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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. Just get it all out with your finger and then wipe your finger with toilet paper. Not a big deal You can sniff the bits that stuck under your finger nail for health reasons.
  2. You scrubbed your asshole with them? That's only fair
  3. Just listened to a wank-y 20 minute modular jam of mine and felt kinda pleased, lol. It's not really a good track, though tallxen1.mp3 Yeah, listening back to the stuff I did 4 years ago (that's how old this thread is), there is a lot of really bad stuff to be found. Generally, though, it's mostly similar to my recent music, just in a much more basic and unrefined way. Also, I had much worse speakers & headphones and the mixes suck ass. I guess I will look back on my recent output in a couple of years and think the same again.
  4. Even dumber is their idea to upload their consciousness onto immortal quantum computers. They watched too much Star Wars.
  5. Maybe it has to do with being raised religiously. If you are conditioned to have firm faith in some implausible/illogical world view from early childhood on and questioning it is not accepted, then you can as well believe in neoliberal propaganda/conspiracy theories/Trumpism/whatever because you are used to what should cause cognitive dissonance. Maybe it's just intellectual laziness.
  6. If I had to choose I'd say I like PLUS slightly more. Ecol4 alone justifies this choice. I'm not really a fan of ranking albums, though. It's different vibes for different times.
  7. What a fucking gimp. Who the fuck even makes YouTube videos because they think people care for another trivial and unsubstantial opinion? If he could actually understand Autechre's music and on that basis gave a more substantial criticism, then I'd be interested to hear that, but he says the most ignorant & trivial things and obviously didn't even notice most of what's going on in the music because it's too subtle for him.
  8. While it is true that critique of Israel's right-wing government is often labelled as anti-semitic as a means of discrediting a political opponent in a smear campaign, and that islamophobia is widely accepted compared to antisemitism which is sort of hypocritical, there actually is such a thing as real antisemitism. In all parties.
  9. Thanks for that word. It describes perfectly what I do when making tracks. I simply can't leave empty space
  10. If nobody on soulseek has he hasn't either, and neither have I.
  11. Calling a simple reductionist graphic representation a "theory" gives this idea more credit than it deserves, imo.
  12. I like his ingenious drum programming & fun acid bass lines side more than his flexing with sound design side so this will be perfect for me.
  13. Joyrex mentioned Google analytics, so this site isn't Google free anyway, I guess.
  14. I think ads would rather repel new users than attract them. One of the good things about WATMM is that it seems to be one of the last places in the web that doesn't have annoying ads. Also, it's not clear how much of a barrier that 3 dollar pay wall really is for new users. I think as long as you are able to sustain the site without ads (as you said you are), you should do that to offer a better user experience.
  15. Since you have been able to cover the costs for so long without ads I don't see the point in introducing them.
  16. The French stock up booze and condoms while we go crazy about TP. What the fuck is wrong with us?
  17. I was pretty sure he was trolling all this time. Not so sure anymore
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