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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. this happens if you have a senile old man as an admin. we need a new leader
  2. Problem is that the thread starter can delete the thread. There should be a function that this gets disabled after a certain amount of posts or after a certain time.
  3. The only reason it didn't continue was because Hitler decided to attack the Soviet Union out of nowhere. To be fair the Stalin Soviet Union was probably very different from the Gorbachev one. Yes and yet a lot of his collaborators were Slavs. Fascists don't necessarily make sense
  4. Yes, but the same way Russia spreads false information that they think benefits them (or better: non-false information that benefits them) and anti-American narratives there is still plenty Russia paranoia left that is a result of anti-Russian cold war propaganda, I think, especially in the US. Suspecting a Russian false info attack behind anything remotely anticapitalist is paranoid. Especially since Russia is the epitome of unchecked capitalism.
  5. Yes, Putin was - in East Germany - but I was referring to milkface. He is a Russian spy This should be common knowledge but when talking to Americans you never know. They are often not very knowledgable
  6. Do you have an example that you can link where Putin or anyone associated with Putin actually tries to push Marxism with anything they say?
  7. Thanks. That reinforces my point. You're welcome. If vocabulary like this exists, why not use it? Though it only partially reinforces your point, if at all. A middle class still exists but the definition you gave applies to the precariat, not the middle class:
  8. A lot of political groups think they are "the people". Or they go against it just because of the aesthetics/rhetoric.
  9. That makes you pretty generic and yet another adherent of an ideology of ideologylessness. If you are really devoid of any ideology then you are a player, not a thinker, and dismiss the actual realities that underlie certain world views. Everything becomes just an intellectual game.
  10. You call this social stratum "precariat" and it's no longer considered middle-class. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Precariat
  11. That things stay as they are seems more utopian than a socialist world revolution at this point (not that the latter seems any likely).
  12. I think the obstacle isn't that answers to the problems of modern times and realistic visions for a better future don't already exist, it is that those who have them aren't in power.
  13. You could make friends with Rob and hang out with him.
  14. Why do you even decide to be a slave of your desires?
  15. I don't know. I think the way humans are is determined by the way the society they live in is organised. Tribal societies that hunt and lead wars against other tribes produce a lot of warriors, capitalist societies produce a lot of corruptible individualists and a new form of organisation will produce a new man that may be better than we are. Existence determines consciousness, innit
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