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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. Another option for instant removal of hunger with minimal effort is using the steamer compartment of the rice cooker. I especially like steamed tomatoes. Rice with steamed vegetables & a good soy sauce can already be an amazing meal. Of course it's missing proteins but you can put an egg into the steamer, too (also easy to peel that way).
  2. Isn't grilled cheese a good compromise between cooking and not cooking?
  3. It's too late dude, you have messed up already. It's impossible to reverse that now. We now know how you really are and it's impossible to remove that memory. Maybe next time pay more attention to your posts and consider how they affect others in real life.
  4. Can't wait, this will be super satisfying to listen to. Thank you guys for doing this
  5. layers of confusion getting out of hand
  6. What if these memes will be the only relict of our culture that archeologists will find in 2000 years?
  7. It's impossible to disable automatic title translation in YouTube and it keeps showing me butchered Google Translate style titles of videos and it's UNBEARABLE. It's a disaster
  8. You young people are simply unable to appreciate the company of a good book like we did back in the day. But you are too wet behind the ears to remember that golden time.
  9. Books? Reading? Please. I only rely on what my ancestors have passed down to me by grunting sounds, no need to use technology like writing or language.
  10. it's a positive. makes a bloke lose his trousers
  11. R&S paint timbre landscapes. r cazt is gentle hills at the horizon of a vast hazy forest land
  12. I've never been to Morocco and there is no good reason for that. I wonder how Corona affects future flight prices.
  13. pffff i bet ur playlist isn't as good as mine. i have the best playlists post ur playlists if u dare but i bet u chicken out bawk bawk bawk
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