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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. Now I understand that, too. Thanks. I legitimately did not understand before. Now I do It's a pun, you know. "Semen" and "seamen", slightly different spelling, but big difference in meaning. This is why you posted the picture of seamen. I can comprehend that now
  2. I don't get it. They got paranoid about you having people over because you stumbled around after getting drunk while you had a date over at your place? I can't comprehend how one thing leads to the other. What are they worried about?
  3. I was of course being intentionally provocative. I prefer American pop culture to the German one. For some reason "King of Queens" is really popular in Germany. No idea why. Mainstream culture in general is usually bad, though. People all over the world lack good taste
  4. I think it's a pun, there's "oger" in "limoger". And Shrek is an oger. Ya know The French are right in looking down on American pop culture, though. It lacks sophistication and is made for brainless plebs.
  5. Thanks for the Free Demo The Bro. Nice vibes!!!
  6. ^this is nuts. first track already draws you in. haven't heard anything in that style before. however it has some meh moments as well, especially towards the end
  7. Oh, I get it now! Maybe they can be merged Anyway, as said in the other thread it's good stuff. Well mixed and cool sound design. I also like how you start with a bunch of very short tracks and let them transition into that 18 min track Did you use Max/MSP as a sound source or did you process existing audio with your Max patches?
  8. Love it. Would love it some more if it didn't have the vintage filter on it, but I know you can't help it
  9. You legitimately were in jail? They probably put you in the women's jail bcs ur such a pussy bro LOOOOL
  10. What I especially like about Zephyrs track is the percussive aspect of the fart sounds. You can actually hear his intestinal walls slapping together at the end of each fart. Beautiful
  11. I totally get you and agree. There is a lot to learn about society & humanity by looking what people of other age groups & in other bubbles do, by paying attention to society as a whole. Just thought it was pretty easy to paint you as a creep with that teen quote (it's a lot of fun to call others protentional pedophiles and worse) I blame porn.
  12. Imagine getting bukkaked by a horde of female body builders with lactating hard as steel boobies
  13. Why do they reject men? I'm sure there is a considerable amount of men that like female body builders
  14. Damn mycophiles. Here, species- and genus richness of edible mushrooms in 21 European countries:
  15. Confusing. Why did you make a second thread?
  16. Hint: It's not about you showing off too much, it's about you being a dork. The guitar solo you posted is - some would say "shameless", some would say "nauseating" - it's pretty bad however you put it (if you have any sense of taste that is, otherwise you might like it and think it's cool).
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