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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. i will have some wine ask me anyth oh no dont im feeling a bit cute right now lol im lonely my dick is soft i have a small cunt on the tip of my penis on one occasion i put a wooden stick into it it felt kinda rough/funny i wont do it again but it was well lubricated my new chair is really comfy i just ordered a HUGE spyglass i wanna stalk people and make them hate ME admire me i am me i am me i am me lalalalal i amme i am me i am me lalalalalalalalalal i am free i am free i am not free enough i want to fuck i want to kill i want to go back to sleep good night stories please
  2. I just had some bread. It was the best sandwich I had in a while. Post about bread! Here is a picture of the bread which was really fluffy ( I shared these pictures on my instagram account as well but it's a private account so dont even bother asking me for my insta LOL i have 5 followers and the numbers are going UP, its going really well) I know you guys are hungry, I'm hungry too. I'll make a quick post on the sandwich I had I'm really feeling really lazy to write. So Imma just post my Instagram pictures. you cant really see the bread in the pictures but it is yellow and very fluffy, tasted great - now im tired. why does bread make me so tired? its a good sorta tired tho its blissful tiredness i cant stand this room imma go ... having some really bad sad boy vibes today :(( i will call myy new girlfriend (she has only texxted me twice so far and has blocked me on tinder and whatsapp and i never actually saw her but i still have her phone number and already sent her like 38 SMS messages in which i explained my deep feelings for her, also pictures of myself in MMS format but it has a 500kb limit so i can only send two pictures at a time which is not that much hope she wont call the police lol) hoping for something like this: her: i can't wait to get you out of my life. me: haha you will miss me when i'm gone her: no I won't me: u will her: no I won't me: yes u will her: stop calling me me: no i wont her: stop calling me me: no i wont but most likely she will just block my phone number on her phone but untiul that happens i will continue to relentlessly harass her by being like a little BABY who wnats to SERIOUSLY ANNOY people i can do it, its the best i can do post about bread i have nothing more to say. I'm getting sleepy. I'm going to bed. Goodnight. I love you.
  3. whatevs i dont wanna b The laywer of non vaccinat0rs but its still all a big poopoo if its only rare cases its ok no? at least they cant consume meat when theyre dead dead people save lives its best if we all die
  4. Not anymore, because those you come in contact with can get vaxxt so they are immune if media is right & not wrong about dis. Therefore your only a danger to you'reself. - You can't get the disease if you are vaccinated. - Everyone can get vaccinated now in the areas we are talking about. - Therefore you are no longer responsible for others* because you can be sure that they are vaccinated if they wanted that (you couldn't be sure of this before ,when there was less access to vaccinations) *especially if you are VACCINATED YOURSELF!!!!!!!! I love you, I love butter buns I personally got vaccinated because I could get the vaccine at a time when it wasn't widely available because I am a well connected man. I probably don't need to wear a mask anymore but when people around me do it (indoors), then I do it too, out of respect and because I don't want to get into these boring discussions (like we are having right now). I will visit South East Asia very soon and am curious to see how they handle it. Even though it bores me to shit (I'm literally shitting right now in this second)
  5. I am annoyed by myself, I have to hang out with this asshole (me) every single day.
  6. this is horrible, thanks?
