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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. I also thought that someone who is that talented shouldn't waste their skill on something that is only slightly above the mediocre while they could reach for the stars... Quite sad to think that an artist with so much potential & skill would stay at such a low level of composition, while they potentially could break new grounds. It's very sad
  2. I wanna add that I think the shape of BCM's head is very asymmetrical and the positioning of his ears is extremely off, so please don't bully him for his unaesthetic looks, that just wouldn't be fair.
  3. @prdctvsm Since you reacted to the previous post with a "confused" reaction I will try and give you some context. If you check out the "Studio Pics" thread you will notice that BCM has posted a picture in which you can see that he has placed the speakers of his production studio in a sort of degenerated way that matches the degenerate placement of his ears on his head. Someone suggested that it is due to his rotten brain. Hope that helped. Best regards
  4. You sound like the voice of reason that should always echo in my head but doesn't *deletes a bunch of posts*
  5. You're just a man sitting in the dark posting on WATMM internet forum, which is totally pathetic if you ask me....
  6. I ditched smoking cigs a good while ago after smoking relatively much. It for some reason wasn't difficult
  7. When dick gets hard all I wanna fuck is dead overweight 2 year old tranny moms
  8. Collective Darwinism, though, which sucks for the reasonable people that happen to live in a less reasonable collective.
  9. Nobody would blame a 46-year-old man to have sex with a 30-year-old woman. But maybe the woman would get stigmatised with "daddy issues" or something like that, and perhaps the guy with "mid life crisis" or some bullshit. Men have more freedom than women. So maybe you are onto something if you say that the applicability of this equation is more dependant on the social circle you are in the higher the age, and perhaps 40 actually is a threshold at which it is safe to say that the rule doesn't apply in the majority of social circles any longer. Maybe in Germany that threshold would be slightly higher since Germany is a mainly conservative country but a bit less conservative than the UK. I would say, the more conservative the social bubble you are in the lower the threshold at which the rule by tendency doesn't apply any longer.
  10. Why? A woman that's 40 being a couple with a man under the age of 27 would indeed get some weird looks. I guess men do have a bit more freedom here as usual. I personally don't think that everyone should always act within the bounds of social acceptance, but I do think that the equation still works above 40. How much importance you give social acceptability is your own choice. A lot of people don't think that way, though. You have a relatively modern view, which I share, but don't feel the majority shares. But there might be cultural differences.
  11. Just to avoid any confusion about age of consent being listed as 14 in Germany. You must be under 21 to be allowed to sleep with someone under 18 and over 14, legally. It's definitely not socially accepted, though. It would just maybe be too harsh of a stigma to put an 18 year old that sleeps with a 17 year old or 14 year old into the "sex offender" category Nigeria you sick fuck
  12. How old are you? I'm 25 so I can sleep with 19.5 year olds and it's okay. 18 year olds are too young for me ?
  13. A 20 year old can't bang anyone below 17 without it being weird, that's right. If a 20 year old bangs a 17 year old who am I to judge? As long as it's consensual I don't find it weird at all. It's 3 years difference mate My equation stands I'm halfway fine with zkoms suggestion, too, though. But I don't think that it's socially unacceptable that 15 and 14 year olds are in relationships with each other
  14. Oh yes! I love the religious mythology he invented when he turned nuts, something about Yetis raping women on the Easter Islands. Also, when the Hitler-regime reached out to him to make Nazi propaganda artworks he sent them a sketch of Hitler in a tutu skirt. They politely declined
  15. Three fucking digit million dollar?! Wow! So successful & sexy! *revs car engine*
  16. The UK isn't really Europe, though. They are weirdos. And I don't have a dryer built into my washing machine
  17. lol @ BCM's speaker placement
  18. Your math skills are impressive. But try it, it works every time with the minimum age being 14 obviously. A 14 year old can have a relationship with another 14 year old. A 50 year old's partner shouldn't be younger than 32, etc. Mind blowing stuff, right?
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