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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. I could almost smell your post, thanks. There is a lot more to life but it's inaccessible to us because we don't understand the dream logic we are living in. It can't be fully described with words and language (especially written one), because language is designed to only allow a certain kind of human communication and if you limit your "thought" to language, it influences your actions and your "becoming" is within the borders of these actions ("inner" and "outer" actions, which actually belong to the same sort of movement). We have been hypnotised. Part of us is elsewhere. Existence could be a lot better, different, meaningful and free if we could navigate the dream and transcend civil life, which is possible. You are not that which is thinking or feeling, you are that which is observing the thoughts and emotions. Your body and thoughts manifest in the second step. It is possible to navigate the dream and realise that you aren't real, that you aren't a normal being, that you are a unique movement within a fundamentally formless world that can manifest in various ways and shapes. We have been hypnotised by the ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ of words and banish the other layers of the universal dream into darkness, we think and dream in them and they bind us, they pull us back into the "human dream", a reoccurring curse of numbness and reflexive chase of predefined patterns along energies that we can't see or understand, where we are saying shit like "I'm, having a pretty OK time right now lol". There is a lot more to existence than the human dream.
  2. Humanity should just die. We are unskilled to help ourselves break free from civilisation. Humanity as it exists right now was a mistake. Everyone would be better off without humans. WE need to transform into something formless that is capable of living frictionlessly and non-destructive. Transcend physicality, become ____ The human form is pathetic.
  3. The most dangerous narcotics are social narcotics. Lies that are told to you, stories you are told as a child and led to believe, false claims. A false sense of security that is vaccinated into the mind, the language, the vernacular of everyday speech. They occupy your mind. They occupy your life. They play with your emotions. They make you doubt yourself, your own instincts, but not in the ways you should. You should doubt physical reality instead of your senses (think energies, not objects). They are the most dangerous because they normalise the idea that you are not capable of protecting yourself, that you need a government that covers you, if you do everything they say (which you do, because they also lead you to not develop your full potential of possible courses of action that you would need to protect yourself, they mutilate your senses and intrinsic human powers), they normalise the idea that dreams aren't real, that the world is constituted this way or that way and that you should believe everything you are told by your elders, that there is nothing beyond objective reality, that your thoughts are private and free, that thinking isn't communication, that thinking should be done in a language that you are taught, which only allows certain patterns of thought that result in a limited array of actions that are easily controllable, they keep you from forming your own language and form of expression. Our every action is directed (including me writing this text). It's a labyrinth of falsehood and fake freedom, a matrix of lies that are trying to convince you that you are free because you can choose between this and that, but never anything else. If we look around us, this is all we see. We are led to believe that freedom exists through knowledge that is taught to us, but we really know nothing. WE need to understand that we know nothing at all, that our thinking is incapable of really understanding anything and that we should rely on our senses/sensations/intuitions instead, which are systematically numbed down by technology, sounds, wrong consumption (caused by social narcotics). And with these lies it is made impossible for most people to even imagine surviving on their own. They get you accustomed with your slavery and then they offer you new kinds of slavery in exchange for more comfortable conditions if you do what they want you to do (which at that point is the only option you can imagine because you are drugged by social narcotics).
  4. I dreamed of a sex orgy, but it was really gross with deformed, crippled people with rotten skin and protruding tendons and the smells were disgusting. It was quite loathsome. I'm nauseous now
  5. cant read the word above denial what does it say?? here is an artwork i made:::::: (upload time so slow but soon its uploaded) very soon still uploading now its uploaded
  6. Two moons, one full, one crescent, were in the sky, the stars were moving around and seemed unusually bright. The entire celestial body was moving back and forth frantically, as if someone were swinging the entire globe back and forth in a flapping motion, but the ground was quite still. We had just escaped the pack of hooded figures who had surrounded our hut and were watching for us. After leaving the hut, we had run along the path that led back to the house. Then I made love with a blonde girl with blurred face. The End.
  7. i have reactive attachment disorder, intellectual disability, schizophrenia
  8. stop labelling things stop the discussions this is cancelled fuck off send me a video of you cumming
  9. well thats ur problem fucker hähähä dont stress urself too hard
  10. Love your body but don't worship it or make yourself any illusions about it. It is what it is (although you can shape it). It's organic matter, it's a living being that you have possessed the day you were born. Love it like you love trees, plants, animals etc. Love it like you love your own child. It's not a possession, it's not an object, it's not a thing. It's a living being. You are a living being. It is you, you are it but in the sense that you have it. You are together. Love your body but don't get attached to it or dependent on it. It is not an extension of your mind or your ego. It is not your "self". It is not you. It's just a vehicle that you are using for a while. It is not your identity. It's not who you are. Love your body like you love your best friend. It's a living being, it's a part of nature, it's part of the world, it's part of wilderness, it's part of civilisation. It's something that you are using for a while and you will have to give it back. It's an animal.
