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Posts posted by EXTRASUPER81




    I apologize for the slight derailment of this awesome thread... It's great seeing what albums you all hold up as the 'top of the top'.

    You should feel deeply ashamed for your terrible mistake.


    ban this sick filth


    Down with this sort of thing!


    Careful now.


    Edit: o ffs




    But on the second thought it's just good-sounding bullshit with no real meaning.

    I think that's a big part of the problem with media attention on Ae at this point in their career though, maybe purposefully coinciding with less 'big' promotion and officially Warp-machine-backed releases...it's all pretty useless. You've got a few young/new-to-the-scene kids I'm sure, but most people at this point know who they are, they are modern fixtures, really. Pillars of electronic music really, that's not fanboy-ism but just realistically looking at it. How do you review an 8 hour album of new music from them that's so varied and without narrative or obvious reference? It's literally just named after the outlet it was released via: NTS Sessions. That's it. Every session and every track is varied and only really worth talking about it reference to other of their own tracks...you can't compare pretty much any of it to anything else except a few slight nods/influences/whatever. It's just Autechre being Autechre and so how can you review it or media-blitz it? Would that help at all? Maybe help move some units once the extra copies of CDs and vinyls hit the shops in a couple months, but other than that are they going to gain any fans or sales or whatever by a bunch of reviews? I'm mostly just shitting in the dark and speculating but I really think the effort vs. return on promo/interviews/reviews/bullshit isn't worth it.
    Maybe? Who knows. If there is no promotion, because everyone knows who the bois are, then this would imply that they aren't expanding their fanbase and aren't appealing to younger listeners, innit? That would be a shame. It was somehow confirmed when I saw them during the AE_LIVE and One Six tour (Kraków, Katowice, London), where each time the average age of the audience was over 30s....


    Is Autechre relevant to younger generations then?

    I've seen plenty of younger/new fans even just here on WATMM that didn't know who Ae were before 10 years ago (or less in some cases) and that's great...I think in most cases it seems to be happening pretty organically, just being into similar stuff and getting recommendations online, or wherever, maybe some of that is coming from Pitchfork/etc. reviews? There's seem to be plenty of 'new' fans for sure, one way or another.
    They have been around for 30 odd years now, and have an extremely loyal grassroots following, it's not surprising that the majority of their audience is dudes over 30 (for better or worse their music does seem to appeal to guys more).


    Given that they've never (except perhaps in the case of Amber) tried to meet their listenership halfway, coupled with a pretty imposing discography and no consensus on the best point of entry, it's not surprising that there aren't newer/younger fans appearing in their droves. But that's not to say that they don't exist. It's just, as auxien says, more of an organic uptake.


    That being said, who knows what's going on in Japan? I've read interviews with Japanese artists (can't recall who, ages back) who said they are basically mainstream there. Whatever mainstream means in the context of Japan.



    But on the second thought it's just good-sounding bullshit with no real meaning.

    I think that's a big part of the problem with media attention on Ae at this point in their career though, maybe purposefully coinciding with less 'big' promotion and officially Warp-machine-backed releases...it's all pretty useless. You've got a few young/new-to-the-scene kids I'm sure, but most people at this point know who they are, they are modern fixtures, really. Pillars of electronic music really, that's not fanboy-ism but just realistically looking at it. How do you review an 8 hour album of new music from them that's so varied and without narrative or obvious reference? It's literally just named after the outlet it was released via: NTS Sessions. That's it. Every session and every track is varied and only really worth talking about it reference to other of their own tracks...you can't compare pretty much any of it to anything else except a few slight nods/influences/whatever. It's just Autechre being Autechre and so how can you review it or media-blitz it? Would that help at all? Maybe help move some units once the extra copies of CDs and vinyls hit the shops in a couple months, but other than that are they going to gain any fans or sales or whatever by a bunch of reviews? I'm mostly just shitting in the dark and speculating but I really think the effort vs. return on promo/interviews/reviews/bullshit isn't worth it.

    Maybe? Who knows. If there is no promotion, because everyone knows who the bois are, then this would imply that they aren't expanding their fanbase and aren't appealing to younger listeners, innit? That would be a shame. It was somehow confirmed when I saw them during the AE_LIVE and One Six tour (Kraków, Katowice, London), where each time the average age of the audience was over 30s....


    Is Autechre relevant to younger generations then?

    Not like Ed Sheeran is. Poor wee bastards.


    But on the second thought it's just good-sounding bullshit with no real meaning.

