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Posts posted by EXTRASUPER81

  1. Nah this is going on AE Originals playlist IV, which is growing nicely now.


    III ended with Syptixed so IV has the two Touched tracks and the Tron thing etc

    I still don't have the Tron track, where can I pick it? Is it just a case of looking into my soul to find what I seek?

  2. I like when they release tracks by themselves. Lets you bask and give it your full attention.


    Not to say that you can't do that with, say, 8 hour releases. But there is so much to take in with a most autechre tracks, taking time to zoom in on certain single tracks is my favourite way of listening. Especially cos my attention span is shot.


    For instance, I would not have noticed how amazing icari is had I not taken the time to listen to it in isolation due to the fatigue of having listened nearly to nearly 2 (or 6) hours of music beforehand.

  3. I remember an interview of that time, 2005 where SB was asked about favorite stuff of the moment and his answer was smth like "meh i don't dig this modern stuff much but mr. oizo moustache is awesome". And Untilted actually feels like that, some kind of reinterpretation in 'chre style.

    Huh, i must have missed that interview, Analog Worms Attack is possibly my favourite album, still so fresh to my ears 20 years on.

  4. i'm not privy to any inside info, but based on their interviews i would bet autechre’s current rig is something very similar to this:


    it is a modular system built in Max. super powerful & flexible. tons of modules exist for it:


    every module you load is instantly aware of all other loaded modules and can send/receive audio & control data to/from them. you don't need to physically connect anything in Max with patch cords. it's all 'wireless' so to speak.
 and of course since this is Max you can go in and alter the modules if you want or create your own from scratch. but it is also totally possible to use this system even if you are a complete Max noob as everything is already programmed.

    best part is you can save everything as a preset. once you get a collection of modules loaded up & interconnected how you like, store a preset in the main host module & it will be able to recall everything, even where you placed each module on your screen. the individual modules can store their own presets as well.

    i used to use this a lot back in the day and found it very powerful & quick to work with once you understood the basics and how the interface is organized. not as slick as something like Reaktor but more tweakable, extensible, and it’s also free.


    Ppooll is ace, easy to set up rigs for live stuff too. Initially steep learning curve (at least for non-programmers or coming only from DAW based work) but once you get a grip on the basics it's easy to experiment with.


    Not great for beat based stuff but can be turned to it, just not a natural fit.


    I'm fairly certain that t1a1 (NTS opening track) is homage to Scorn. But I could be wrong.

    I think you will be wrong. The last time somebody made that comparison sean was like 'lol no you fool eat a dick' - direct quote

    Would it be fair to say he scorned it?

  6. Re: the vinyl thing... i packed up my turntable and set up about this time last year and really slowed down buying vinyl over the last 2-3 years. I still have picked up a couple records a year from my favourite artists (picked up the Aphex, Ae re issues, Neurosis re issues) and am starting to question whether or not i will continue to do this. But, i still envision setting it back up again when i have a bit more space and enjoying those records.


    I used to think it did sound better on vinyl, but now i don't really care. I see people listening to vinyl on shitty set ups which is quite absurd.


    The majority of my music listening occurs via streaming services and i am one of these people that still continues to purchase the music i enjoy from artists despite accessing it using a subscription - because i feel its worth more and the artists should be paid. Why is this a bad thing again?


    Also, was the general consensus that the margins would be higher on the digitals than the physicals for the artists / labels?

    You are basically me in this regard, more or less.

  7. I just gave icari my full undivided attention. Attention was paid for in spades.




    Holy shit, it's incredible. It's like a whole self contained album. There's so much I can barely even start, it's fucking rapturous. Every time you think it's given all it's going to give it goes somewhere else.


    There's stuff in there that calls me back I think to all parts of their discography, while being it's own thing completely.


    I could go on but I'll stop there.

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