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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. I think humungus lost his right to be loved.
  2. What makes you think that he secretly wants to nationalise the entire the economy? Sure, parts of the economy should be socialised, such as healthcare, the prison system, public transport, etc. (or at least it makes sense to do that) but that's about it. He didn't ever propose that the government should take control over private companies (like in China), as far as I know. If anything, under him the governmental influence on certain parts of the economy, such as the tracking and surveillance business, would have decreased. The Silicon Valley is largely financed by the US government and most of the tech giants have military people in their directorate as of now. He would have denationalised this part of the economy again as it should be (also, it has nothing to do with "free markets" if a super power pushes a couple of companies and gives them advantages on the world market by using all their influence).
  3. Millenials are born in the 80s till late 90s, so they have been in voting age for a couple of years. The oldest millenials are 40 now, the youngest twenty something.
  4. We could ping-pong about this for hours, I guess. Let's just say that both models are pretty far away from a money free and domination free society like you would have in communism. "Socialism" and "Communism" have become somewhat toxic terms, because of a) American anti-socialist/anti-communist propaganda and b) self-identification with socialism and communism of regimes like the Soviet Union or China (which in fact are/were the opposite of either). Thinkers like Marx would have hated the Soviet Union and seen it as a fascist autocracy that only branded itself with that term. The problem with "free market" is that a lot of politicians seem to think that the market becomes freer the more you deregulate it, while the opposite is the case.
  5. Democratic Socialism has more to do with Communism than with Social Democracy? We must live on different planets. I think the whole Anglosphere has a twisted conception of these things.
  6. Please, they use this word to refer to people like Biden who clearly isn't a left-wing social democrat. Obama wasn't either.
  7. I know that it appeared closer than it was because of the counting of mail-in ballots and that Biden has millions more votes than Trump in the popular vote. Still, it is much closer than it should be considering Trump's politics and that he is literally an autocrat, He had a real chance of winning and that's worrying. I think the voter turn-out was so big not because Democratic voters liked Biden but because Biden wasn't Trump. Warren or Sanders aren't Trump either so they could have won, too, maybe they would have been able to increase the voter turn-out even more. Just different people would have had to hold their nose while voting. Of course both of us are in the terrain of pure speculation. Also, the fact that Biden did so well in the popular vote is one thing, but in the end the election was decided by a couple of hundred thousand people in swing states. Fucking backward system
  8. yeah figured directly after posting, lol
  9. nice, I wish it was longer. but I'm guessing this is just a preview and it is longer?
  10. By awakening to the present you transcend time. Time does not consist of past, present and future, time only consists of past and future, linearly connected. The present is stillness, the present is no time. Awareness burns the past.
  11. Biden might have got the most votes in the history of the US, but Trump did also get more votes than most other presidents (and that after his horrible first term). The voter turn-out was just really high because the situation was so severe and unbearable. And if people vote for party regardless of candidate, a different Democratic candidate would have done the job, too, no? But it's impossible to prove since we don't have a parallel universe at hand to test it out and it's over anyway. Glad Trump lost.
  12. Moralist vegans can be annoying but not quite as annoying as those people who go on rambling about vegans, feminists, SJWs and so on. Usually they are even more annoying. Interesting is that this is coming from a mod who has temp banned me for not censoring the word n*gger in a context where I basically made a point that it's wrong to use that word, lol.
  13. Biden was a pretty bad candidate considering that he didn't win more clearly against an autocrat & the worst president the US ever had. I doubt that Warren or Sanders would have done much worse
  14. Even without Trump, the GOP is and has been one of the most dangerous fundementalist/radically religious terrorist organisations in the world responsible for death and misery all around the globe. What happens inside America only has relevance for Americans, but the actions of this country on the world stage (under both Democratic and Republican lead for that matter) affect so many more people whose lives depend on this regime's decisions. Most Americans don't really care for that aspect but it's the most important one.
  15. ooof this is beyond good. his best so far, maybe.
  16. I'm writing a public message on my own feed...

    1. Cryptowen


      *nuanced response*

  17. Feminism literally is the only reason I never get laid, it's not my twisted attitude towards women & my ugly face & general unattractiveness - impossible!
  18. Bomb the White House. Bomb cultural sites. Oh it doesn't have any?
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