  11. Do it. Exist at a more outer layer of civilisation when you have the skills and means to do that, so that you can transcend it more easily and quickly and with fewer consequences, and go back into it again more seamlessly. That way you can be in contact with things beyond the normal human reality more easily, without falling back so hardly. And you can be in contact with the normal human world more easily without getting into trouble. Civilisation doesn't allow certain energies to exist in its realm, so you can only get into contact with these energies when you live on the fringes of civilisation (or its outer layers of security). You need to have your feet on both worlds, so that you can see both clearly, with less distortion. But if your focus is too much on one of them - if you are too much a part of one of them - then it becomes hard to see beyond it and hard to see clearly what's there. A renaissance, a renewal, also needs a renaissance man or woman to bring it about. If you want to bring about a renaissance in your life, you need to identify your particular calling and then develop the skills and means to realise it (which you seem to already have done, because it's what you want). The one who brings about a renaissance in their own life needs to have wide interests and varied talents. If you are ready to be a Renaissance Man, do it, I'd say. It's your "life mission". This is the grand purpose of your life – something that you are meant to do that will give you great satisfaction and fulfilment.
  12. this is false seasons don't really exist in a calendar kind of way, they are an inner state. the same goes for the times of the day. day and night are an inner state, time is elastic, memory of time is a narration. if the sun shines it is a result of the energies that flow through you and existence itself. if the lightning in the sky is red instead of blue, it is a result of energetic transformations the past is inside the present you fool
  13. FWP: Ordered some DMT on Amazon, didn't arrive.
  14. for me both works. if i eat half a paper of LSD it for some reason lets me keep a foot in the reality i'm used to and the other in the real world. but if u want to know about reality u should eat as much as u can (full dose, there is a limit of what ur receptors can take in anyway, so they say, so u cant overdose) and see what happens but dont do it at home. travel/walk/drive around, but go paths u dont already know (not necessarily talking about streets and pathways here, also talking about "inner paths", body movements, mind movements, thought movements etc). the world is constantly changing so new paths may appear or disappear. everything "old" is really "new", nothing is really static. it can appear static, if it wants2, but thats not how it is, it's 100% illusionary, so even if it wants2 appear static it can change any second. theres no reason for anything to look like something "new" all the time, but i think thats how everything really is, and if u dont believe me then just eat some LSD and you will see that all things are constantly changing. sometimes a little faster sometimes a little slower, but always changing. LSD makes u realize the nature of things. the whole universe is made up of many universes which are made up of many universes which are made up of many universes etc. there are infinite levels in an infinite world. its hard to describe it, but imagine a 3D world with infinite layers stacked on top of each other in vertical directions (like a set of Russian dolls), well there's also infinitely many worlds stacked horizontally (some right next to each other some far apart) as well as infinitely many worlds stacked diagonally (not sure what this would look like though). this is how i see/sense/feel reality now and where im at mentally since taking psychedelic drugs. when i was younger my perspective was much more limited/less profound and i didn't perceive the nature of things because i hadn't taken psychedelic drugs yet or wasn't ready to understand them mentally or spiritually or whatever u wanna call it.. labels don't matter too much anyways but just bear with me here... so basically - when you take psychedelics your mind expands and your perception changes and its as simple as that.. it encourages u to "read" the "world", see the syymbolism in everything. animals, plants, humans, they all signify something and stand for something. it's really abstract (or can be) ... everything becomes alive--everything has some sort of energy inside of it, some kind of vibration that makes up its essence... music becomes alive and has a greater significance since its vibrations affect your brainwaves--it causes certain frequencies to be produced which result in certain feelings being experienced... sound is not what it seems to be. it's not entertainment, it speaks to you and transmits its energies into you and resonates with you. it flows throiugh you and u communicate with the sound. if u listen to a track u already "know", well, that track keeps changing and "synchronising" to your body / mind / perception and you "syncronise" with it (for lack of a better term)... maybe "resonating" is the better word. it's not necessarily harmless, it can seriously affect your subconscious and the course of ur life. it's impossible to speak about stuff that cant be talked about. whereof one cannot speak thereof one must remain silent or some bullshit. anyway, i dont think u need LSD or shrooms to be in that reality but it somehow works the same goes for this laptop and this website (and the internet, which really isn't what it seems to be and works differently than i thought, electricity as such doesnt exist in the way it is explained in schools. it's a myth. reality can resemble the mechanism of electricity if it wants to, but the underlying principles are different ones than previously humanly understood (and humanlyy understandable)) to take this a step further, if we grant that such experiences are the result of the brain's interaction with some sort of non-physical realm, then by definition this is not an experience that can be reproduced in a laboratory setting. The distinction between mental and physical reality is a slippery one indeed. even the brain itself (or the idea that there is a brain) is a product of the brain's interaction with what we call reality
  15. sour i like dont actually need them to get where they bring u, i guess, but as for now, it's like with vaccinations and all that bullshit, it works but for other reasons than u think reality is very strange and cant be understood from human perspective. if mushrooms aid u get a glimpse of how things actually are, fine, but they are like that with or without shrooms, so the shrooms shouldnt be necessary... but i had a realy good trip. its a dream simulation illusion etc pp anyway so whatever, can as well eat the shrooms for the fun of it i can talk to grasshoppers, they answer i am a moth
  16. shouldve asked her to have a tea with me right away since i always carry tea with me. but cant change it anymore. tea reconnects u with ur stomach. i dont n3ed to shit anymore lime blossom tea mmmmhhhh time for shrooms i guess
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