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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. If you mean Canada, yes, I'd love to see the breath taking nature and snow landscapes. Having winter 45% of the year would maybe make me depressive and suicidal, though. It's a statistical fact that the suicide rate increases the further north you go. And yes, autumn is very pretty this year and is already past its zenith. Some of the tree's leaves are so fucking red, it's unbelievable, but trees are already discarding them. Soon everything will look grey and depressing.
  2. In that case I'm guessing they are in dire need of people like you and you should try to fix things.
  3. I think you mentioned studying law, which is a kind of bad profession to switch countries because laws are so different in each country. Not sure how many semesters you are in (or maybe you do trimesters in SA, don't know), but if you really want to move to the Netherlands and are still at the beginning of your studies, maybe consider switching your course of study to something more universal. Sorry for advice you never asked for.
  4. Hope that buying a house thing works out for ya and you could save loads of moneyz. At least you didn't have to deal with guests on the ship, right? I imagine cruise trippers (or whatever is the correct term for them) are an extremely entitled breed of humans (but I could be wrong here)
  5. Yeah I get that, I see "autistic" used in that manner often. What people refer to is the autist's disability to read between the lines and empathise with/understand others emotions and social situations, or to "read the air" as the Japanese would say. Malign narcissists like Trump don't empathise either but not because they aren't theoretically capable of that but simply because they are full of themselves and total assholes and generally a burden to humanity. Sorry for being "OCD" ?
  6. As much as I appreciate you trying to be a good man, this is utter stupidity, sorry. There is a huge difference between Biden and Trump. I agree that the US is locked in some neoliberal/neofeudalist political system that is very backwards compared to other modern countries but not voting won't better it. You'd only help Trump. So hold your nose and vote.
  7. Would he go to a normal prison with other prisoners? How would prison for a former president look like? Are there hookers?
  8. Oh là là, Autecheur
  9. Pronounced like this: Schwa.ogg
  10. Sad thing is that Trump is a leftist within his own party. His manners and rhetoric suggest otherwise but others of his party would, in the end, probably be worse than him while having a more tactful rhetoric and have gotten rid of pension plans and other social politics all together, a wet dream of the Republican Party. Trump didn't do it mostly because of the incompetence of his administration. Now imagine a Republican (or a Republican in Democrat disguise) in office, who is a thinking man and not just a propaganda spitting machine. A thinking far-right man in office could have led the world to the verge of total erasement (as far as organised humanity goes). Trump "only" managed to ruin the political culture of the US while putting a couple of kids into cages and threatening millions to take away their healthcare plans, which is bad enough but if he had some more creativeness and intelligence, he could have done a lot of even worse things.
  11. I'm not American nor do I live there and hence cannot understand anything that might happen there (especially considering how nuts Americans generally are [every single one, especially those who are reading this]) but if I had to take a guess I'd say that the civil unrest in case of him winning would be worse: Leftists would go nuts in the streets and the right would use that as a legitimisation for measures against them, more so when they have the government on their side. Trump must not win.
  12. It’s not just you. Right, it's just you two.
  13. What a weak ass pussy. Why listening to scientists in the first place?
  14. He actually loves you, diatoms, with all his heart.
  15. Yeah and next time you listen carefully to PLUS you will change it again.
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