    I think that's a big part of the problem with media attention on Ae at this point in their career though, maybe purposefully coinciding with less 'big' promotion and officially Warp-machine-backed releases...it's all pretty useless. You've got a few young/new-to-the-scene kids I'm sure, but most people at this point know who they are, they are modern fixtures, really. Pillars of electronic music really, that's not fanboy-ism but just realistically looking at it. How do you review an 8 hour album of new music from them that's so varied and without narrative or obvious reference? It's literally just named after the outlet it was released via: NTS Sessions. That's it. Every session and every track is varied and only really worth talking about it reference to other of their own tracks...you can't compare pretty much any of it to anything else except a few slight nods/influences/whatever. It's just Autechre being Autechre and so how can you review it or media-blitz it? Would that help at all? Maybe help move some units once the extra copies of CDs and vinyls hit the shops in a couple months, but other than that are they going to gain any fans or sales or whatever by a bunch of reviews? I'm mostly just shitting in the dark and speculating but I really think the effort vs. return on promo/interviews/reviews/bullshit isn't worth it.
    Pillars? Monoliths.


    I agree with everything you are saying here, and I don't think that's fanboyism.


    I think the RA review where it said style: Autechre pretty much nailed it. They are their own idiom. The only context within which you can make any judgement is against their past work.


    It's like trying to rate a tree.


    That being said, as far as it goes I still think that review is a good effort. Some slightly iffy speculation wr to working processes but other than that, fine. I expect the rating is just tacked on editorially anyway.

  5. For me all Autechre albums are the best, so my list is not a best-to-worst, but a favourite list. I mean only triggered by my emotional connection to the album.


    1. Chiastic Slide

    2. EP7

    3. "LP5"

    4. NTS Sessions 1-4

    5. Oversteps/Move of Ten

    6. Quaristice

    7. Confield

    8. Tri Repetae

    9. elseq 1-5

    10. Amber

    11. Draft 7.30

    12. Incunabula

    13. Untilted


    I doesn't included Exai, because I still don't own it (should be changed for next week) and only listened to it superficially on the subway in mp3 through the phone. AE_Live is missing also, I need to find the time to swallow that whale...

    Don't swallow whole, it's a lot to digest.


    I don't think I could order autechre albums like this. I mean I think some I could, but mostly they all speak time in different ways.


    People not counting album length EPs here? I mean EP7 I totally think of as an album. Move Of Ten feels more like 2 EPs tho, but that may only be cos I have it on vinyl.

    My mistake, you said whale.


    Don't swallow it whale either.

  6. More or less as good a review as possible I think, given the unprecedented circumstances (that is an 8 hour album by artists in a field of one). Rating to one decimal place notwithstanding.


    Interesting choice of reviewer in Nos, given he's more generally known for writing about hip hop. Obviously knows his autechral onions.




    I've found this old topic... I'm quite new here, so let me introduce myself:


    I've first listened to Autechre back in spring 1998 as a friend of mine chose Rettic Ac and Tewe as soundtrack for a school-project film. I fell immediately in love with this music, and the same summer I bought Chiastic Slide and some months later LP5 too.

    I listened to many Warp artists and other electronic music for the following couple of years, but my favs were Autechre and Squarepusher.

    Some years later I joined some kind of cult, and I was kinda forced to abandonned this music and sell all my CDs.

    After that I listened only to early classical music, which I still love.

    I got out from this cult luckily and tried to find back my way to the things I love.

    The time to rediscover Autechre come a few months ago, I pirated some albums down, and listened to it on my phone sometimes. After some time I knew that I still love this music, so I've decided to buy them all. At this time only Exai is still missing, but should arrive this week.

    And there was a strange coincidence: end of March I bought my first Autechre CDs, Chiastic Slide (again) and Oversteps. In April I bought several other Ae CDs, and just a week later NTS Sessions were announced on the Ae-store! The same time I find back to Autechre a new album is released!

    You joined a cult? What kind of cult was that if you don't mind explaining, sounds like an interesting story. Of course you don't have to say anything, but I'm curious
    Not a 'real' cult, but kinda. I don't know if you ever heard about 'transcendential traditionalism' - is based on some books back from the 40s and 50s, written by these guys René Guénon and Julius Evola and that kind of stuff. So there was this little group of traditonalists and I got into it, found it interesting and so on.

    And this Guénon guy had this theory that the world is getting far from a desired state of Tradition, and blamed renaissance for it. (Now it sounds ridicolous for me, but then I digged it.)

