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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. The youngest socially acceptable age of a person to have sex / a relationship with without it being weird is your age divided by two plus seven (with 14 being the minimum age)
  2. American bashing has become lame at this point. No need to point out the obvious
  3. it's very high. the flu that goes around every year is like .01% death rate or something. if 70% of USA gets infected that'd be 4.6 million people give or take.. who'd die if death rate is 2% So if our calculations from February were correct the current death count of 137000 people in the US is only 4.17% of the final death count (US) and more than 20 times as many people will ultimately die as there already have died. Let's hope we were wrong and let's hope there will be a vaccine soon. Good luck to you guys, your president is a disgrace
  4. would be funny if someone posted a hilariously ugly t-shirt here
  5. China and Russia use their veto right in the UN Security Council to cut off emergency aid to 1.3 million displaced people in Syria, 500 thousand of which are children, by shutting down important access point. https://famoustimes.org/un-renews-syria-aid-via-turkey-but-one-of-two-access-points-shut-21711.html
  6. Seems BCM has done a lot of wrong decisions so far. First the speaker placement and now the flimsy rack stand. What's next?
  7. WTF you edited your post! WTF ?
  8. You still can't get enough of this dude? I mean, he seems to be a good guy and actually does make some valid points here and there but it takes him ages to get to the point and it's basically trivia. The video when he thanked Trump for stress-testing the US was pretty fucking stupid
  9. I'm annoyed by people saying things along the lines of: "Oh it's gonna infect and kill conspiracy theorists, careless boomers and anti-vaxxers, good riddance.", while these people with their behaviour will infect thousands of others who are entirely guiltless (apart from that people don't deserve death for being shit heads). It shows that people who make such statements themselves seem to have a similar lack of understanding of how a pandemic works. People, ooof
  10. Before they are dead they transmit it to others, though
  11. I was shopping for a light bulb and the city was very full and people didn't really keep the 2m distance that was directed but everyone wore a mask in stores. Only a limited number of people can enter stores at the same time and there often is someone outside the store that tells people when they can come in and makes sure everyone wears a mask. At the bottom there are arrows to mark the ways that you can go to avoid people running into each other. In supermarkets you have to use a shopping cart so you naturally keep distance or otherwise they don't let you in. I'm thankful that people here seem to be halfway reasonable about the situation but I feel that the discipline starts to loosen and people go shopping just for fun not just when it's necessary. The good weather doesn't really help. I compared the number of infections and deaths with the voting behaviour in my state and as it looks in more green and left oriented areas people stay safer while in more conservative/right-wing areas there are more infections and deaths. Luckily the number of new infections and deaths is falling as for now but it can change very rapidly as we have seen in other places. There is a misconception that only because things are developing into the right direction people can relax and stop being careful while the reason things are getting better is because they have been careful. It's called "prevention paradox": The prevention having the intended effect makes it seem as if the prevention can be loosened. It's psychology. Prevention paradox is a very dangerous thing Isn’t this the objective? Yes, it is the objective to develop a vaccine.
  12. This is such a cool room, so much light. I bet it's hella fun to work on your tracks there
  13. Oh, so you were serious. I thought you were trolling
  14. Ultimately it's one of the most quite miserable of meaningless lives!
  15. You convinced me, we live in the Matrix. The government WANTS us to think that there are no cucumbers in the fridge, metaphorically speaking, yet the cucumber in the fridge is in the fridge, soaking in fridge liquid, if you know what I mean, hyperbolically, so the fridge is like a big fridge with, technically, cucumber juice but but but the juice of the cucumber is in the fridge and it mixed with the liquid of the fridge. The cucumber itsel fis is is the cucucumber in the fridge, the fridge in the fridge in it has the cucumber in it, the fridge
  16. This is the most stupid thing I have ever read in my lifetime, not exaggerating Imagine thinking this is a good thing to post
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