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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. I wanked and cummed on your behalf Now it's on you to sweatily analyse
  2. There's plenty good cats in his films.
  3. What a Lynchian occurrence. My condolences. Losing a cat sucks.
  4. Scientists found out that Neanderthal genetics heighten the risk to have a dangerous course of disease by a threefold. That means Africans (who don't have Neanderthal genetics) are at a lower risk. Which is good since they have little means to tackle the crisis. Since Trump seems to only have Neanderthal genetics that might help make this bastard die, though, that's my hope.
  5. For whom though? It can only hurt Trump. The debates will probably be more focused on Covid now, which isn't anything that helps Trump.
  6. that fluttering cymbal like sound that starts at 0:23 is sick which plugins were you testing?
  7. Even if Donny is actually broke/indebted the Russian government will reimburse her for her patriotic efforts.
  8. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/02/health/trump-antibody-treatment.html
  9. ASMR is weird/gross, I heard some people even get boners from it. It's very sexual and very immoral. Never do it
  10. It's one of my least favourite NTS tracks, too. Still a really good track
  11. Do you think it's fair to pay a musician only a fraction of a cent for playing you a song? It's always problematic when a single company or group becomes large enough to own all or nearly all of the market (goods, supplies, commodities, infrastructure, and assets) for a particular type of product or service. This privileged position on the market can then be used to dictate the rules under which all market participants have to operate, which can lead to wage dumping and other forms of exploitation and basically is the reason why poorly regulated free market capitalism doesn't lead to a liberal and egalitarian society as libertarians and neolibs like to claim. If anything it leads to more solidification of (not democratically legitimised) power and an intensification of an unfair market situation. The power dynamics are more complex than to blame the individual market participant for simply not being good/clever enough to get a better deal for their work. Spotify could be a platform where artists can distribute their music and consumers can decide which artist to support, and based on that the artist gets paid but in a fair way. In such a scenario your piss comparison might make some more sense.
  12. I suspect that, too. There is no reason to assume than anything coming out of his mouth is true.
  13. Original with stolen watch: Edited one with more dramatic smoke and no stolen watch: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raising_a_Flag_over_the_Reichstag
  14. Wot if we are a virus living inside a big organism And the viruses are antibodies Who eliminate us So muther earth can blossom again
  15. As you can see it isn't. Why do you spread false information?
  16. Marmite for the first time. It's the food of the Gods, no doubt.
  17. That makes him a hero and a humble guy? Lol. That logic makes no sense to me, to be honest. I mean, I sort of get your take. Now that it's either Biden or Trump you go all the way Biden and support him whole-heartedly and with all your passion, ignoring the fact that Biden is as bad of a politician as Obama was, maybe even worse. A generic lukewarm moderate right-wing politican who will try to avoid any real change by all means and lead a bunch of questionable wars. But at least he is not Trump. Inshallah he will be elected. Alhamdulillah his chances are good. May God watch over him and give him the strength to crush his enemies. Ma’a salama.
  18. Seems you have removed other useful features, too. I think you're getting old, my dude. At this point, maybe it's better for you to do nothing than to do demented & foolish things and implement bullshit while messing with things that have & had worked. Maybe get some help by younger & smarter people who actually understand new media and are still at the height of their mental capabilities (unlike a lot of people of your age cohort, apparently). Please help preserve this community and don't make idiotic decisions for self-complacent reasons. It just annoys users. They won't go away, but they won't like what you do. And at some point, they might go away after all. Get your head out of your ass, that's all I'm asking for. No offence! Love & Light
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