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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. The essence of the universe is action. Action implies a relationship between two or more entities. That relationship determines what happens next, which determines another relationship, until you reach a state where there is no longer any change. This state of no change, however, does not last long, because when it occurs again another entity comes along and changes it. Thus, there is never an absence of change, but only a series of cycles based on recurring patterns (patterns that are themselves determined by repeated interactions).
  2. dingformung


    Borstiger Wurm, widerwärtiger borstiger & widerborstiger kleiner Wurm.
  3. dingformung


    I would squish Bob (gently of course). Then I would end world hunger, stop all wars and bring peace to the Middle East. I would make everyone know it's not okay to say those mean words that hurt people. I would change the world.
  4. dingformung


    I'd squish that then move on
  5. dingformung


    Some dog owners are kinda weird (especially those of very small, well-trained dogs). "Sit!" "Down!" What moves a human to drill/train an animal in that way when there is no material need for it? I think they have a similar relationship to other humans, too. Taking orders, giving orders. Believing in authority. Avoiding the responsibility to see the greater picture because they are in the safety of their hierarchy. "Hey, Cookie, it's not like I'm paying you." "Hey, Boss, I'm just doing my job." I can't believe the amount of money and time being spent on such a bullshit system. And yet, it's so much easier to believe in a dog's obedience than in a human's. It's so much easier to believe the little bitch knows her place than the big smartass kid! But then again, maybe it's because dogs are cute. Humans are not. Or not always. Or not if they look at you in that way. (That dog is so cute! That guy/girl is soooo NOT!) We can't be friends. You're not allowed to touch this. But then again, I'm kind of a trained dog myself, whether I want it or not.
  6. Also: - meanings of words change depending on context and individual - if the brain theory is true, then this theory could only be made via a brain, which is then used to read about brain theory, and the letters and words are created in the brain after a visual stimulus irritates the retina and only in the second step arise as an image (or a logical chain of images that we call "thought") in the brain (including neuroscience itself) - therefore using language/texts/speech (as in reading scientific research or even producing your own studies) won't enable you to explain anything in its entirety - a system like language can only refer to something that is within the limits of language, therefore reading about stuff can't teach you anything about things that are beyond the limits of language (which at the same time is constantly changing and shifting as there are no truly fixed definitions of words) A more plausible and meaningful (and also pleasant) way to "think" about this sort of stuff isn't in a scientific way (or in a "believing in science" way), but in an energetic/sensory way. Let words be words and books be books. Don't trust your own eyes, your memory and your future vision, your sense of time etc., or at least don't believe in the absolute truth of it. How do you describe the universe via a bird song? What's the difference between a bird song and human speech/text? Maybe there are no individuals but just a universal being that creates all these different individuals/costumes/personas to play with itself, out of nothingness/emptiness. If that's the case, nothing is a thing and everything is becoming. Which again, doesn't necessarily make any absolute sense, as we are using text again, and brains and vision as a brain function (if this is true, which isn't the actual question). This text is an unidentified object flying on the canvas of your vision. It's a bird, a plane, a black hole? Even if it's a bird, it's not the whole bird, just a part of the bird (and also its wings are out of sight, so it could be a plane or a black hole). Or is it just a picture of a bird? A picture of a bird that's also a bird?
  7. Individuals serve as the eyes of the cosmic being (a universal octopus) whose tentacles they are. They are his sense organs. You are responsible for communicating with other beings. They pause when necessary to listen and take in the messages of these other beings. Finally, when there is an answer, they may send it on in their own way.
  8. I want to hunt down hunters with an axe
  9. 1 ) The universe is finite. Its possibilities of arrangement are infinite, but the universe itself is not. 2 ) The universe isn't teeming with life, it itself is alive. 3 ) Spacetime is only a possibility of arrangement within the universe, it can fractalise into various other directions and non-directions. 4 ) The universe can't be understood in an absolute manner, neither through language and abstract thought, nor through experience (whereas the former is a subcategory of the latter). 5 ) The universe can be understood only through its own categories and processes. 6 ) The universe is not a mechanism, it's the flow of life. 7 ) The universe is not a totality, it's a process of becoming. 8 ) The universe is not a thing, but a becoming. It becomes through us and within us. 9 ) The universe is not a concept, but an active principle. It's an active principle that has become all that exists and can ever exist.
  10. In a revolution situation, which is a military situation, those who have the best initial position are most likely to turn the tides for their own benefit. A worldwide revolution would mostly benefit militarists and authoritarian governments. The idea of a united force of people that collectively break free from the shackles of dominion through a giant revolutionary act may seem beautiful, but it is bound to turn everything into a very unpredictable direction, most likely not a good one. I believe the best thing we can do is to continue to work on our own personal expression. We must continue to spread our ideas, but without the need to force it. We must never look down on others who have not yet realised what we already know, we must never think we are better than others because of our knowledge, and we must always keep an open mind. We must be ready to listen to others, even if we don’t agree with them. We must not be afraid of new ideas or new theories, as long as they are backed up by good arguments. We must be ready to question our own understanding, and never act as if we are the ultimate authority. We must be ready to accept criticism and change our views if we find that we have been wrong. Most of all, we must realise that all of us are connected, and by working together, we can make a truly positive change in this world.
