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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. @ManjuShri By reacting to the last post with a "laughing" reaction you only enable this creep further with his homophobic and transphobic remarks. It is unacceptable how he shits on minorities the way he does and WATMM doesn't do anything against him. Joyrex should feel ashamed about himself for not banning this perverted lecher whose only aim is to discredit this community by attacking already disadvantaged groups of humans, such as gays and transgenders, only to feel better about himself. It's not acceptable. No, this is not funny or a joke, you guys ought to be ashamed of yourselves for reinforcing such degrading mannerisms.
  2. Yeah, these types are our world leaders. No wonder the situation is pretty bad
  3. Serious All World Problem: Too many pedo rapists and creeps around and police has no chance to keep up with all these cases. Pedo rings have high ranking important people in them that can protect them, even have connections into the various national polices. Epstein is only one example, probably just the tip of the iceberg. https://www.theaustralian.com.au/world/germany-uncovers-pedophile-ring-of-30000/news-story/a61ce8dadc01c368a979bf658e17a531
  4. FWP: I wanna know the rest of the comment but it was deleted.
  5. I don't disagree with we should have, and could have, acted 20 years ago. The 2nd part is pure speculation on your part though. You guys mean 40 years ago. This stuff has been known since the 80s. I have little hope that too much will change. Most that's done now is cosmetics to comfort the public that has become increasingly aware of the ecological problems, to win elections. Industrialised Western and Asian countries won't be hit as hard by the ecological catastrophes that global warming will cause as the whole south, especially Africa. They just need to close their borders and let the southerners suffer. They hadn't have a problem with that during the previous centuries so why now?
  6. You always have to have the last word, don't you? There is nothing "magnificent" about your "skills".
  7. Seems you ran out of ideas. Why do you find pleasure in arguing with others? That's perverted
  8. usually homophobic people have gender identity/sexual orientation issues... just look at yourself... get out of the closet ffs... 1.) You mix up gender identity and sexual orientation, which is wrong. 2.) You assume another person's sexual orientation and push them into outing themselves in an aggressive manner. That's very disrespectful You know what? I think you just want to argue. Stop using WATMM for your lame trolling attempts, this is a place where everyone should love each other
  9. No, gayness or being homophobic has nothing to do with gender identity. You are projecting your own issues here, obviously
  10. Do people go around calling straight to everybody out of the blue my friend? I think you're the one with a gender identity problem and not manju... But we already knew that... Are you saying that gay people have a gender identity problem? That's homophobic
  11. @ManjuShri Why did you react to "gay" with a sad reaction, hmm? What's sad about being gay or gay people in general? Why are you so homophobic?
  12. Yes, this. Also, I like to listen to music I enjoy many times, often aspects about the music only reveal themselves after years of listening, I don't need a constant stream of new unheard music that I listen to once and then never again. But then again, I found a lot of starting points to discover music on my own on YouTube.
  13. A universal basic income would both enable more people to spend money on art and also enable artists to not be existentially threatened by arbitrarily changing policies of tech companies. Workplace democracy and abolishion of CEOs would make company policies less arbitrary. It's both doable, just the political will is missing.
  14. this is a very work-centric view of education whose implementation would result in the centralization of knowledge in the hands of the few deemed worthy to be one of these elite academics. what are the elite academics for if not education of people other than themselves (or else their knowledge will die with them), and what is the place for education if not educational institutions? education isn't for jobs and has nothing to do with jobs or work a job which doesn't require education is merely a job which has succumbed to deep division of labor, or the exploitation of a type of worker through thrusting dull manual labor upon them the goal is to abolish work as work and implement work as life, which requires absolute educational access and for education to be de-coupled from work I hear what you mean but non-academic knowledge is also knowledge/education. I don't want an academic elite that's above all other people, I want to de-elitarise academic professions so that people don't pursue them only because of work. It would make it less "work-centric", not more work-centric. At the same time I want that other jobs get the validation they deserve. Why are social workers underpaid? Kindergartners? Nurses? They do an incredibly important job that requires high empathic skills and knowledge, too. Maybe some people want to pursue these professions but end up going to university to study business because they are told that it gets them further in life and the payment is better. I don't want that. Also, the notion that handcraft is dull is simply wrong. In a way it's our dexterity that makes us human more than our ability to do accounting work or calculate formulas. The latter of which can digitalised (which requires extremely highly skilled people in that field, but not many of them), while no robot can achieve the coordination and dexterity of humans and won't be in midterm future. These jobs need to be validated more as well, and especially paid for more. And a basic income puts people into a much better position to pursue what they really like and are good at.
  15. There should be laws prohibiting this and law enforcement should have the means to enforce these laws. All this stuff isn't unsolvable. The problem is that the political class has been corrupted through lobbying and "donations" and is mostly pretty incompetent and only listens to experts if it suits their power interests, even choose the experts that only tell them what they wanna hear.
  16. This. It's not talked about enough how much global warming these servers produce for redundantly streaming the same shit over and over again that could be saved on your harddrive.
  17. oh yeah, this is objective reality, all of these perceptual images represent real existing things independent of my own mind. physical objects definitely have an inherent substance beyond my awareness, they're not just psychic projections of my fears, desires & false beliefs about myself MY ASS
  18. That's true and I hate them both with passion. Rupert Murdoch tried to buy Springer and I'm glad he has failed because it would have pushed it even further to the right. Springer is the reason people here keep voting Merkel's party (Christian Democrats). The thing is that German companies don't have CEOs, instead they have a Vorstand and an Aufsichtsrat, the latter of which has workers union members in it and in that way there is more workplace democracy than in the Anglo-Saxon countries, including the US and Canada. Therefore it's more difficult for a single person or media owner to set an agenda for the news output and impede the press freedom of journalists working there. Also, we have public funding for public service broadcasting unlike in the US where PBS is dependant on donations. It's still a suboptimal media landscape here and I tend to watch the Federal Press Conference without journalistic editing in its entirety, when I find the time and gusto, and also make resource of alternative media that doesn't belong to one of the big umbrella companies. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Board_of_directors#Two-tier_system Edit: That being said, workers unions are pretty spineless here and the system doesn't work as well as it should. Have a look at Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway instead, where everything seems to work a bit better
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