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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. thank you padre While I think a piano can help learning about music theory I think the piano is both a very complicated, heavy and expensive instrument while lacking expression. It made sense that it was popular at the time it was invented because people weren't used to such clean straight forward sounds but today I want something that's a bit more versatile and has the ability to make weird resonances and allows more sound modulation
  2. after consulting https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/88_(number), i assume he's trying to reclaim its significance to both pirate radio and hip hop. regardless, im around halfway in and the music is really good so far lol, it's actually a bit misunderstandable and especially in combination with "werk" instead of "work" in the header you might think of the Nazi symbol 88 (until you listen to the music). But as the title was Karma & Desire before I assume he is interested in eastern philosophy/mythology and it's referring to the Chinese symbol for fortune and luck (took that from the Wiki article), which some might consider "cringe". But then the whole album is one continuous piece rather than split up into tracks, kind of collage/switch channel like, so markedone is probably right that it's a homage to pirate radio. Or maybe it's both It's relaxing stuff, I like it so far
  3. Which instrument do you recommend? I want something tuned that is also percussive and sounds interesting. I'm a bit tired of drumming on Djembe drums and want something more melodic that I can then process digitally Edit: Don't wanna play something totally homosexual like the piano...
  4. I'm about to get a tongue drum but can't decide which tuning I should get. Want something non-standard
  5. This is the worst music I ever heard. Can we please ban Tim_J for spamming this shit
  6. Damn right: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seasonal_affective_disorder Oh god, you are even sicker and abnormal than I thought, it doesn't look healthy dude, consider seeing a doc
  7. "ear"-plugs, I see... I'd probably say the same if I was in your awkward position The question is, is it directly linked to your bank account?
  8. Yes they can do that. I hope your credit card account isn't linked to your regular bank account. Call the 24/7 hotline of your credit card company and lock it. Edit: Wtf is that you sick fuck?
  9. Yeah, I think the film is full of little moments of surprise/humour e.g. when that girl was semi-con-sensually fucked in the barn and next scene you see the other woman with her big pregnant belly walk through the picture. Just the way it was cut and how chaotically everything plays out made me chuckle sometimes. The scene where she tries to hang herself on the toilet flushing and instead of dying causes the toilet to flush was funny and sad. It's a dark but embracing humour. Thank you for recommending this director to me in that other thread
  10. ^Ooof, USA. Well, I guess that doesn't apply when you make your own hummus like a proper hipster
  11. Flat bread with hummus. Get canned chickpeas and Tahini (sesame paste) and garlic and lemon juice, olive oil and water, put it into the mixer. As for flat breads: Just mix flour, salt, water and make flat pieces of dough that u cook in a dry pan from both sides. You need to find out the right dough consistency through trial and error. Put the hummus on the flat breads and roll them, fill them with salad, beans, cheese, whatever you like
  12. Difficult topic. I suspect foreign secret services stirred the pot, too. Would be surprising if this wasn't the case. Don't wanna make up some conspiracy theory about something I know little about, but it would be totally surprising if the US wasn't involved at this time of history. It was a block free socialist state with one of the strongest armies in Europe. Do you really think the yanks and their CIA wouldn't try to break it apart, or at least nudge the country in that direction? Usually this kind of stuff only comes to light decades later. Here is an interview with Robert Baer, former CIA agent in Yugoslavia on heise.de: https://www.heise.de/tp/features/Der-Staat-Jugoslawien-stand-dem-strategischen-Entwurf-der-USA-im-Wege-3378506.html (German language, though). Heise.de is a legit source, not some conspiracy blog. Not sure if everything Baer says is true because he himself has an interest in selling scandalous disclosures in book form, but it is at least clear that the CIA was present in Yugoslavia during that time. You can watch it in full on YT:
  13. ^granular and/or wavetable synths, weird filter curves, analogue style distortion, juxtaposition of dry and wet sounds, processed reverb trails, etc.
  14. It's a beautiful film. Dark with subtle humour. I have difficulties finding Emir Kusturica films in original language. All places that I know where you can stream films only offer them in either German or English dubbing, which I hate. Fucking country restrictions. Probably have to pirate them
  15. When Father Was Away on Business (1985) Full movie (subtitles available in English, Spanish and Portuguese):
  16. Americans are experts of THICC MEAT. I know an old dude from Alabama who lives here and he made the best steak I ever ate. I wasn't even aware that people are able to eat such THICC slices of meat and it was the meat of a supposedly happy cow, not some tortured soul's from a meat factory. Maybe cows fabricate their own home-made problems, too, when they are too happy, just like us, but I don't think that they are THAT dumb. I like thiccness of meat imo
  17. Isn't he helping Biden with shit like that? Imagine how inbred you must be to see this book and think: Great!
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