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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. I think you have to cover them in A LOT of salt (1:1 ratio kidney:salt) for 5 - 7 minutes to tenderise them. Not longer because they get too salty otherwise. But never did it myself - not because I find it disgusting but because I just never get the idea to make kidneys. Best part of chicken soup. They melt in the mouth. In my region it's common to eat raw minced meat (pork or beef or a mixture) on a bun with raw onions and pickles. I only found out later that people from other places often find that weird.
  2. I think in this particular situation it was okay to knock him out because he was a direct danger to everyone else and might have hurt someone. The punch was harder than necessary but it was the safe way. It's not about having a fair fight like real men or some bullshit, it's about public safety. The kick on the head while he was already lying on the ground is unacceptable of course, and potentially deadly (but it was a different guy than the one who knocked him out). I guess most people are better off not watching these videos. It's a weird kind of entertainment.
  3. can't focus on my webex meeting poop thru screen
  4. has anyone ever tried shit soup with bile? apparently it's a thing
  5. ISIS people often have good reasons to become terrorists, e.g. because their family was killed by drones.
  6. The act of touching by definition requires a dualistic order of things. If you presume oneness as compared to duality, touching cannot happen. The same, for a different reason, can be said about duality. Particles never touch and waves never touch either because they are seamlessly connected. But the human mind can't make sense of a sort of dialectic that encompasses both duality and oneness, like you find in quantum mechanics. Therefore it is impossible to say whether anyone ever touches anything.
  7. It depends. If you look at things as particles, then you could say so, but if you view them as waves, then not. On the level of quantum entities it's not so clear. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wave–particle_duality
  8. One cannot be too pedantic.
  9. They didn't declare techno to be music, they declared DJs to be musicians. They weren't legally considered that before because they play other people's music. But because they sometimes add effects they are now considered musicians by the law. That allows tax breaks for clubs because DJ sets are live music now. So the headline is completely misleading. If there is one thing I dislike it's inaccuracy.
  10. I didn't have many patches when I got Reaktor 6, so I don't know about compatibility. But if I had to take a guess I'd say it's downward compatible in most cases if not all cases. All the stuff on the user library that was made with an earlier Reaktor version works in the new one as well. It makes sense that they pay attention to downward compatibility because otherwise most of the user library would become obsolete with every update. It annoys me that Reaktor 6 still doesn't support FLAC.
  11. He is a weirdo. He sniffs girls, women, men. He touches people. He likes to poke his finger into the chest of his conversational partner when making a point. A lot of people his age do that. Entering people's personal space can be interpreted as a sign of dominance or as a lack of empathy. Sometimes they don't even notice it. Doesn't mean he's a pedo. He's just a really weird dude, like you have to be if you want to be president. Some less dangerous branch of narcissism than Trump's, I guess I just think "pedo" is a pretty harsh accusation that requires some more evidence.
  12. Oh my god. You think you can tell he is a pedo from those clips? Clearly that "pedo" stuff is a tool for emotional manipulation and you fell for it. It's basically the worst accusation you can make, there is no tolerance for pedophilia in society. So naturally this narrative is pushed by his opponents in that mud fight US politics is these days. And you buy into it thinking you're super red-pilled and woke. Projecting really hard there. Do you now think I'm a pedophile?
  13. Maybe I should switch to Ableton from Cubase. But nah, Cubase is still better. Is it though?
  14. https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2019/jul/15/wiping-out-hunger-africa-could-cost-5bn-what-are-we-waiting-for
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