  11. I honestly don't know how to change the world, it is a big complex mess (which is beautiful but hard to tame or indomitable), I suppose us humans can do our best by changing laws and education. Corporations that behave like giant psychopathic entities decoupled from humans and nature have to be kept in check by a competent government, responsible civilians and an honourable executive branch (that only uses its violence monopoly to control such psychopathic entities that have decoupled from the earth as one being) so production chains may become more ethical. Schools are barracks to break the idiosyncrasies of students and turn them into diligent, orderly workers that don't question the bigger context in which they live (not that this is successful, kids can be incredibly bright, but not because of school, but despite it, also a lot of teachers don't play this game and are amazing). They learn to read only books and screens, but not leaves and rivers. The internet is an incredible tool for democracy, but it can also be a tool for the warfare state and the dollarocracy. I truly believe that education should be free, but not in the crappy way it is now. It should be free in the sense that it is a gift from the universe, it should be free to be wild and free, not in the sense that we are forced to conform to a system of economic and political slavery. The right to access information is crucial for any society that wants to call itself democratic. And just having access to information does not guarantee anything, it must be understood. Enlightenment is not just about information, it is also about wisdom.
  12. The problem here is conditioning and habit. I have read and heard about the cruelty of meat production in factory settings and yet I still sometimes fall back into eating meat, simply out of habit. The other day at night I didn't have any food at home and was hungry and the only place that would deliver food had burgers, so I ordered three burgers with beef patties and chicken. It was wrong. I think it is okay to use animal products as we are all part of the same nature, basically different costumes of the same cosmic being, which is allowed to desertify, ravage, devastate and eat itself in order to stay in flux. If you eat the wrong things it can hurt the bacteria in your stomach, if you walk over a meadow you can hurt the bugs and snails. You are basically a devil or small god with or without knowing, so don't step on snails etc. The biggest problem is not the killing of the animals, it is the way we do it without any respect and regard for the animals' psyche, without awareness of our responsibility that is a natural result of our power. These days I avoid cow products because of the stories I heard about what is being done to these sensitive beings in order to exploit them. I also heard that they are bred in a way that they need to be milked because otherwise their udders get damaged (result of animal "eugenics"). I still use those milk like products like hazelnut milk or almond milk instead because they taste better. Also, I think that sheep and goats are kept in an OK way, so you can use their milk. Our civilisation has a fundamentally exploitative relationship to non-human beings (even to some human beings), we utilise the earth as if it was a dead object. This attitude is good when you want to build buildings and roads but there is another way to live, which is to be in a relationship with the earth, not just on it. I think that the more we can be in a real relationship with the earth and its inhabitants, the better it is for us.
  13. I was outside on my balcony and when I looked into the sky I saw a lot of star like lights and they arranged into a perfect straight line which was floating into one direction. It looked really strange and I'm sure it wasn't airplanes because they didn't move like airplanes (theyy moved in a more dynamic way, not with those wide curves airplanes tend to do). This perfect line was then moving into one direction and it was really many of those lights. They disappeared behind a building, so I went outside to get to a spot where there is no light pollution from street lamps and less buildings around so I went into the park but it was over. But as I sat there for a while it suddenly happened again. There was something that looked like a shooting star along with a muted explosion like noise and then another perfect geometrical line of light dots travelled across the entire night sky until they disappeared behind the horizon. I have no idea what that was. maybe it was drones? RUSSIANS?? I am confused
  14. The biggest lie has been that "thought" is "private" and "free". When you think, you communicate. It is speech without sound. Another lie is that of the "mind" as a secluded bubble that is disconnected from the outside world. There is no inner and outer world. There is no sleep. Dreams are real (in your mind, which in fact is an actual object of the real world). There are different layers of reality that you can try to navigate using "thought". "Thought" is always communication. Dreams are shared. Understand that.
  15. It is impossible to escape the tautology that is language. word transforms physis. from toddler age on you are being conditioned to use language that is in a fixed form, but this form is a closed system that you can't break free from because you grew into it. if you transcend the language tautology there will be nothing left of you, because you have been shaped since day 1. surrender
  16. Thanks for the recommendations and that's a beautiful bookshelf and sitting area!
  17. Anyone got any recommendations on beautiful looking books? Nice front cover, materials, illustrations, fonts, etc.?
  18. prolly best to mix on cheap/crappy/imperfect speakers so the imbalance really does hurt the ear. good speakers make everything sound good
  19. dont talk about things that shouldnt be talked about. u cant escape. shhhhhh it seems they know (sometimes) don't tell anyyone
  20. no, compress it with audacity (does it have multiband compr by defsult or is it a plug-in one needs to install?)
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