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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. Cognitive decline or not, the US won't stop killing thousands of people around the globe because he is president. Maybe these things aren't the president's decision anyway and the really important matters are never decided by elections. In the end the election just decides which elite group is allowed to rule, which saves them the money and ressources of having to fight it out with weapons. Biden was a strong advocate of the Iraq war where the US used nuclear radiation on civilians. A lot of kids now are born with deformities and genetic defects there. I think the US never had a good president.
  2. How can you be so sure about this? Also, how can you be sure that Sanders wouldn't have had a chance to win? I mean, you could be right, but it's not certain.
  3. Maybe not all are racists/xenophobes/whatever but they clearly don't mind racism/xenophobia/etc.
  4. Apparently the WHO explicitly said that these minks aren't a big risk. And yet millions of them will be slaughtered. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/who-downplays-coronavirus-mink-mutation-risk-after-denmark-orders-huge-n1246726
  5. Yes, agree. Gender-sensitive language seems to be more of a concern these days than good ideas for a welfare state that can deal with the upcoming transformation of the job market as a result of digitalisation and automatisation. The left is also pretty good at pointing out what is going wrong right now but often fails to offer perspectives and visions for a needed political/economic/societal transformation.
  6. New media definitely plays a role. In case of Europe one big factor was the 2015 refugee wave that caused an administrative crisis and spurred xenophobia. It played into the hands of right-wing populists perfectly. It would help if certain powers stopped messing around in the Middle East and cause more refugee waves.
  7. ^only slightly more than half of the countries are even democracies. All these autocrats and wannabe autocrats that have been able to get into power all over Europe lately (especially in the East) are accepted by Western Europe because they in return help the conservatives to stay in power. We even give these systems cute names like "illiberal democracy" instead of calling them what they are: autocracies. The far-right and moderate conservatives are in the same EU party. Orbán, Janša and Merkel are in the same party. It's a nasty collaboration between center and far-right. The EVP really isn't helping Europe at all. This of course, doesn't explain why people keep voting for them. Partly to blame is of course the media which has its own interests, but I really don't know what this global shift to the right is all about.
  8. Slovenia's new right-wing prime minister congratulated Trump for winning the elections.
  9. Twitter embeds look weird when using a VPN, but that might be on Twitter's end:
  10. I've never felt such a strong connection with another human being.
  11. Americans are a big war tribe. After eating a heavy dose of amanita muscaria they start singing their traditional war chants and perform dances to induce a blood rage before they go into battle.
  12. I usually skip it at some point. Sometimes immediately, sometimes after being a couple of minutes in. Not because it's a bad track or anything, just sounds a bit too annoying to me in most situations. Reminds me on people who speak at a too high pitch and volume all the time. I'd really like to strangle them to death with a steel cable.
  13. I have been wearing headphones without listening to anything for at least 20 minutes.
  14. How do supporters of that system justify that votes from different places have different impact on the end result? Isn't it a core principle of democracy that every vote counts the same? Just curious with what sort of reasoning people defend a system like that.
  15. The desire to be like the Americans, this enigmatic child-like people always wanting to be larger than life while grinning to death the rest of the world, has been raging like a disease. 'Soft power' is what the ignorant call it. - Sloterdijk (who is a dick, imo)
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