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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. @encym you are unable to produce bad music at this point. try it, it's impossible
  2. I'm in agreement with that assessment. Nudging happens through interactive media which in turn nudges you into more consumption of such media. A downward spiral, or as the profiteers of this dynamic would call it: An upward spiral.
  3. Being straight out Anti-American in the most simple-minded ways is both easier and more fun than offering justified criticism.
  4. I'm not an apologist of Europe either. Even if today the more modern parts of Europe might seem like they are more progressive than the US they are mostly led by corrupt centrist parties. Ursula von der Leyen is one example of a corrupt politician that seems to be immune to the state of law. She plagiarized half of her academic thesis and probably had the second half ghost written, she illegally gave huge amounts of tax money to McKinsey so that in turn they hire her children and somehow all evidence was deleted from her phone while it was in the possession of law enforcement that investigated her. And somehow now she is president of the EU commission. Interestingly that part was deleted from her Wikipedia page. Schäuble, who was bribed by arms dealers, which isn't a secret at all, is now president of the biggest economy force of Europe. There are many examples of corruption of the state of law in Europe. There was a child molester ring in Germany and all the evidence magically disappeared while it was in the possession of the police. Meanwhile the Berlin child protection services systematically gave children to known child molesters because a pedophile apologist professor was somehow in charge of it. Europe, even though it might be more progressive than the US in some aspects, is as rotten as the US. Maybe it started when the Romans Christianised the other European ethnicities and forced their monotheistic religion upon them. Maybe it's human nature and started from the beginning the human race was born. Who knows. Sorry for confused angry rant
  5. Found this I did a long time ago: Have dozens of them. Made hundreds of them but lost most/can't find/gave away. Haven't drawn in years. Shitty phone made them blurry but whatever. Inb4 delete bcs theres GENITALS
  6. Agree. It's the typical Munich sense of entitlement. You aren't talking to a drunk Oktoberfest crowd, @IDEM. This is an IDM forum, not some post-Nazi Schlager forum. Next time think a little harder before you post.
  7. The majority of presidents before him accepted race segregation by the way. So it started long before him. It started when they started to commit genocides against the Native Americans.
  8. This made me laugh more than it should've
  9. The Native Americans were wiped out by technologically advanced and morally rotten thieves and whores that came from Europe. Modern Americans are still the same pack, only that today most have become total pussies. The US is the degenerated bastard child of the British Empire.
  10. Americans stopped progressing 100 years or so ago. It's unforgivable that they refuse to advance even though they have all the available ressources to do so.
  11. North Korea is too poor and underdeveloped to cause as much damage as the Nazis but I doubt that they would hesitate only a nanosecond to start some serious war if saw any chance of winning. Look at what the "Worker's" Party does to their workers. They are forced to watch public executions for example. Modern folk music from an uncommon place:
  12. You use olive oil, right? You could put whole garlic cloves (don't even need to peel them) into the olive oil and leave them there for some days and then remove them, alternatively heat the olive oil up with the garlic and let is soak up the garlic taste, then discard the garlic and just use the infused oil. Make sure you wound the cloves by hitting them so the aroma can come out better. That way you can't really use too much garlic, plus only the aroma goes into the food, not the stuff that gives you a bad breath
  13. How dare you attack people like that? Who do you think you are?
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