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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. Yeah, this is a box set with different albums, tracks from different eras aren't mixed on one single album. That Warp Spotify playlist about AE someone posted here is a better example of mixing different AE styles from different times in a playlist. The difference is that they could choose tracks from the entire discography and therefore could choose tracks that somehow transition into each other well even though they belong to different eras. If they make a compilation of bonus tracks the selection is much smaller and harder to make work. You'd end up with Incunabula & Tri Rep tracks on the same release as keyosc. Doesn't really fit in my extremely humble opinion
  2. Dunno, combining different Autechre eras on a single release... Can't see that work
  3. do drugs irresponsibly and too often on the wrong occasions imo
  4. It's more a right-wing topic and the right likes to fish for voters in these nutjob circles.
  5. This looks so fucking Australian. Do you often get cassowary visits?
  6. Love winter, it's my favourite season. Most of the other seasons are not quite as good imo. The more, the better
  7. where can I hear da Japanese bonus track
  8. of all bleeps/blops autegger makes best
  9. Le Creuset is overpriced especially when you get something as simple as a pan.
  10. I hope it, too, but I have my doubts. People are getting more careless while the situation isn't getting safer. Also, the far-right organises anti-lockdown demonstrations. Some of them were shut down because people weren't wearing masks (no surprise). Fines for not wearing a mask are now up to 250€, depending on state.
  11. Didn't make it past the first half of the first sentence.
  12. imagine it came out tomorrow... or in 5 minutes... OMG
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