  7. I was outdoors for a long time. I did some sort of Marathon with my bike, I drove many many kilometres in all sorts of places of the city I usually don't go because they are a bit far away and had lots of interactions with people and saw interesting scenes, but I missed out on connecting to people I would fuck or make love to, mostly because I was distracted, and the main objective should always be the sex, I think, and I didn't really try hard to get some sex, which is important for mental and physical health, and spiritual growth and I really wanted to fuck someone but I was also kind of tired and self-absorbed and didn't really want to get to know new people. My social life is kind of crippled and I'm a bit of a social cripple at this point and prefer indulging in my own ideas rather than trying to fuck people (I guess I should try harder in order to grow spiritually). I'm not sure if I will try to do it again, but I think I will, because I think it's a very good idea. I wasted a lot of time on some guy who sold me a pack of cigarettes and talked about techno music. I told him about my Bread Bar idea but he said he would kill a pig for Salami (he didn't even know that proper Salami is made from horses or donkeys). Also, the deal with the cigarettes was only mediocre. Cheaper than from the electronic automaton but still not cheap at all and I traded a beer (which was part of the deal) which I maybe would have rather drunk since these industrial cigarettes that you don't roll yourself burn away so quickly. I saw a bunch of cats and martens, which was cool, but since I was on a bike I mostly scared them away. The music I listened to was really good though and it was a freeing feeling to ride the bike through all these passages between houses and drinking and smoking while riding the bike was a good combo. I saw many beautiful people. One girl in particular looked very good (Asian type and she seemed to like me but I really didn't have anything to say, so we just looked at each other for a short while but at least I didn't yell "booba" this time) , which passes as a success. I tried to sell some magazines I found earlier to people but they didn't have any Deutschmarks so I gave it to them as a present. I took some photos but then my phone was having glitches and I couldn't update my Instagram account which was a real disaster because I looked better than usual in the green neon light. It all felt kind of dream like, and even though I had one longer and some shorter interactions with random pedestrians I felt disconnected from the things that were happening around me, even though I'm aware that existence as such is a profound thing. Weird, how something so profound can seem so mundane sometimes. I was slightly less entertained than I think I could have, had I invested some more action and initiative but I'm living in a kind of deserted city right now (must be the Covid thing). I have to keep on trying, though. There is a lot of stuff I want to do. I want to go to a sex club, I want to go to the gym, I want to go to the city and meet people, I want to meet some new friends, I want to write some music, I want to learn a new language. And so on, but I was a bit too tired this evening, I guess, and kind of absorbed with my own ideas and also people scare me on some level, especially since reality isn't really what I thought it is. I'm very unsure about how things work and therefore it's a bit more difficult for me to navigate the world than it used to be, but I collected some XP (Xperience Points) - it's all a game after all (while it probably really isn't). I want to be able to be more present and more aware of what's going on around me. I want to be able to connect with people. I want to be able to express myself in a way that is not only acceptable but also interesting. I want to be able to have lots of sex. I want to be able to enjoy life. I want to be able to do something that makes me feel good and not thinking about killing myself with a bolt gun everyday (which I probably would never really do). Then there were these random memories of a dream I had in my mind, about a mature baby with a deep male voice in a cellar, it was kind of unsettling, but in a subtle way. I had a lot of fun, though, and I'm glad I did it. I'm a bit tired now so I'm going to go to bed now, hoping to wake up into some different more real sort of dream.
  8. I wanna make a cool post but can't come up with anything
  9. found more love "Haushaltsnahe Dienstleistung der Zukunft" is the source of the universal octopus Mhmm and I have a ton of unjustified insecurities myself and others have to live with them unless they are cunts Furthermore the opportunity to do something about that is in authority of South Africa I don't understand the question heh heh yeah I'm good thanks mate
  10. Looks like where I live, only that here there are many hills and it's kind of tiresome to go up a hill with a bike when you are one of those people (like me) who doesn't do much sports. I much prefer the Netherlands for riding bikes, it's A+ Proper mountains are cool, though. Last time I climbed a proper mountain with a heavy backpack I almost died from exhaustion, but I will never forget the view at the top! I love my bike, but here the roads are too crowded and it's too hot in summer (except when there is one of these blissful mild summer rains). I bought a bike because I thought it would be really good exercise for this area, but I never really used it for that. I just use it to get faster from point A to point B, or to escape my house quicker and escape people I see on the streets or in the park more swiftly. Human race... despicable I just don't have time to ride it around for fun or exercise or getting some fresh air, so I don't do that anymore. If I had time, I'd use it. I just don't have time. I don't know if I should be happy or sad about that, but it is what it is. Oh wait, I have plenty time. I will go ride my bike. Sorry, off-topic.
