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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. Thanks for the recommendations - liked Cabaret Voltaire quite a lot while I find Coil a little cheesy (did I just say that? no offends to anyone who likes Coil). I don't think that new music is more shallow than old music, old people might think so but they say it since the beginning of mankind. If that would be true the world would get worse and worse by every generation - but in fact it's getting better and better! less diseases, less cruelty, less fucked up ideologies than 200 years ago, right? I like the new
  2. Thanks braintree, not what I normally listen to but sounds kind of cool, like that weird bizarre vibes. Should definetly replace modern pop music :) Had a closer listen to Low Jack: Sounds amazing, laid back and abrassive at the same time
  3. Only listened to short bits but I found Eyedoublecross, Necro Deathmort and Low Jack most interesting :) Thanks for the recommendations
  4. Thanks, gnarlybog. Listened to small parts of the first album you mentioned. Sounds like some electronically tweaked Metal to me basically, but I don't know much about Metal or Industrial - like it so far but I'm not a fan of lyrics most of the time so I wonder if there is some good instrumental Industrial but cwmbrancity is probably right and I should find it myself instead of bothering others by asking for their opinion
  5. Anything that you consider really good but I think I prefer newer music since it's probably more developed
  6. Hey, I would like to know more Industrial music. Do you know any great Industrial artist or album that you can recommend? :)
  7. Maybe just use a very low clicking noise and put many of them manually over a very very fine grid (say 1/128), then you can make sure every click is in time :) laborious but will most probably work
  8. intense and slightly funny yet masterful
  9. Here you go: https://occultresearch.bandcamp.com/music
  10. Well it's more about the visuals and the idea of playing music like an arcarde game that fascinated me on that rather than the music itself which is quite simple. I have no idea how Max/MST, PureData, C and alike work but I'm pretty sure people wouldn't bother to learn these complex things if it wasn't worth the effort Makes sense to me. I also tend to visualize what I hear. Synaesthesia is an important aspect of listening to music and creating it
  11. That's extremely slow. I drive 6 hours each way to work each week. I drive at the slowest point 70 mph (you're suggesting 75 mph everywhere) Most of the time I'm driving 80 mph Some of the time I drive 85 mph There are roads here where you can drive 90 mph The thing is that many municipalities put the speed limits lower to "protect people" so I go from being able to drive 80 mph to only being able to drive 70 mph for no apparent reason They do this to collect extra revenue, because they don't have enough crime to support their bloated police forces (same with drug enforcement) cops in smaller towns will wait at awkward places and ticket you for a 5 mph difference This is obviously not to ensure the safety of drivers. It's to collect money. Well for the really unpopulated areas more than 85mph might be okay. But where I live there are many roads without speed limit and people driving 120mph (=over 190km/h) which is certainly too much
  12. I love how Datach'i veered away from his angry abrassive sounds to something more dulcet while keeping the tracks sophisticated and absolutely not cheesy, just a delight to listen to
  13. 120km/h speed limit on every single road in the world would be fair I think. 20km/h - 60km/h inside of cities.
  14. Definitely, it's like Aphex Twin on the percussion and Boards of Canada on melodies but then it's something completely different. Very varied yet coherent album
  15. At this point: that would be a bad kind of fiction. He wont win. Also, for people interested, some text from todays fivethirtyeight newsletter: If there happened some big terrorist attacks in USA before election it could maybe turn the tide I guess. I'd almost (sadly) bet money something like that will happen if there is any indication Clinton is a sure victor early before November... Do you think Trump would have the capability to stage Islamist terrorist attacks in order to win? I mean there are people unscrupulous enough to do it if they could I suppose but do they have the power? I hope you woke up every day and thank America for giving you the technology and freedom to shitpost like his. Sure, everyday the first thing I do is praising America for giving me freedom and technology
  16. I think that's the best set. the end 20 minutes or so is so radically different Parts of it remind me so much on 7th slip
  17. At this point: that would be a bad kind of fiction. He wont win. Also, for people interested, some text from todays fivethirtyeight newsletter: If there happened some big terrorist attacks in USA before election it could maybe turn the tide I guess.
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