    So to be consequent we tried to abbandon a lot of stuff that represented the "modern spirit" - inculding art, so music also.

    I didn't really joined the group hereafter, was always more individual, but it took time for me to shook off the impact.

    Hmm, okay. Weird what ideas can do

    Yeah, books have a lot to answer for. Burn them all I say.

  8. I obtained a heap of music from a college network including Autechre. At the time i was really into big beat and was starting to get into breaks and jungle. Was 20 years old when exposed to Squarepusher and Aphex and immediately warmed to things like Hard Normal Daddy and Windowlicker / Classics. I only delved into Tri Rep and Chiastic and just thought it sounded too cold and alien at the time. Became a big Aphex and Squarepusher fan over the coming years (Drukqs, Ultravisitor) and gave Ae another listen when Untilted came out. It completely blew my mind and i went and bought up the discography immediately and never looked back!


    Quaristice was the first album to be released when i was already a fan and hearing those first chords was a lush experience

    This is very close to me, including the sort of music I was into when I first heard ae, aphex etc when I went to Uni, around the release of Confield I think. Still got a lot of love for the Chemical Brothers and the 1st Bentley Rhythm Ace album. And Depth Charge of course, Lust 2 is among my favourite albums still.


    I liked Amber but found Tri Rep really hard (which sounds really strange when I listen to it now). The first thing that clicked bigly tho was probably LP5.



    NTS4 is such a high quality release. I think it will go down as one of the more unanimous releases among ae fans, despite the understandable misgivings on live broadcast.


    My dog of nearly 14 years had to be put down on Tuesday, and column thirteen was the final track I heard whilst spending time with him a few hours earlier. That last mournful part on the track was unnerving.

    Sorry to hear about your dog :(

    yeah, condolences.

    Yeah man. Really sorry to hear that, it's a hard sad time losing a dog.




    Autechre neither make casual music, nor do they make music casually



    Is it possible to be more wrong?
    Haha, wonder if naming the tracks casual was trolling this review


    I'm way off the pace as usual


    Autechre neither make casual music, nor do they make music casually




    Is it possible to be more wrong?

    Haha, wonder if naming the tracks casual was trolling this review

  12. Well, I've almost completed my full listen of NTS. I've about 20 minutes left of all end, which I assume is pretty much the same as the preceding 40. (Primarily only listen to musix in the car these days)


    Can't wait to start the NTS cycle all over again from the beginning. These sessions will keep me well occupied for the rest of 2018. However, I think there's new Dr. Octagon now, which I should probably check out at some point. But obviously it's been completely eclipsed by Ae this past month.



    And new Sleep!


    Talking about hour long tracks...

  13. payday Friday - will there still be vinyls left? also im already lookiin forward to my next 8hr flight for total Ae immersion in a tight metal tube

    God I hope so. Want so bad it makes me annoyed at myself for being such a fetishist.

  14. 9 chr0 reminds me of Osla for n: strange, industrial noises that fall into a groovy rhythm as the track progresses



    Time is out of joint my love

    still hoping that AE + EL-P collab is gonna happen some day

    AE / Danny Brown would kill it.


    Idea: set playback speed to 50% and now you have 16 hours of new autechre.

    Thanks! Finally found a way to listen to the whole set while driving to @work, will set playback speed to 48x
    Hmmmmm. tt1pd at 33. Hmmmmm.



  16. Sesh 3 sounds like a completely different entity on earphones, it almost takes on a new form. That's been the case for all of these. With MAX Ae are doing very strange things with music to make one listen sound alien to the next.

    I have found that hugely with all 3 so far.


    Also don't get the dislike on Splesh, it's a propa banga.

  17. Theory: g 1 e 1 is intended to be played at a quiet volume.


    I've played it in several modalities (car, small speakers. main stereo rig, headphones) and it always has passages that buzz/distort on the speakers when you blast it. This was bugging me, so I found the volume level where this never happens. And POP, the track gets (even more) magical. I believe they designed it intentionally to be played at low volume. In addition to the speaker overload, the variances in volume flatten out at lower volume, and it is super quiet in sections to begin with with the faux fade outs. The main melody or whatever just has a more mysterious quality when it sounds distant and less in your face.


    Give it a try.

    I am only just getting to properly listen to S3, listening g1e1 loud I found it took on huge room filling holographic properties.


    Then I nodded off towards the end.


    Then nineFLY kicked in :o

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