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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. Democracy as in the government was selected by a vote. Not all citizens need be eligible to vote for it to be considered a democracy. Unless you have a lot of 4 year olds running around voting in Germany, large swathes of your population can’t vote either. So, semantics aside, my point stands. Votes are only one aspect of democracies, though. I think racial segregation and the praxis that political participation opportunities are determined by ancestry/genealogy (not even indirectly but directly) are against core principles of democracy and it's fair to not call such a place a democracy. Iran has elections but isn't a democracy, either. The comparison to 4 year olds voting is a bit weak, but yes, voting age should be reduced. In my state it's 16, but could go down to 14 imo (would mostly help progressive parties) but that's an entirely different topic.
  2. Stalin was a really amazing dude, imo. Top quality (there are no bounds to his quality) He should have tortured his enemies more, though, vivisecting them while questioning them is a bit too humane for my taste.
  3. Dunno, to me it's just fascinating, hypnotising sounds arranged in the most interesting ways, hard to resist. I suck it in like it's breast milk.
  4. What do you mean? It's only been a democracy since 1965. Before that large parts of the population didn't even have voting rights.
  5. I heard they just wrestle them down with bare hands while being shirtless. I guess it's mostly healthcare and education that makes Canada being ahead of the US, and generally a - be it rudimentary - existence of a welfare state. It's still worse than in most parts of Europe but at least not as medieval as the US system. Guns are idiotic and not having them around would save hundreds of lives but the US could be in a much better position than they are now even with guns, just by implementing social politics that have been standard for many years in other Western countries.
  6. I am not. Clipping is useful for removing transient spikes. Sometimes better than limiting or compression. Also, the distortion clipping can produce can be part of an effect chain and it sounds good. I usually prefer soft clipping for that but hard clipping is ight 2
  7. Definitely encourages me to watch more pornography
  8. I like clipping, soft and hard. Clipping within a DAW isn't as nasty as the clipping that happens when you overdrive a mic. I'm not against square waves per se.
  9. Who doesn't put pork fat in their coffee? Apart from the fact that it's pretty gross to even think about drinking coffee with pork fat it's a great idea.
  10. Nasi Goreng is not like the others because it's apparently harder to do, never mind the egg. Fuck eggs.
  11. Very pleasant track. Beautiful chords and progression but it lacks contrast. Add some fine low volume dry glitches/micro rhythms and sizzling/fuzz and place them in the foreground to contrast the dreamy/lush sound of the track and to add some counterbalance to the roominess. Imho
  12. When it comes to Westernised Asian cuisine there is a step in between Ramen with egg and Nasi Goreng and it's called Thai curry. It's more delicious than Nasi Goreng and much easier to do, also only takes minutes to make.
  13. It feels weird to enter a building without a mask at this point.
  14. There is one on the water very far in the background.
  15. The postmodern boss poses as your friend and buddy, ultimately to increase his influence over you and to control you better. Eroding the border between private and professional life and obscuring class consciousness is a way of capitalist land grabbing. The logic of capitalist accumulation requires permanent expansion into new territories, the appropriation of new "resources", in this case the human soul itself. I prefer the old school authoritarian boss because no decoding is needed, it is clear where everyone stands and it avoids a fake buddy culture where everyone is fake friendly and tries to force and/or suppress emotions because they have become part of professional interaction and of a workplace ideology of toxic positivity. There should be a healthy distance within hierarchies as long as there are any.
  16. Edit: and that includes cardboard. I recently got this Korean brand: And it tastes so good. A bit less salty and more sweet than other soy sauces. FWP: I live in an apartment that has such high rooms that heating it takes a long time
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