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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. flac https://www.file-upload.net/download-14417805/Gescom-AMKS_1.flac.html
  2. I like how coherent it is throughout and never really changes in intensity and direction, and that without being boring.
  3. Thai cuisine is the worst cuisine to get vegan, if you stick to it. Almost all meals contain meat. What they call salad is usually mostly meat. You can replace fish sauce with thin soy sauce and oyster sauce with mushroom sauce. A mild vegetarian mushroom coconut soup sounds tempting (no button mushrooms, tho, they make it look Unasian). Anyone ever tried to cook any insect Thai dishes?
  4. It's a very nice set and accompanied me today. Kinda sparse in a good way
  5. Very well visible on the Narukawa map (which shows distances and proportions most accurately):
  6. At 1:12:00 it constantly says "dick, dick". Why is that?
  7. Can't really buy fresh - or even frozen (rare) - Kaffir leaves here. The dried ones work pretty well but you need a lot more of them. I just throw them in the spice grinder and make a powder from them. Good fragrance but of course not as good as fresh ones. Kaffir limes - forget it. Ginger and lemongrass are widely available. Lemongrass has a deeper aroma than lemon, extremely delicious. If you use lemon peel, only add it at the end when the meal isn't that hot anymore so it doesn't lose the freshness, but can't replace lemongrass. For some reason galangal isn't really sold here, even though it's grown in the same place as ginger and lemongrass. It's one of the reasons I like pre-made curry pastes, they contain lots of galangal (just don't get one with colouring agents and other additives). Cilantro/coriander root is rare here. I think that the dried powder (I know, you hate it) does have some of the earthiness that the roots also have - maybe combine that with some of the stalks to achieve good results? I only add fresh herbs at the end so they don't lose their taste, same goes for lime juice. Generally, green curry doesn't really get most of its colour through the green chilis - it's the Thai basil that does that (added at the end when it's no longer boiling). If I don't have it I don't replace it with the Euro one - they just tastes very differently from each other in my perception and can't replace each other. Sounds like a waste of fresh coriander to add it to the paste before cooking - it would lose a lot of its taste. I think in a curry it doesn't matter what kind of sugar you use because all the strong flavours will overpower it anyway. But for more simple dishes palm sugar is really nice, has a pleasant caramel flavour to it. I do have a pack of really powdery dark Bali palm sugar - totally different from the Thai one in that it has a strong malty taste, similar to whole cane sugar. I think some people use the coconut water you can buy in these carton containers rather than canned coconut milk and boil the paste in a bit of it until the oil separates from the liquids. I just use the canned stuff and use either plant oil or coconut fat ? It contains all flavours. It's not very salty, though. Generally sugar is like a natural flavour enhancer, just don't overdo it.
  8. Why is it that Galangal isn't available in my supermarket? Outrageous
  9. It's definitely more salty than it is umami, even if you don't get a rancid 40 year old one. I order a lot of Asian stuff online because Asian shops or Asian sections in supermarkets in Germany are probably even worse than in the UK. Asian restaurants here offer tasty but extremely inauthentic food, made to fit the taste of people who can't stand spices and like to occupy public swimming pool loungers with towels.
  10. I started out thinking it made sense but then decided I will be joking bcs realistically this is a nonsense debate as the differences aren't audible to any human being. I just deleted the post bcs my New Year resolution was 2 post less cringe on main.
  11. Dunno, bells can be more than just FM. One could assemble the bell sound from an exciter sound (thing that hits the object) and resonator sound (thing that is being hit), kinda like physical modeling. Also you can add resonances and overtones by just layering it with metallic sounding sinewaves with a nice release but but in a slightly different melody than the sounds they are layered with.
  12. Every DAW has a multiband compressor in it by default. Just deactivate the bands that you don't need and set one of the bands to the problematic frequency. Works just as well as a dynamic EQ. Will listen to your updated version now... ... listened, sounds much better now.
  13. I usually get the Healthy Boy one, it seems to be the most widely available brand of Thai seasonings outside of Thailand that is actually produced in Thailand. I think that fermented shrimp paste is an easy and fun way to add umami, too. Khao Klook Kapi is easy, quick and satisfying. Spend extra $€£ for this brand as it doesn't contain any additives:
  14. Jeff Bezos could pay every Amazon employee 88 thousand dollars out of his own pocket and he would be just as rich as before the pandemic.
  15. Those breaks are very good and I like the variation throughout the track, it never drags on. I like the mix, too. It's very aggressive but never too harsh.
  16. Wait, MF Doom is dead? He's some of the first Hip Hop artists I actually liked (before that i was only exposed to bad Hip Hop and associated it with the people listening to it).
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