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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. I heard about that Finnish trial and here it is used by both supporters and opponents of the universal basic income to support their argument for different reasons. I think a UBI can only reveal its real effect when given to everybody over a long period of time. Here in Germany the social security is also comparatively high, on paper, but in reality the bureaucratic processes are too difficult and intense so people give up, especially when it comes to unemployment benefits. Bureaucracy is - nonsensically and probably illegally - used as a disincentive. I remember reading that like 3/4ths of unemployment benefit answers are illegitimate and the recipient has to formally oppose it and play a few rounds of paper ping pong to see any money (or the correct amount of money). After that's done unemployed people are bombarded with low wage job offers and can be sanctioned for not taking a job they have never applied for in various ways. It was only this year (or end of last year, don't remember) that the Federal Constitutional Court (not politicians) decided that taking away 100% of unemployment benefits as the hardest form of sanction is unconstitutional and it can only go down to 60% now (which would still put you below the poverty line). It's very neoliberal policy making and definitely not a "social hammock" here and lots of people fall through the cracks for stupid reasons. Finland is probably way better in that regard. As for drug addicts, just decriminalise drugs and do what Portugal does (it works). I think the chances that it will actually be implemented in Germany aren't that low. The elections in 2021 will be very decisive as Merkel had announced that she will quit, so the 15 year long Merkel era will be gone, she will probably be replaced by BlackRock chairman Friedrich Merz, if her party gets to appoint the new Chancellor. But luckily her party (Christian Democrats) is in decline. The power arithmetics have shifted a lot since the last elections. A coalition between democratic socialists, greens and social democrats isn't unthinkable anymore and it's almost precluded that the green party won't be part of the government, so I think, whatever the outcome of the elections will be, a left shift is inevitable. But who knows what happens until then.
  2. Germany will be testing a universal basic income for 1 year next November (but only with few people). I would gladly volunteer and registered, hope they pick me. It's 1200 EUR a month. I hope it will be fully implemented within the next two legislatures for everybody. I doubt it though and I also doubt that a trial with only a couple of hundred people for just a year will tell much about the larger scale economic and social effects. I think the results might even be used to block the basic income.
  3. ^You just posted again what Gocab already posted just a couple of posts prior to yours. That's very redundant, wouldn't you agree?
  4. Now you have to scroll through a lot of text again to read my reply. 2020 keeps getting worse
  5. It's important to understand these things in-depth but also probably not healthy for one's mental well-being to always read/hear/watch about this stuff multiple times a day. I guess it's enough to read the news twice a week to know what's up and not immerse oneself too intensely into the world of horror news. Only makes you anxious and unwell. Triggers bad sort of neurotransmitters that stir up the brain and depress you over time. Hits subconsciousness hard: Images, voices, vortex of terror etc. Keep helf
  6. I think "pity" is too often used in a sarcastic/condescending manner. Thinking about one Covid death per minute in the US is just saddening.
  7. If you're one of these 'voting doesn't matter' people then you are the problem. One of the other major problems with American democracy is that it's a pay-to-play model. That's more of a symptom of capitalism than the democracy itself. I'm not telling anyone not to vote. Go vote
  8. Solution: self-trepanation https://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?pid=S0004-282X2017000500307&script=sci_arttext&tlng=en
  9. The problem is that in the past few decades, democracy has been eroded in an unprecedented way. Democracy was replaced by the illusion of democracy, free public debate by opinion and indignation management, the guiding ideal of the responsible citizen by that of the politically apathetic consumer. Elections now play practically no role in fundamental political issues. The important political decisions are made by politico-economic groups that are neither democratically legitimised nor democratically accountable. The destructive ecological, social and psychological consequences of this form of elite rule are increasingly threatening society and livelihoods in America and worldwide.
  10. Complex systems can't simply be understood. They consist of many known and unknown variables that interact with each other and with outside systems in unpredictable ways.
  11. This is such an ignorant view. Everybody needs money to survive. And in genres like jazz being a musician might be a full-time job that requires many hours of training every day, not a hobby you do on the side while working 40 hours a week.
  12. Cajun and Creole cuisine is nice. There is lots of good black/post-slave/post-segregation culture in the US. Let's not forget immigrant culture. Mexican food there is very good, good Chinese too. USA ?
  13. if that's the only thing he does to them: make them piss in his mouth and pay them off for it, it wouldn't cause harm, I guess, but from what I've heard a lot of these upper society bosses like molesting people of lower age, social status and economical advantage to get a kick. if you are used to all kinds of luxury but mentally ill it must be hard to feel anything
  14. ^It's almost as if people manufacture problems if they don't have real problems.
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