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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. First of all, what makes you think you are entitled to decide that the front part of the human head is a "front facing flesh" more than a "face"? Your idea of the body is dehumanising and ethically wrong. Please reflect on that.
  2. Me too. ?? Saying this after facepalming me is completely inappropriate. I never bully people on here. Except when they have an ugly face, so you would be a perfect victim.
  3. He didn't make any sound while posting it, did he?
  4. I was gonna mock you in a childish way for not liking SIGN immediately, but you got a kidney removed to get rid of cancer? That's rough mate and I hope you will be alright and it was just a temporary disturbance of the usual business in your system. Fuck uncontrolled cell division activity. And yes, PLUS is the epitome of human existence & creativity
  5. stop being an otter apologist, ok?
  6. ^They successfully tricked you. Otters are some of the most vicious animals. They procreate by brutal rape. They even rape other species. https://www.vox.com/2014/4/24/5640890/otters-rape-baby-seals-monsters-bad
  7. drinking puppies alive is one of the most perfidious sorts of animal cruelty. you should be banned for posting this there is nothing "cute" about this at all
  8. yeah, I love this guy, he changed my life with his dank contributions shout out to @ignatius, too these guys know where to find the good stuff. I've been following meme pages on different platforms but most of the memetic pictographs posted there did not stimulate the meme related parts of the brain at all! Some were just lame. But the memes posted here have quality. The quality knows no bounds imo
  9. That's just ridiculous. Ludicrous. Who cleans their kitchen? It's bound to get dirty again anyway, so why clean it in the first place? (Same goes for butt crack)
  10. Yeah, white wine. Also, I left some pomelo uncovered over night in the kitchen and somehow they managed to procreate exponentially. I already got rid of some by placing a little piece of lemon in a plastic bag and once they were all over it, closed the bag and released them outside. But that clearly wasn't enough. I mean, I don't mind them too much, but they are everywhere now. Not good.
  11. These people aren't Americans. They are part of a global finance elite and labour in their service, not in favour of the US or its citizens (or any other normal humans who don't belong to the richest 0.01%). They hate functioning non-corrupted nation states because it's a business hindrance. They dream of nations that only provide military and police force to control people but let oligarchs do whatever they want. Russia is a little ahead of the US in that regard, but not much.
  12. There were two fruit flies in my beverage. I drank those motherfuckers because I was mad at them for flying in my beverage. Now I feel bad.
  13. Don't really have any particular links in English, but this guy is a huge donor of Trump. Gave him millions (if not hundreds of millions) for his campaign. He owns more than half of the casino market of the entire world getting rich off gambling addiction and is a friend of Netanyahu. Hates arabs. Very disposable person
  14. No offence, but you are the most inbred off all, obviously, so maybe your idiocy has to do with your degenerated genetics.
  15. I see you changed your reaction from "laughing" to "thanks". Rightfully so because nothing of this is any funny. It's just sad. Your behaviour
  16. That animals have a consciousness would maybe have been news in 1920 or so but who the fuck needs more evidence for that in the year of 2020 (or 2015 when the thread was started)? It's apparent enough.
  17. Now put Rupert Murdoch and Sheldon Adelson there, too
  18. I bet they have hundreds of weird tracks that are alien to anything we know from them.
  19. Biden is a neoliberal free-market ideologist and a neoconservative sucker who poses as a left-liberal pragmatist. He was an advocate of that law that makes people lose their entitlement to welfare FOR A LIFETIME when they used up their unemployment benefits and promoted other cuts in social services while at the same time being an advocate of an enormous rearmament of the US military funded from tax money. He is responsible for a politic of pressuring other Western nations to drastically rise their military spendings, too, even though the EU alone already spends more on military than China and Russia together. He also promotes that the US continues sanctioning EU allies like Belgium, Germany or Denmark for having trading relationships with Russia. He wanted the Iraq war that was never some sort of righteous war against terrorism but solely geopolitically motivated, where thousands of people died or lost their life foundation. He was for bombing Syrian cities with, you know, civilians - mothers, children, etc. - in it. He is no saviour, he is just a US president.
  20. The painter I used to job for years ago called it "Thuringian Sushi", lol. Raw pork is completely fine. I wouldn't use that stuff from the supermarket, though and instead get high quality minced meat from the butcher. When I cook pork I usually leave it medium, too. It's only birds that you should never leave raw (except birds with dark meat like ducks, I like my duck medium).
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