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Posts posted by EXTRASUPER81

  1. On 11/15/2020 at 8:44 AM, Chabraendeky said:

    I don't know if his music is anything like Autechre's, but I recently learned to know the music of Ben Lukas Boysen, and he cites Ae as one of his inspirations:

    Sauce: https://www.erasedtapes.com/artist/ben-lukas-boysen

    Some of his works under the alias Hecq show the Ae influence more perhaps, but I like his works under his own name better. It's good as Autechre are, but it's not like Autechre.

    Just listening to his latest album now. I don't recognise Autechre in it, but it is fully, properly lush stuff.

    • Like 1
  2. So I had a dick around with the tracklist last night, ended up with:

    1. DekDre Scap B

    2. ecol4

    3. 7FM ic

    4. ii pre esc

    5. lux 106 mod

    6. marhide

    7. X4

    8. esle 0

    9. TM1 open


    I don't usually change tracklists, feel a bit presumptuous tbh. But I listened this morning and this worked well for me.




    P.S. ecol4 has everything I could ever want in one track.

    • Like 1
  3. Seconded, hope you good QBLA.

    At first listen to PLUS I was like aw yeah. This is what I want.

    A bit further along the line I can't help (like many here it seems) but feel like SIGN hangs much better as an "album", it's much more of a piece. But now I'm thinking that it may just be a matter of pacing/track sequencing. Like there's a bunch of short tracks to kick off, then 2 epics broken by one short track in the middle followed by a bunch of SIGN offcuts then a final epic. Feel like there's a puzzle there to take it apart and put it back together in a way that flows better as a piece. Feels a bit sacrilegious tho. Still I might have a go.

    • Like 1
  4. 11 hours ago, EXTRASUPER81 said:

    Damn this is great.

    I haven't really liked any of his albums since the (classic) trilogy, but this stands with them easily.

    Having said this, I haven't listened to anything since Steingarten. Now I'm listening to Wald and that's great too.

  5. 13 hours ago, digit said:

    this looks cool. i would remove the 'ae production booth/brown' part, tho. it is clear this is a replications of ae's work based on the title, but they themselves didn't actually work on this reproduction (other than supplying the patches of course) as it's a fan effort. i'm not sure if that credit would cause some legal issues with them or warp when we release this. :rtfm:  maybe 'replicated by ios / digit from patches supplied by autechre' or something like that.

    there definitely should be a shoutout to watmm on there somewhere also. i'm not sure how to word it. just to be clear that ios & i are members of watmm & that this whole thing was organized here on the forum.

    might be funny to put pictures of our avatars somewhere really small in the corner of each of the squares. ?


    Digitally Reclaimed

    • Like 2
  6. 3 hours ago, NED said:

    its been mentioned before, but 'DekDre Scap B' kinda invites speculations about them using deckard's dream, no?

    also, since bladerunnervibes are paramount in r cazt ?

    (just curious - thought it was exclusively maxmsp these days...)

    Well, Max/MSP doesn't preclude the use of samples - see Marhide and all those 808 cowbells (unless, of course, that's an 808 being triggered from Max. Or not triggered from Max).


    3 hours ago, Username said:

    Ok time for a schizopost...

    While Sean only mentioned 2 albums prepared during streams, you guys joking about a "purple" 3rd got me thinking about that solo LPs theory again. If the colors on Sign move from reddish to orange on a dark background, and the ones on Plus move from yellowish to green on a lighter background. What if there actually is indeed a third that goes from blueish to violet on a near white background with a title that is some abstraction on Rob. Making Plus the "together" part in the series. What's more, with the whole catalogue numbers both adding up to "14" maybe these releases are only the first of the two albums he mentioned and there is actually still a "15" in waiting too.


  7. 9 hours ago, jaderpansen said:

    ackchyually pretty sure it's avant garde (aka "the original"). notice how the bow of the e ends parallel to the head:


    as opposed to:


    gantz graf cover for reference:


    Excuse me while I die of shame

  8. 6 hours ago, Hugh Mughnus said:

    I think me and Mrs stevieG are going to listen to the album again tonight, make sure we properly absorb the more ambient tracks. 

    Me and Mrs EXTRASUPER are definitely not going to listen to SIGN together tonight, because we have not only opposed tastes in music, but opposed ideas about what music is, should be and is for haha.

    • Haha 4
  9. 12 hours ago, Amen Lare said:

    I hear more of Cocteau Twins' Beatrix in known(1), they played it in one of their marathon streams somewhere

    (and regarding SIGN -- F7 definitely resembles known(1) to me, that was my immediate reaction on the premiere, and not only mine, i recall somebody throwing known(2) comment)


    Yes! Nice spot

  10. 2 hours ago, xxx said:

    "Metaz form8" is a melodic first degree relative of "Bronchusevnmx24". I don't have my tools with me but, depending on the key, the two could be crossfaded into an epic celebration of mechanical gloom. I searched the thread to see if anyone else had picked up on that but I didn't see anything.

    A mate who is Autechre curious said he had heard the new one was like Amber. I was like nah but can see why they'd say that. But I'd say Garbage is a closer fit if you were looking for something with a similar atmosphere in their discography.

    • Like 1
  11. Philip Sherburne is alright.

    Don't necessarily agree with his take on more recent Autechre, the review of the album is p on point for most part. Goes a bit wild with the thesaurus.

    Prefer Nos' Pitchfork review of NTS, got the feeling he really knew where he was coming from.

  12. 7 minutes ago, jaderpansen said:

    thanks for sharing! dang, after reading that i want the full 2 hour conversation... very enlightening in places indeed!


    How do you feel about the album when you listen to it now?

    "It’s strangely jarring.[...]It’s difficult to listen to because it’s too emotionally resonant.[...]I’m reluctant to play it too much because I feel like that place it puts me in is perhaps a little bit too cathartic."




    Really, really do want the full conversation. It was like "is that it!?"

    • Like 6
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