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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. This is the funniest thing I have ever seen in my miserable meaningless life
  2. Thüringen in a nutshell. Grew up there in the 90ies. Proof that Crystal Meth cures Corona:
  3. I don't know, I don't watch all his videos. As for Belarus, I think he presents Belarus in a relatively benign way, maybe they hope he will help encourage tourism in that country. He speaks Russian and I think a bit of Belarusian and is generally a charming guy. And being a vlogger with so many subscribers they can't really harm him either because he has a huge publicity behind him. China can't really harm Ai Wei Wei either for that reason. And is it really that difficult to get someone out of Serbia if you have connections in Russia? Serbia is Russia's little brother, I imagine that authorities when they get a friendly call from a Russian colleague don't really oppose to it because what dog do they have in that fight anyway? Just networking and social skills at work I think. He basically advertises for all these countries, there is no reason they shouldn't be benign to him
  4. There are a lot of weird stereotypes about Slavic women around, most of them are sex related. And socio-economics unfortunately play a role in choosing a partner. In their eyes he is rich. Russia and Belarus don't really offer much security to their population so they are more dependant on family economics. In Russia when you get old you get like 60 EUR a month pension. When you get unemployed you get 20 EUR a month unemployment. Having a rich partner can save you from potential misery. He uses these circumstances, maybe without being aware of the economics behind it
  5. Yeah, but its good to educate about the benefits of zero tuition fees because other places could also benefit if they implemented that.
  6. Well, there is usually not much travelling happening in the Belarusian countryside so they should be comparatively safe under normal circumstances. They are naturally under quarantine, in a way. Until some travel blogger who has been everywhere comes and brings all sorts of viruses. Would be interesting to know to how many people he transmitted it that died as a result or transmitted it to others, turning areas that haven't been affected as much into new infection centres. But at least he makes fun videos, right? And at least he is alright now, right? Actually remember a video of him where some Belarusian babushka asked him why he is travelling in times of a pandemic and he answered something along the lines of: "Listen to your president, it's not that bad". What a shit head
  7. ^Millions of years of evolution, thousands of years of technological progress and now this.
  8. Your application letter: Hello, I want to teach engineering. By the way, I'm German. Answer: We wanna suck your wurst. Your music sounds like Schranz in a parallel universe where this style of music is actually good.
  9. Munich is the most expensive city in Germany and still cheap compared to cities in the US, the UK and Canada and on a similar level as in - say - the Netherlands. But yes, it's hella beautiful. But fuck Oktoberfest. My brother used to live next to the Wiesn and it's awful. Bunch of rich people getting drunk on 10 EUR beers, raping and molesting each other, no thanks. I love Bavarian food though and food quality in general is definitely better than in the Netherlands *dickmeasure* I thought: What a dickhead and then realised that his head actually looks like a dick
  10. Not necessarily. There are many small university towns that are dirt cheap and also cosmopolitan despite their size, especially in East Germany. Housing is extremely cheap there. Usually these places had more inhabitants before the German reunion and there is a surplus of often beautiful old apartments. On top of that, smaller universities are more familial and often offer better schooling as compared to the big universities that are good at research.
  11. I looked up egrets and they look exactly like the birds I've seen in the Netherlands and believed to be storks, lol
  12. The US has the biggest arsenal and probably will have that for a good part of the next century. Even when public life goes to shits the military apparatus will live on for a while. Sure, it needs to be financed and when China's influence on the world economy increases this will be harder, but I guess the US government would rather do cuts in all other areas before they reduce military spending. The military-industrial complex including secret services is the reason the US can keep its dominant role in the world, they won't give that up. China can't compete with the US in that regard and as for now, nobody is interested in a new World War. It would set civilization as a whole back and nobody would profit. Sure, you can't count on all players being rational, but nobody really wants to commit suicide.
  13. I find it gross how you constantly claim that The Thing is a bad movie.
  14. I simply cannot stop listening to Prefuse 73 ?
  15. There are many international courses of study that are in English language ? https://studiengaenge.zeit.de/studienangebote/kurstyp/internationaler-studiengang (page 1 of 100) Yes, the Dutch are usually better at English, agree. But at universities that's a different matter I really don't know Edit: I definitely think the rather conservative Germany can learn a lot from the Netherlands, which has traditionally been one of Europe's innovative pioneer countries. Though you have to agree that living in the Netherlands is very expensive compared to Germany, the real living standard here is comparatively high even when you are on the lowest end of the food chain. ?
  16. To be honest it's one of the few things that went right under the Trump administration. Solidarity with Taiwan against the monster that China now is isn't too wrong. China is a power that has concentration camps and does ethnic cleansing and views itself as the natural dominant world power. They don't really have a state of law and the communist party is ruthless and doesn't give a shit about human life, they even sell their own population as quasi slaves just to get rich. They try to undermine Europe and Africa and aim to control the world economy through clever business moves but also lies and tricks. Chinese companies are bound to act under direct order of the Chinese government, which has nothing to do with free trade yet Western democracies treat them as equitable business partners and take their word for granted. The US is imperialistic and committed various atrocities and the Anglo-Saxon model of capitalism is not sustainable yet they are not nearly as bad as China is. I'm sure Trump supports Taiwan for all the wrong reasons and the way he and his administration communicate their intentions is as expected total nonsense but in its effect it's the right kind of policy. I wish Europe were less of a lala land and dealt with China in a less naive way.
  17. https://www.dw.com/en/coronavirus-germany-could-benefit-as-foreign-students-ditch-us-uk/a-54025218?fbclid=IwAR0KYngnc6fRtsniq-Q3UlPkP4vjAK0MLRh0VDJu7WeVHUs6ZEF_I2x8JBc Coronavirus: Germany could benefit as foreign students ditch US, UK Western universities are expecting a massive drop in international student enrollment due to the pandemic. Germany's zero tuition fees, top health care system and coronavirus response could help it weather the storm.
  18. If you move to Europe I'd go to the Netherlands, Denmark, Finland or Norway, unless you wanna go to university, because then you should chose Germany as it's almost free here even for non-EU citizens. But maybe you have German ancestry and that's why you'd chose Germany. If you have a family member who wants to go to college tell them to come here to avoid a 40k dollar student loan
  19. Didn't catch that one, thanks. Reminds me on the PEGIDA movement that formed here in Germany. It's all kinds of inbreds, schmucks and halfwits that managed to form an angry mob, the highest form of organisation these degenerates are capable of
  20. I can smell the stench just by looking at it
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