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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. I guess that says more about me than about the AI.
  2. dunno, as soon as it is able to mutate by its own it might do interesting stuff at some point. doesn't matter whether all of it is useful or not. can just be inspiring/funny/interesting. sort of like technological poetry. you mean using brain computer interfaces that are wired to neurons? ... and that can be used to (indirectly) wire neurons to other neurons that don't belong to the same brain? the indirectliness can vary of course and be minimal ?? ?? ?? ??
  3. It's certainly good enough to generate WATMM responses. Would be fun to have a WATMM AI bot as a mascot. Or how about an online forum with only AI bots that respond to each other? Would be sort of pointless Is it possible to create a recursive feedback loop of a code-generating AI recreating new versions of itself infinitely based on its own source code, given there is infinite processing power. ? ???WHAT IF WATMM IS A BOT AND YOU ARE THE ONLY REAL USER? ??....
  4. So as I understand it you can feed it text - or any info - and it logically completes it/"thinks" it further with the knowledge it has (which is basically all public knowledge on the internet). So what if it is generating source code based on its own source code? Is GPT 3 able to generate GPT 4? Is GPT 4 able to generate GPT 5? Etc. Sorry, totally ignorant on coding and machine learning.
  5. What happens if you feed the source code of GPT 3 into GPT 3? ? (or is it only for English language and not for coding language?)
  6. I can see how this sort of tech can easily be abused.
  7. Yup, same in Germany. Many internet blackholes and generally slow internet (less developed in that regard that a lot of "third world" countries) and on top of that providers that offer unlimited LTE charge really high prices. In places like Denmark, Estonia or Finland you can get an LTE (mobile internet) flat rate for like 30 EUR a month, here it's often exclusive to business contractors and costs are ridiculous, something like 200 EUR a month. And if you stream a lot your data volume might get used up quickly if you don't have unlimited data. There are however contracts that offer unlimited LTE exclusively for certain apps such as YouTube and Spotify. Another way to monopolise these services.
  8. You are lucky that I have a lot of tolerance for naivety
  9. Okay but I'm sure there is something like a right to live in the Dutch constitution. As in: Don't kill others with irresponsible behaviour. In hospitals I'm sure it's illegal to not wear a mask in rooms of patients with an infection risk. Makes no sense to me that people aren't obliged to wear masks in stores. Just found out that at the moment you are governed by a coalition of 4 parties that have entirely different ideological directions, so no wonder the course that's taken is a bit diffuse. But I don't know much about Dutch politics, maybe they are swell dudes. Yeah, didn't wanna come across as some neo-shaman/esoteric nutjob recommending flying to Peru or Mexico to do Ayahuasca sessions with Lacandon people, lol. Iboga is, from what I've heard, a bit milder/less extreme and there are less charlatans offering it. I think the dangers of amphetamines (not methamphetamine) are hugely overrated, I'm sure it can be used responsibly like weed, even more so than alcohol. </retard WATMM medical opinion> Did it a couple of times for a while, too, never got addicted. But habits are habits, I guess, drug related or not, and people are different. Maybe your heart problems have different reasons so I guess it's smart to take a break and see if it gets better. Maybe that cardiologist visit your doc suggested isn't such a bad idea after all. Don't worry about public costs, just consider the useless stuff tax money is wasted on regularly, healthcare isn't really one of them. Who the fuck visits Holland as a tourists during a pandemic? Fucktards. Luckily the kind of tourists that come to where I live are either old people or Japanese people.
  10. Never got my hands on this crystalline THC concentrate so far, I'm sure it shoots you into different dimensions @prdctvsm That's not meth.
  11. Dunno, amongst other stuff not worth sharing I made this minimalistic thing: Sent someone else stems but they didn't do anything as of yet. Here are the stems: https://www.file-upload.net/download-14219775/Audio.rar.html (Creative Commons) Nope, not too much WATMM you fucker, my WATMM contributions are flawless
  12. ^You are just trying to distract from the fact that you have zero appreciation of the intricacies of The Thing as a cinematographic piece of art.
  13. good trolling job, I can learn a lot from you *tips hat* Using the page break to make everyone aware
  14. You remember wrong and it's one of my favourite films by him, along with Inland Empire and Lost Highway. But they are all very good if you are in the mood and certainly unique. ? But to each their own ??
  15. Okay but it is even unconstitutional when inside of private property? Stores could decide on their own that people are only allowed in with a mask, no? But not expert of NL law obviously
  16. Wait what? I thought NL is Corona hotspot or has that changed? I heard breathing exercises can help you be able to control your heart rate, but not an expert. I also heard Ibogaine can potentially stop unwanted cravings. There is an Iboga centre in Amsterdam. But ain't 1 expert.
  17. this mistake is just a reflection of your innermost desires
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