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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. thanks feels good to know i can talk to you about this in case i want to
  2. I think this exaggerated deep mixing they like to do is taken to an extreme in this album (and already has been in OneSix). So much stuff that's barely audible filling the background. Their music is almost fractal, no matter how much you zoom in you keep finding ornaments and interesting tonal structures. So much sequencing going on that's easy to miss. Listening through headphones vs listening through speakers -> 2 different albums
  3. The amount of detail in si00 is incredible. There are so many melodies far back in the mix
  4. dingformung

    Rob pls

    Who the fuck puts milk in the bowl and then the cereal, though?
  5. It's not a "sad album". And it has nothing to do with "the state of global affairs ATM".
  6. I still dislike the artwork. Looks like the desktop icon of some 2005 computer program
  7. My spontaneous favs are the first track, au14. si00, schmefd2, the red a
  8. making an announcement, let everyone wait till it drops but then do it over a week early and relieve everyone of the pain of waiting and longing? that's such a nice move
  9. I agree that there is a dangerous possibility that things get worse. Still, the comparison doesn't really help to understand the problem, it's more a way of discrediting Trump, which is a good thing, actually. So yes, fucker is like Hitler
  10. I get that comparison to the Third Reich and Hitler but I disagree with it. Germany was in a very different situation at that time than the US is now. It was at an economical low point while having to pay huge reparations and basically was locked in the Treaty of Versailles so had no chance to ever overcome this low point and work itself out of it. That was fertile soil for nationalism. The US is now the most influential place on the planet with the largest military apparatus that's active all around the globe and has enough means to tackle most crises (if it wanted to), Germany wasn't even allowed to have any military after WW1 nor was there any thinkable positive future scenario. Years of poverty were to come. Americans haven't gone through any major war or real crisis for generations (well, except black ones). Germany was much more vulnerable to fascism than the modern US is now and I can't imagine that it will go fully ballistic polka style. Also, Trump isn't like Hitler. The main difference is Trump's lack of ideology, he doesn't even understand what he is saying and uses right-wing ideology as a power tool while Hitler was highly ideological and believed the stuff he wrote in his boring book "Mein Kampf". History doesn't repeat itself but it often rhymes (Twain ?).
  11. The US will never recover from Trump. He has ruined the political culture of that place and destroyed so much. The idea that things will be normal again when Biden becomes president is unfortunately unrealistic.
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