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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. careful For guys, right two or citations wrong in The enough platypus to tank appear in on Sydney huffington Aquarium post. . is well excellent
  2. The cure for cancer is a biologic drug derived from retarded platypus penis cells but scientists are too embarrassed to admit how they concluded this, so here we are.
  3. I think Amen Lare has chosen "Niger" as a country because it resembles a well known pejorative term for black people. Shameful.
  4. You really messed up. You showed your true colours.
  5. The difference is that Move of Ten and Oversteps have a good artwork while the Sign artwork sucks ass.
  6. Apes: a shrewdness Badgers: a cete Bats: a colony, cloud or camp Bears: a sloth or sleuth Bees: a swarm Buffalo: a gang or obstinacy Camels: a caravan Cats: a clowder or glaring; Kittens: a litter or kindle; Wild cats: a destruction Cobras: a quiver Crocodiles: a bask Crows: a murder Dogs: a pack; Puppies: a litter Donkeys: a drove Eagles: a convocation Elephants: a parade Elk: a gang or a herd Falcons: a cast Ferrets: a business Fish: a school Flamingos: a stand Foxes: a skulk or leash Frogs: an army Geese: a gaggle Giraffes: a tower Gorillas: a band Hippopotami: a bloat Hyenas: a cackle Jaguars: a shadow Jellyfish: a smack Kangaroos: a troop or mob Lemurs: a conspiracy Leopards: a leap Lions: a pride Moles: a labor Monkeys: a barrel or troop Mules: a pack Otters: a family Oxen: a team or yoke Owls: a parliament Parrots: a pandemonium Pigs: a drift or drove (younger pigs), or a sounder or team (older pigs) Porcupines: a prickle Rabbits: a herd Rats: a colony Ravens: an unkindness Rhinoceroses: a crash Shark: a shiver Skunk: a stench Snakes: a nest Squirrels: a dray or scurry Stingrays: a fever Swans: a bevy or game (if in flight: a wedge) Tigers: an ambush or streak Toads: a knot Turkeys: a gang or rafter Turtles: a bale or nest Weasels: a colony, gang or pack Whales: a pod, school, or gam Wolves: a pack Zebras: a zeal
  7. But why is there shit parenting/education system/social conditioning???
  8. I was talking to the elderly gentlemen above your post. Seems we posted at the same time
  9. The worst offenders and loudest voices in the lockdown protests are middle aged men, though.
  10. love those kicks. very creative stuff
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