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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. It's "a USA contract", not "an USA contract" because it's pronounced /yoo ass ey/ and "a" only comes before words that start with a consonant. Your grammar skills are appalling. ? I got talked into getting this thing today (MJ Pod) by my CBD flower seller: I have a CBD capsule in it (50% CBD and 50% MCT, which apparently is just some sort of plant oil), which I've been told lasts over a month if I take just a couple of hits a day. Haven't smoked THC lately because the strains that are available here make me too lazy and tired. It's mostly fast growing high yielding Indica strains. I've only smoked CBD flower before and it didn't have too much of an effect on me but this concentrate is kinda nice and relaxing, loosens neck tensions and just tastes good. I rarely ever buy CBD flowers because they don't do too much for me but wanted to get some today but apparently the police took it all away from the shop and is currently testing if it doesn't surpass the maximum of 0.2% THC... As if they didn't have anything better to do...
  2. Oligarchs have been pretty globalised. The fall of the USSR must have meant paradise for ultra-rich Russian gangsters because they no longer had to bribe or undermine the CPSU or act as if they were enemies of American oligarchs.
  3. Yes, not to mention that it's well-documented how many tech companies give info to the authorities in this country, which, given all of what we are seeing, are not ashamed of repeating the horrors of past authoritarian regimes. Look into the ubiquity of the PredPol database, and how it's been used to search for people who haven't committed any crimes via relatives and friends who have. Or check out Brayne's study of LAPD use of "secondary surveillance networks" and the "functional creep" of data compiled through pizza lobby camera footage for facial recognition. https://www.asanet.org/sites/default/files/attach/journals/oct17asrfeature.pdf It's just another way to for the US to keep its world dominance. Surveillance of all other governments, civilians, politicians and companies of other countries gives them a negotiation advantage. Industrial espionage & theft of intellectual property, military and political espionage, it all keeps the American MIC running. And it started long before the internet even existed: https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/world/national-security/cia-crypto-encryption-machines-espionage/
  4. I thought in Portugal most people are insured through state health insurance (run by Ministry of Health/government), not through a private insurance that your workplace chose to pay for and that you have to go to a doctor of your choice to get a drug test, since you mentioned going to a hospital to get one for yourself. From what I read, the workplace might have a specific insurance for the business they are in that provides certain services but that the drug testing isn't done in the workplace itself by said insurance provider but rather by the insurance provider that you privately have, either a private one or - as in most people's case - the state one run by the Ministry of Health, but I might be mistaken here and that's probably where the confusion comes from. What I meant by "American thinking" is, that from how I understand it, in the US you are provided health insurance based on the choice of private insurer your workplace made for you, so you can easily get out of health insurance when you lose your job or get a different insurance plan when you change your workplace. I assumed you just have to bring them a piece of paper from a doctor of your choice that says: "clean". ? I still find it a bit intrusive that your - or any - workplace tests all their workers for non-alcoholic drugs regularly. In case of people who navigate heavy machinery or that have special responsibilities, like surgeons and the like, I get it, but why test everyone? Stupid politics
  5. I gave up watching this sort of videos. Just stresses me out to see stupid yelling people
  6. Agree. Though I'm not worried about the personalised ads. I can live with them and sometimes it amuses me how misguided they are based on some random stuff I clicked on. I'm more worried about the social engineering & nudging aspect of it and the fact that there are databases with comprehensive info about everyone out there that can be abused for more sinister stuff than personalised ads. Personalised ads and even influencing elections & undermining democracy seems to be one of the more harmless aspects of it, if you really think it through.
  7. Because you are used to not have the choice or be informed beforehand. It's EU law that you have to consent before they can exploit your data. It pops up on almost all goddamn web pages these days and I just always click "I agree" since you are monitored anyway by all apps on your phone that give the data to the Big Brothers and trackers on virtually every website. You are just now made aware of it https://www.privacypolicies.com/blog/eu-cookie-law/#:~:text=With the passing of Directive,computer or web-enabled device.
  8. That's a very American thinking. I guess it's mandatory for ships to make contracts with an insurance provider specialised on this type of business. But as it looks the drug tests can't be done by the workplace itself but by an independent doctor which should run via governmental state healthcare that is publicly financed that they have in Portugal (most civilized countries have something like this).
  9. For clarification: I pressed "like" because I like that your situation got worse. ?
  10. But what if he doesn't want to be tested regularly and wants to consume? Shouldn't it be his choice whether he is tested and whether he consumes (unless he might endanger others through his consumption)?
  11. You could get a Screeny Weeny and borrow some clean urine from somebody. It's a fake penis that you can use to shoot out urine (in case your BDSM boss likes to stare at your dick while you piss out all the yellow stinky goodness) And WTF? Your work place tests your urine like you are cattle? What a bunch of authoritarian capitalists
  12. You have repeatedly proven that you simply lack decency. Your post falls under the category of severe coprophagia and is against all rules of custom and morale. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
  13. What a weird and - frankly - audacious answer to Tim_J's post.
  14. You'd end up with a sort of garlic paste/spread that you can put on bread. Browned and flavourful at the top and creamy and smooth at the bottom. How gay is that
  15. please delete this thread
  16. A liberal-conservative/Democrat president is what the alt-right needs to push their fascist revolution. But they are a bunch if pussies with weapons, they can't achieve anything they may or may not predict, just a certain amount of clusterfuck. They can, however, team up and attack people that are weaker than them and make their life worse. It's the power of the dumb. It's a species that on the long run will die out.
  17. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fork-tailed_drongo
  18. Can Covid-19 do genetical damage that can be inherited? Would suck for those people who hope that it helps cleanse the genpool from weak genetics
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