it sounded incredible. For the second show we were up right at the top, pretty much center on the front row. I was hoping would be able to spot any subtle differences from the first set, but my hopes came true when they played a completely different set. The last 20 mins or so is some of the best Ae I have ever heard. There is a definite progression in their sound. ZF were also top, though I wast keen on the fluty/panpipey last track. Top comedy moment for me was a lady finding her seat and saying as she passed "There are a lot of men here" (I replied "Yeah, its a total sausage fest)....oh and Mike Ps footwear! Sean and Rob, if you're reading this. Cheers fellas. This was the first time I have seen you where the playing in the dark really worked. I was dubious about the gig being seated, but fuck, the total and complete darkness really spun my head. Thanks!
  14. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02rZrtPksBggt87KcDxQN8ep6sbNnRurTEdjpFJWiN4VgW7G3wB5yc7QkyQLx4jhfvl&id=100044325373634&eav=AfZcQb7oT6p94POfEbbLd2Qrlyjr6zaU1lu6ZQ2IGaw2-2hQzzPMU7wfzC3KOgzoVdE&m_entstream_source=feed_mobile&anchor_composer=false&paipv=0
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