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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. High quality stuff. I like how dense this track is while being very calm. The soothing chords bring it all together. Good job on the panning, too
  2. posting in BCM's thread
  3. Capitalism is wonderful, Joe Biden will save the planet.
  4. Funny that someone who likes Zen buddhism on the contrary likes to watch bare knuckle fights. ?
  5. On all of their YT videos they state: "Heilung is Amplified History from early medieval northern Europe and should not be mistaken for a modern political or religious statement of any kind." And as it looks they use actual old texts from that pre-Christianised era as basis for their songs and try to keep it historically correct. A bit silly and cheesy, to be honest, but kinda enjoyable as well
  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prevention_paradox
  7. Yes, I saw this. Interesting phenomenon. Here is the other side of it:
  8. It's a common political term to describe a right-wing phantasy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fortress_Europe#Postwar_usage
  9. I find it too optimistic to believe that market arithmetics like supply and demand can fix it. There is no time for "small steps". Carbon pricing is bollocks. It's nice but it won't save the climate. Paying for doing damage doesn't undo the damage. So Canada wants to price it at 50 dollars a ton from 2022 on while experts have calculated that it has to be around 200 dollars to have any significant effect. It's cosmetics and not enough. And then we have places like the US that are responsible for a big deal of emissions while being completely unreliable and colonised by Big Business, I don't believe one word show master Biden says about him saving the planet, sorry. Capitalism as we know it today doesn't offer the right tools to tackle the problem. Speaking of having something even close to eco-capitalism at this time is grossly euphemistic. I think those who downplay the effects of climate change secretly know exactly how bad it will be and count on living in a place that is hit a little less hard, later turning it into a fortress that doesn't let climate refugees in.
  10. So that's how you British people have sex ? Is that why you guys make your beer taste like piss and your teeth are yellow? ?
  11. Agree with you here, Tim_J is simply not funny enough to post here any longer.
  12. So you do admit that eco-capitalism doesn't exist yet. All ecosystems are connected and interdependent. There are 15 million species living on this planet and 130 die out every day as a result of our economic system. There isn't much time left. The: "Ah we will figure it out, give it time, capitalism will solve it" narrative that's been told since the 80s is bullshit. In most cases it's more short-term profitable to ignore climate change and that's what's being done.
  13. high piss.......... low shit teh pissshit
  14. It's good stuff. Incredibly diverse and probably one of the artists whose work you can really dive into and get lost in and end up listening to almost exclusively for a good while without it getting boring. My dad used to listen to a lot of Zappa. Have to give him a closer look
  15. ^It's just cosmetics. Canada's economy is far from being green.
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