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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. Post-modern right wing politics: Weaponised stupidity, stupidity as a means of power ? The very concept of meaningful political discourse - which is essential in a democratic society - is attacked by eradicating all rationality from discussions only catering to the emotional world of target group (ret*rd voters) for manipulation & making rich rich
  2. it was unread messages, not people
  3. lol, I know what you mean. There is this type of travellers that are super insensitive to their own privilege, take it for granted and are even proud of it, negotiating prices down at bazars just for fun, even though they could afford it, etc., approaching the other culture in a post-colonial style, if you will, without realising how unfair it is and how modest they should be being the profiteers of an inherently unfair world economy even if it's not their fault that the world is as it is. Economically tourism is a good thing mostly, though. It becomes problematic when the "targeted" country relies too much on it (as we can see during this pandemic), but it's always problematic when a place is too dependant on a single branch of industry, and it gets problematic when it leads to gentrification where the locals at some point can't pay the rising prices anymore, forcing them to lead their lives excluded from these social spheres. Inequality and classism are the result. It's good and bad.
  4. be not afraide. life is to short to be afraide. listen to your heart
  5. I guess it's smart to live somewhere where living costs are low and quality of life is high if you can work remotely, as your money is worth more in these places, such as in Thailand. ?? Hotel costs there might be lower than living in an alright apartment in a Western city. Bloggers and Vloggers are a pest. They manage to make everything look extremely idiotic.
  6. I've heard the term "digital nomad" tossed around by an American woman that I met in Skopje, who lived that way. But she also thought Germany is a socialist country so there is that, lol. How is the safety situation is South Africa in your experience? I've never been there but people who are from that place have told me that they are constantly worried to get robbed when in certain areas
  7. I've got a direct message from Joyrex with the subject "Tim_J Harrassment" in which he told me that I should stop harassing Tim_J.
  8. We might be few but it requires a lot of skill and attention not to get killed riding a bike here in post-Soviet East Germany. Few bike lanes, mostly you have to alternate between car lane and sidewalk constantly, lots of hills, too, and drivers are nuts. Cyclists are on the lowest end of the food chain. Totally backwards city planning. Partly it makes sense in narrow medieval old towns not to add a bike lane because historic shit would have to be removed but people here are too car focused and politics are stupid. Why not kick cars out of city centres? They are just noisy and annoying. Fuck cars. They are even worse than these ugly scooters that you can rent with a phone app (do people have no self-esteem at all?): Dude, there is nothing more relaxing than riding a bike completely stoned. It's not safe, antisocial and probably illegal but you deserve to enjoy the Karen ways from time to time. I feel my biking skills only get better that way. Rotterdam is perfect for that, even better than Amsterdam, where traffic can be crazy and not enjoyable at all. But Rotterdam is nice and mellow. It's not that much focused on weed tourists, it's calmer and has a nice vibe to it. Some say it's ugly but I disagree. Looking at all this weird experimental Architecture that was built as a result of the old town being completely destroyed by Nazis is fun. There is actually some nice Surinamese food, which you don't really find elsewhere in Europe (but also lots of bad Surinamese food). I think weed tourists who are willing to shovel down overpriced shit after smoking too much Kush really gentrified the shit out of take-away food in Holland. It mostly sucks ass and costs too many €€€ for what it is. And those burger/frikandel automats, ooof, wtf is this shit? Send them to Germany for studying. There are courses that are fully in English and it's near to free even for non-EU citizens. https://www.studying-in-germany.org/ Is France really a hell hole, though? lol I mean Macron is an ass sucker, obviously, but France is one of the better places to live in if you compare it globally, no?
  9. I could imagine moving to a Nordic country. I heard that the workplace situations are more relaxed than here. Flatter hierarchies, less formal & idiotic. Most people I've met from these places were nice. Beautiful nature, too. I like boating on Scandinavian lakes. I think Finland is pretty cool, too (the Scandinavianess of it is debatable), but the language is pretty difficult. Perkele! But I also like my home so I will probably stay here. Germany is an alright place to live in, lots of morons so I fit right in! People from non-prosperous places are shit heads, too, in their own ways. I think the Netherlands are a very open-minded place, at least in the larger cities (never been to the countryside). Also probably a good place to move to. Rotterdam has 50% immigrants so being foreign is really nothing special there. Dutch people are really bad at riding bikes. There are no hills and the bike lanes are very good so no biking skill is required. If you are bad at riding a bike it's the perfect place for you.
  10. https://www.instagram.com/third.world.quality/?hl=de
  11. You deserve all the misery that this terrible faux-pas brings upon your nefarious soul.
  12. ^Yeah, that's another reason a financial transaction tax would be helpful. It would target the finance economy much more than the real economy. Giving that money to the people would probably make them put it back into the real economy rather than buying financial products.
  13. You can't see in the picture whether the bowstring is actually placed in the socket of the arrow or not.
  14. I've spent many hours messing around with sounds and I enjoy playing around with musical instruments, have friends who are trained musicians that I sometimes jam with, but I don't consider myself a musician or an artist. I distribute my works under Creative Commons license, hoping that other people use bits of it to create something good or just have fun with it. I've met a jazz artist who has trained for many hours every single day for decades to become as good as they are now, so I'm a bit careful with the term "musician" these days. But in the end that's taxonomy, maybe a toddler drumming on a pot with a wooden spoon is a musician, too, in a way, I dunno. I've done that more than a couple of times to be honest, mostly with films that I couldn't find otherwise and at broke times.
  15. The world we live in today would have seemed utopian 100 years ago and is reality now. Progress is possible. And in the US even universal healthcare is labelled as socialist utopia which has been implemented since 140 years in other places. It's all a matter of political will.
  16. The payment and working conditions of these jobs would have to get better for people to be willing to do them. That might mean less yields for the already rich investors. Something we can live with, I think.
  17. Sure, that's pragmatic under the current system though I think that everyone should receive a minimum of resources not only if they work but simply because they exist. A universal basic income is affordable when there is a financial transaction tax. Such a tax would fix other problems, too, but that's for a different topic. If anyone, like the great majority of people, wants more than their basic needs covered (food, shelter, access to healthcare and social/cultural participation), then a daytime job would be required.. Anyway, the amount and quality of art would change, also the willingness to pay for art.
  18. And a great deal of Americans think: "Great! This is my man! USA! USA!"
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