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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. I had big trouble doing that. How dare you assume I had no issues formatting my post?
  2. Such a slimebag response. Get your head out of your ass please JOYREX PLEASE It sucks! makes life a lot harder
  3. Well, according to you... It's such an entitled and idiotic decision. Only because you personally dislike certain kinds of text formatting you remove it for everybody else? I know, it's your site, you're da boss and everyone has to do what you say, yadayadayada. Still a total dick move.
  4. Okay, but still gives an idea of how their sound palette has progressed. Some of these bits sound so fresh. I'm sure the albums will be ENORMOUSLY PLEASANT in the earholes
  5. I think that wasn't a good decision.
  6. can't wait. previews were very interesting aejams-31-03-2020.mp3
  7. I asked my kebab man to put all sauces they had in it. It was garlic sauce, yoghurt sauce, a bit of hot chilli sauce and some other unidentified sweetish sauce (I think they call it "herb sauce"). I don't think they even have ketchup. I'd certainly not dare to ask them for it Seriously, putting ketchup in your kebab is like going to a Chinese restaurant, ordering Chinese fried noodles and then ask them to put ketchup on it. It's not cool, don't ever do that
  8. ketchup in a döner? wtf is wrong with you?
  9. might get sum kebub, its delish & good for helth
  10. I think what also plays a big role in keeping American supremacy are intelligence services and surveillance of most internal communication of all other governments. It makes it easy to suppress efforts to achieve a more equalised world order or more independence from the US and generally enhances military and economic advantages of the US. That started long before the internet even existed. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/world/national-security/cia-crypto-encryption-machines-espionage/ https://cryptome.org/jya/nsa-sun.htm
  11. Always wondered why the US have been bullying their "allies" into military buildup over the past years. Why does the Western alliance need more arms at this point in history? Surely, powers like China are kind of worrying right now. China's rise is not as violent as that of the US but still pretty terrifying (and we are living in generally more peaceful times today than ever before, so that might factor in). But do we really need to prepare for a war? In whose interest is that?
  12. Hmmm weird, didn't work for me yesterday. Btw, what happened to the response window? No text size, alignment and font anymore?
  13. Who slaughtered the response window?
  14. idk if you noticed but its not mine lmao I think there is some confusion about they/their/them as a gender-neutral singular personal pronoun versus as a plural pronoun. Maybe let's discuss that first before we make any assumptions about the quality of the music.
  15. Unforgivable. I watched Moebius yesterday. Very bizarre film, no music (except at the beginning and at the end) and no dialogue. Sometimes a bit involuntarily funny. Can recommend:
  16. He might make films in French language but he isn't French (thank God), he is Argentinian so it's "Noé", not "Noë". Damned be the French
  17. It's how they deal with ageing, with facing death, essentially, and losing all the wishes, hopes & dreams they had when they were young. Especially comic are people that are younger than 40 who consider themselves "not young". Of course there are these lost souls who are 40+ and still browsing WATMM. There is no hope for them whatsoever. They are living in a hell they created for themselves, utterly lost and fallen.
  18. Jacking each other off is very pleasant and since when is it off limits to say if you don't like music that's posted here? In my case it's not simply not liking it or feeling indifferent towards it, I actively dislike it because it's very unpleasant to listen to in my perception. And how is disliking music on a music forum not having a life? How dare you think you are entitled to decide which forms of action are considered "a life" or "not a life"?
  19. Would be cool if it was possible to embed MP3s that are directly uploaded to WATMM
  20. However you look at it, it's total shite. Who listens to this voluntarily?
  21. It's not about young/old audiences or age, though. These are phenomena that spread through all generations.
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