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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. You only like it because it resembles the suffering Jesus had to endure when he hung on that cross. Why not put a screen inbetwixt that muddy paste and the delicious liquid and use a French press?
  2. @Joyrex Did you remove that button that allows to show all posts of a user in a topic? One of the few times you actually implement something useful and then you remove it. No surprise here, I guess. Your skills as an admin obviously leave a lot to be desired.
  3. You still haven't fully understood how things work. Coffee = weak espresso. Espresso = strong coffee. Coffee with milk = milk coffee. Espresso with milk = latte macchiato God it's tiresome to educate total peasants.
  4. I think in this election Biden's actual performance in debates and in his campaign matters less than the fact that he is not Trump. Many people hate Trump so much by now that they'd vote for anyone who isn't Trump except maybe for someone far on the left (in American terms). In that way I'm almost happy that Sanders didn't make it because Biden has better chances to win. What a shitty year.
  5. From a European perspective it's so fucked up to see people struggling for their access to healthcare in the US. Really something that I hope Biden might reform if he gets into power. This lack of universal healthcare really doesn't benefit anybody, after all. Or who is the profiteer of that situation? I think there is none
  6. Ever considered making your own bong? Having the chillum of your broken one makes things easier, I think. I know that it's possible to make a good bong from bamboo but I have made provisional ones from plastic bottles, too. Is there no headshop in your area where you can get a proper one for cheap?
  7. äääöööää ö ä, äöä ööö ää shake your hööööäääää, shake your häääääää äääööö ä ö ä ääöö ä ö ää Good song
  8. You used exactly that as an argument to claim that Spotify doesn't treat artists unfairly. Why does the same argument not apply to the end user, then? Both aren't violently forced to use the platform. Your logic is obviously flawed.
  9. One time I left a store with some new dress clothes in a bag. A homeless guy inquired: “hey uhh can I eat that are you gonna eat that?” And I was like no, it’s not food. He replies “what are you buying clothes? Fuckin’ faggot!” So I imagined him winning the lottery, binging on steak and lobster, popping bottles of champagne, doing lines of blow off a high class call girl’s taint on his yacht in Tahiti... all in a years-of-piss encrusted jacket with shit dried in its sherpa lining, pants covered in cigarette burn holes, and floppy old boots, yellow hair, etc. Everyone has their own priorities, it seems.
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