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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. ^yo what's up with you posting north korean propaganda music? this is the world music thread not the governmentally prescribed classical music thread, could as well post nazi marching songs High quality convoluted hyper active gypsi music:
  2. It's the decadence of a falling empire. They might go fully nuts and start a World War at some point
  3. They are incompetent and overpriced. I only use flixbus these days
  4. But he also asked for cheap and I think its expensive in the US to buy premade hummus.
  5. Yeah but he was specifically asking for a quick meal and soaking them over night is hardly quick, wouldn't you agree?
  6. Thin ice, Michael... You are projecting really hard right now
  7. Do the math? What are you? Some pathetic nerd who does math all day? You sound like a lame version of Schlitze. I kick your ass nerd. You think you are top shit but any man with a loud voice and a broomstick can frighten you away easily.
  8. How dare you post this much? Do you think this is your forum? There are thousands of users registered on this place and they all deserve their chance to speak, so please, in the name of God, stop spamming this much as if it was your personal property and stop aggravating people with cringe like that. It's totally annoying. The fact that you stay anonymous tells a lot about your intentions... Anyway, everything you said about DSP might be true but is completely off the subject so keep it to yourself next time
  9. think before u post this time, otherwise u will clutter up this forum with nonsensical messages again like u have a lot lately....
  10. btw have you ever tried changing the objects you used to prepare the piano while playing the piano? simply impossible, so everything you wrote is completely wrong and further proof that you are a total dimwit
  11. No, I just have the slightest common sense. What you posted is total cringe
  12. I typed the same thing but then decided it's too fucking stupid to post and my standards are already extremely low
  13. It's a deep instrument, it requires skill, body control, focus and a lot of knowledge to play properly to admittedly make beautiful music with, but I am more interested in timbres and the variation of them than in mathematically structured notes, and the piano can't offer that. You can dampen the sound with one pedal and add reverb with the other one and you can vary the loudness and length of notes, also you can vary the tempo at which you play or play notes that are at the same place slightly delayed. But that's all there is. All the expression lies in the things I just named and in the way notes are arranged, the timbral quality of the sound doesn't change and I have heard a piano note a million times already. I think the guitar for example offers a bigger range of timbres, but it still always sounds like a guitar. I want new sounds. I think an a bit more unusual and/or new instrument can offer that, then combining that with digital processing might yield interesting results. I'm also not a fan of buying a bunch of gear, mostly because I simply can't afford that, but also because I think that there is so much you can get out of software that for me personally most hardware synths seem superfluous Send nudes MIDI
  14. Maybe a group of hackers who live in an economically left behind place and see this as their chance to hack themselves out of poverty, possibly in Russia, because the Russian government doesn't do shit for their population. They often see Trump as the fifth column in the USA which they blame for their misery, which in fact is partly true if you consider that there was less poverty under the Soviet Union (while this system had other problems). The Soviet Union was better at covering people's basic needs than modern Russia is, unfortunately, even though it was a dictatorship that persecuted a bunch of people (which modern Russia in a way still is). It's desperation, really
  15. I'm crying now.... well done boys... ?
  16. Kinda worrying to think that Nazi hackers could harvest all the comprehensive info these tech companies have collected about us, tracking info, info about political orientation, sexual orientation, etc.
  17. flol Maybe it's Twitter themselves who need some money. "Oh, it was hackers, we swear!"
  18. In German it's "doch", the English cognate to that is "though". So the answer is "though", even if it seems counter intuitive to you right now. Just accept it. But you don't want to introduce North Germanic words into a West Germanic language, that would just be gross.
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