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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. Even if Trump himself isn't a fascist in the exact sense of the word (or the historical one) you could argue that a good part of his base are fascist or at least proto-fascist.
  2. The grid can restrict you but you can deactivate it. I think in a way a DAW is even freer than modular systems because you can sequence by hand. You can place any sound anywhere you want. It's just time consuming to make complex tracks that way and not necessarily that much fun. Usually, unconsciously or consciously, you end up sequencing in a way that can also be expressed algorithmically. And that's what the bois did. Lazy fucks
  3. Yeah, I don't really like these super soft burger buns and prefer proper ones
  4. Really? You never like AE albums from the first listen on? That's a phenomenon that I have often heard of but never experienced. Usually I perceive an AE album the same way after 5 years of listening as compared to the first day of listening, roughly. Of course certain details come out only after a while you have been with the album, but generally, the album doesn't change and therefore my perception doesn't change much. Things are as they are and that's all there is to them. And that's congruent with my perception.
  5. Of course Max is freer than a DAW, if you know how to use it. My point basically was that a DAW doesn't fixate you onto a certain time signature and tempo, as someone has suggested
  6. The West ist starting to fall victim to its own success (with the US being the worst offender as usual). Some years ago it was unthinkable to spout racist nonsense publicly here, you'd be ostracised like a sexual offender by the majority. These days it got pretty normal to be a racist piece of shit and almost socially acceptable. People won't like you but accept you as part of the normal political spectrum. What I mean by "fell victim to its own success" is the pettiness that comes with forgetting/not recognising years of great privilege. We could afford to be stupid-ass shit heads for way too long and are now paying the price.
  7. Definitely an acceptable position, imo, lol. Maybe I would have liked another atonal beat heavy beast slightly better than ambient lushness. But an album like this was missing in their discography, so I'm not disappointed.
  8. And I think more detailed, too. It's less in the face and super satisfying.
  9. They only do that if you let that happen. You can mess around with the tempo track and time signatures, it's not hard to do
  10. The delay of that lead melody in si00 isn't as much of a delay as it seems to be. It's more like a separate melody track that just appears to be a delay
  11. Your first video caused me to watch a bunch of these. What a lovely culture
  12. You are lucky that you don't process alcohol well. I for one can drink enormous amounts without having too bad of a hangover the next day. That makes alcoholism more likely for me.
  13. I meant the Warp playlist, don't have it at hand right now
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