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Posts posted by Kidrodi



    Oh sorry I'm dumb lol

    But yeah my other cat ('Flaubert') is kinda that way

    Whenever he seems kinda depressed I try to expose him to safe novelty

    Like opening a seltzer bottle next to him

    Or putting him in a part of the apartment that he doesn't normally go

    (Like up on top of the cupboards)

    And within a couple hours he's running around, ready to play





    Yeah, that's extactly what I do too! Especially the showing him places part. I always pick him up and put him somewhere weird or I'll open the window and let him look at the birds and stuff.

    I don't know if I do it consciously to cheer him up or anything, I just want him to be happy at all times. He probably doesn't care though lol

    Your cats' names are phenomenal btw





    what an adventurous individual.


    my cat once got the courage to get on top of the ledge of our 2nd floor balcony and dropped cause he got scared of the vacuum or something (can't remember it was like 7 years ago). He landed on the laundry rack fortunately but ended up developing some kind of ptsd and rejected all emotion in his life and did nothing but sleep after that.


    so he ended up being like me in the end so it's alright




    1) Yeah...Moe "Meow" Tucker (that's her name lol) actually takes naps up on the door almost daily...she splays her limbs out for stability and then literally fall asleep


    2) regarding PTSD:





    You and your cat share a limbic system (among lots of other stuff), and what happens when you suffer any sort of traumatic anomaly is that it 'teaches' you that all anomalies are painful and full of snakes, so probably best to avoid them as much as possible.

    (But of course you can't actually avoid them entirely, so the anomalies you DO encounter cause you stress and anxiety because your amygdala just assumes those anomalies are full of snakes because that's a much better evolutionary strategy than exposing oneself to potential danger or death)


    The solution is actually very simple (conceptually, at least) for you (and your cat, too!): gradually and voluntarily exposure yourself to anomalies (i.e. things that cause you stress and anxiety), so you can 'map' them and thus determine how to act upon them. (Q: Why do people look both ways when they cross the street? A: To gain information about the environment in order to 'map' it and thus safely act within/upon it)


    The anomalies that you should expose yourself to could be memories, they could be specific people or the social world at large, they could be the uncertain future, they could be certain places, and it doesn't really matter what or where it is: as far as your amygdala and hippocampus are concerned, they're all just anomalies in the 'phenomenological field' that need solving/analyzing/mapping.


    But anyway, the goal isn't to convince your limbic system that the world ISN'T full of snakes, but rather that yes the world is full of snakes but you are evolved especially to slay dragons (otherwise your ancestors would've failed and you wouldn't be here in the first place)


    Anyway, good luck

    (and feel free to PM me if there's ever anything I can do to help)








    I should clarify I don't have ptsd if that's what you understood? I was refering to my cat being like me as in he sleeps all day and that.

    In any case that was actually very helpful advise, thanks very much.

    I'm going to assume you're a psychologist and I didn't waste your time with that haha



  3. 90fef089225c1218d1aea9721ebdf75e.jpg


    what an adventurous individual.


    my cat once got the courage to get on top of the ledge of our 2nd floor balcony and dropped cause he got scared of the vacuum or something (can't remember it was like 7 years ago). He landed on the laundry rack fortunately but ended up developing some kind of ptsd and rejected all emotion in his life and did nothing but sleep after that.


    so he ended up being like me in the end so it's alright

  4. Snowden


    It's cool. You get to know more about his personal life and what led him to do what he did etc.

    The love interest part was fucking annoying through out the whole movie though imo such a waste of a character.

    But it's cool.


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