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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. People around him (and all people he reaches, really) need him to be less of a disturbance. If that's what needing help means then yeah, he needs help this
  2. Yada yada yada It made me imagine someone sucking a donkey's balls. How is that not helpful, hmmm?? @cazeSuck donkey balls The fact you dumbed this: down to this: indicates that I might be onto something here.
  3. it will suck like everything from him. he is a bad musician
  4. But this isn't the only alternative to a solely profit oriented economy. A common good economy with workplace democracy and accounting that considers other values than solely money, such as environmental values, usefulness, ethics etc. is what we need. China's social score system is terrible but it shows that there can be other values introduced into the equation other than money. People that lived under absolutism couldn't imagine the world we live in today and it must have sounded totally utopian to them if someone tried to explain it to them but here we are. Humanity has progressed. And it can do that even further and hopefully does soon since we are heading towards disaster. Central & Northern Europe might get away comparatively lightly but millions of people might lose their basis of life because of climate change. Sorry, I do blame capitalism for it. Other systems being even worse doesn't mean it's great. Maybe the current economic system was an improvement to what we had before but it can't be the end of history.
  5. I agree with everything you said but again, nobody claimed that these things are only linked to capitalism but certainly capitalism is able to produce them. A lot of problems wouldn't exist without unbraked capitalism. And all regulations that can help overcome certain problems make the system less capitalist. It was born because they are democracies, not because they are capitalist.
  6. I want fuck eel in my urethra, it wiggles and make cum and do the fuck-fuck, I shit cum 15
  7. I don't think that anyone was defending the self-identifying socialist/communist dictatorships like the Soviet Union or China, or claimed that they are the only alternative to a capitalist model. You describe life in a capitalist economy from the perspective of an average person living in an economically successful country. But there is also another side to it. Global trading relationships create a lot of poverty, inequality and even slavery while destroying the planet. It's not a sustainable, fair & ecological model and in its extreme manifestations undermines democracy.
  8. My dude a) I never claimed it's unique to capitalism. b) Welfare capitalism is no pure capitalism. The welfare part of it isn't the capitalistic part as long as said welfare doesn't solely serve the purpose of increasing capital accummulations (e.g. for creating a functional workforce). c) Eco-capitalism doesn't exist anywhere if you have a closer look. d) I didn't propose a different economic model, I just criticised the existing one. e) Is anything I said wrong and not a symptom of capitalism?
  9. - The fact that some capitalist economies exist within a nation state that offers welfare and a minimum living standard doesn't mean that there is no kleptocracy and exploitation. Usually accumulators of capital profit from a halfway healthy population and lower levels of violence so welfare fits into the scheme of profit maximisation and kleptocracy. - Even countries that offer welfare and a security web for the weak have people that fall through that web and whose basic needs aren't covered or whose human rights aren't respected. Research slavery in Europe. Even on German ground there are people imported to work in the meat industry that live in labour camp like barracks and do inhumane traumatising work and don't get paid minimum wage. Economic inequality makes this form of exploitation possible, all known forms of capitalism increase this sort of inequality. - Countries that don't utilise people like that on their own soil outsource it elsewhere. Poverty and exploitation can be outsourced. - Production chains are so long, indecipherable and globalised that no link of the chain has ever full responsibility which is a good basis for keeping immoral production running. - In a capitalist world economy actors can easily evade the various states of law that mostly function on a national level, which makes extralegal business possible. - Even if there was a global superstate that has a state of law and is democratic, elections can be influenced by influencing public opinion. Owners of wealth accumulation have the power and resources to hack public opinion and influence it in a way it benefits them. Surveillance capitalism increases this problem. - A capitalist market logic functions on the principle of profit maximisation, not on a principle of common good and social and ecological responsibility. Ecological responsibility is a market disturbance.
  10. Thank you. Maybe the growth paradigm is the wrong way in the first place. Why not grow in some areas (benus), and degrow in others with social and ecological justice in mind and then work towards keeping a satisfactory status quo? Doesn't work within a "free" market, though (a market free to exploit). Shitpiss world economy I heard that in Mexico prisoners don't get any food but are dependant on family members bringing them food or other prisoners giving it to them. An extreme example of an inequal society. Interestingly it's such societies that are the most violent. In countries where everyone is poor there is less violence than in countries where there are also rich people. South Africa is a perfect example. It's richer than the neighbouring Botsuana but the rate of killings is higher, because there is more economic inequality. Because accumulation of capital is non-elected power. Capitalism leads to kleptocracy, even if it's contained through a functioning state of law and functional laws. But laws that function as a containment of unbridled capital accumulation can be eroded by existing capital accumulations because they can be used to influence the law and make it dysfunctional in terms of containment of capital accumulation. Capital accumulations should be used for the common good and a capitalist market logic doesn't function on the principle of common good but on mere maximisation of profits.
  11. The education system ranks same as Italy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_Index But agree. It's ludicrous what oligarchs do to that country. They could afford top healthcare and welfare for everyone but instead a couple of rich idiots build palaces for themselves, usually in extremely bad taste. Capitalism ??
  12. Only a gayman could say something like this
  13. Are you trying to discriminate against me based on the insecurities I may or may not have? If so, that would be completely off limits
  14. Please do everyone a favour and don't post on this page anymore. We've all seen enough. Your lack of common sense is appalling but most of us are used to it by now, I guess, so don't even bother to post any more, you won't impress anyone. Keep it for the "Post Most Idiotic Nonsense" thread, please. It would be the perfect thread for you because all your posts would belong into it, but you probably don't even have the balls to start it...
  15. Hmm, can't access PBS from where I am and I don't wanna pay 20 dollars to Amazon to watch "Putin's Way", to be honest. Yes, Russia still views itself as a global player with lots of influence while it can't even provide the same standards of fulfillment of basic needs as the Soviet Union could, quite pathetic for a modern country with the same or even increased access to resources as the Soviet Union had, if you ask me. Modern Russia has the same strength of economy as Italy, only that Italy is a major influence on the EU. Still, I'm more worried about the Russian alternatives to Putin than about Putin. And he will be replaced at some point. The alternatives to him might be even worse, from what I know. So fuck the Americans who sanction European countries for doing trade with Russia. Russia is a shit hole, like the US, but we cannot stop all trade with them, it won't ensure peace.
  16. People 45+ that post online are usually really weird geezers nobody would touch with a stick. Maybe BCM is below that line but he soon will be hitting it. I hope he has plans for his post-online-creep time
  17. Even an anti-intellectual like you should notice that your explanation is flawed. I repeat myself but: This rule applies to phonetics, not spelling. I think I don't need to repeat myself about what the difference between these two is, I don't want to make you look even more stupid than you already do. I think you should be really careful about your posting behaviour from now on, what you have posted lately is not only factually wrong but it's also completely embarrassing for you as a person. Nobody here on WATMM can take you seriously anymore after your cruise ship goofball escapades. Grow up
  18. You must be totally homosexual to want a cat rather than a dog, only the gay types do this. I personally also prefer cats but that's because I'm such a high testosterone man that even a low testosterone animal like a cat can't lower my T-levels. Not all men have the same powers, I'm especially potent. You have to give the dog head massages. I'm not kidding you, I've had to take care of a friend's dog for two weeks and I massaged her head once a day and ever since she never caused any problems. Every time I met this friend the dog came to me and laid her head on my legs in preparation for a head massage. It was a Weimaraner type of dog. I don't know which type you have. Just keep in mind that you chose the dog and that the dog didn't choose you https://wagwalking.com/grooming/give-a-dog-a-head-massage
  19. I have later specified that I was referring to phonetics rather than spelling, which should be a matter of course in the case of English since the English spelling hasn't been updated for centuries. It's an ancient spelling that has little to do with the current pronunciation. Ai vauč for a spèling reform of Þi Ingliš langwidž.
  20. No, you are wrong. This rule orients itself towards phonetics, not towards spelling. "You" in English is pronounced: [juː]. [j] (IPA) is a consonant. Therefore it's preceded by "an", not "a". I dislike Harry Potter, I'm way more gangsta than him, I probably even have more scars than this motherfucker. If we were face to face it would be me who hit you, don't you think, weak ass motherfucker?
  21. In the end he probably wants the same as Trump and all of those alpha monkeys who aspire to be on top want, only that he is a highly educated and intelligent ex KGB agent that was educated in Eastern Germany along with Angela Merkel, so his needs of validation might be a bit more sophisticated than Trump's but not any less or more moral. Fuck all of them
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