  11. I've had lousy noodles with pepper, feta and green pesto. I want goddamn bread! I want to soothe myself with carbohydrates, and I want to do it immediately. The food gods have answered my prayers: it's the opening of Bread Bar - this is my business idea and the futurists are going to kill me: I just want to sit in a bar, drink red wine, watch people and eat bread. But it's a cocktail bar with bread. The bread is homemade, and the cocktails are interesting and strong. I like the idea of getting drunk on bread. It's a strange concept. It's a bar, but it's not a bar - it's a cocktail bar. It's a bar, but it's not a bar - it's a bread bar. The bartenders at Bread Bar make lovely drinks, and the idea is to eat a lot of bread and drink a lot of wine and then do naughty things.
  12. I'm by no means a health expert and can only regurgitate what I have read in media and heard from others about Covid (and it's not even a very interesting topic to think about), but even if this is all true, then at a point when everyone has access to vaccination, shouldn't it be his own decision (because if you want to get protected from the virus you can and it shouldn't matter whether others are vaccinated or not if you are vaccinated)? If there is no area-wide and egalitarian access to vaccination it's a different story, and I don't know about Canada, but I from what I've heard, Canada is well supplied with vaccines. If he has lots of contact with people who for whatever reason can't make this decision (like homeless people or paranoid people that for good or bad reasons don't trust anyone), then it's a different stoery as well. But like most middle class people he most likely doesn't have much contact to them. But (I'm sort of repeating myself) if he lives in an area where everyone can get vaccinated if they so desire, and if my conclusions aren't wrong, it should be unrisky for others if he doesn't get the vaccine. I may be wrong, though and I guess that if in doubt it's best to get it, just to make sure. So he might not be wrong, but you should still send him to get vaccinated. Because if there is even a slight chance that he can help others by getting vaXX'd, he should do so... I guess. You don't need to be dramatic about it when talking to him, though, as this would surely spook him further and make it less likely that he gets the vaccination. I mean, by his own admission, he is "not sure", which should be enough to get the vaccine. But yeah, it's a tiring topic. Also, family dynamics etc. pp.
  13. Here are some of the most common food myths: 1) "I eat healthy, don't I?" No, you don't.
  14. 1) I was waked up in a kind of rough manner, through a loud noise and an unexpected social interaction. Also, it interrupted a dream. 2) The dream I was having was very vivid and I was completely involved as I was having it. I was in a house with many other people and we were all sitting on a couch. I was sitting next to two very attractive women that I knew. I was trying to flirt with them and I was getting more and more into the flirting. Then, I started to make out with one of the women. I was very sexually excited and I was reaching inside her shirt and feeling her boobs. I was also kissing her neck very aggressively. As I did this, I got even more sexually excited and I was also trying to give her a love bite. I was then startled out of this dream and woke up. The dream immediately ended and I felt a sense of sadness and loss. I felt like the dream was so real and that I had lost something I was really enjoying. I was also still horny from the dream. 3) I masturbated but I didn't feel much other than the relief after I reached orgasm. 4) I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't get back to sleep. I lay there for a while and then felt the urge to have a cigarette. I got up and went outside to have a cigarette. The cigarette was calming but left a slightly unpleasant taste in the back of my throat. Often I like the earthy taste but this time I did not as much as I sometimes do. 5) I'm cooking some noodles. This is problematic. I get some water on my finger and it burns but I don't feel it right away. I keep cooking. I realise the water is scolding hot and burning my finger. I run and put my finger under cold water. I feel the pain. 6) I don't feel like doing anything other than relaxing.
  15. When I was a kid, I was a kid, so I wonder if I was a kid. There is no reason to be happy. We can stop being happy. It's a good idea to stop being happy.
  16. No, there are way too many humans... ...for me to eat them. Someone should reduce them to small pieces and sell them in a supermarket. Fuck! I want to eat people! I want to eat someone!
  17. @usagi has a masculinity complex if he thinks that polluting the already very polluted soundscape of the city with these unnecessary motorbike sounds. it doesn't make him more of a man. if anything, it makes him less of a man, because any mature being should know that, when you have to go somewhere, you walk, unless you're in a hurry, but even then, you're not in a hurry that much that you need to drive a motorbike. I'm pretty sure that, if he's really a man, he'd be able to ride a bike without having to rev the engine. but, I guess, he's just a spoiled brat who thinks that the world owes him something and that he's the center of that world. he's just another fool who thinks that driving a motorbike is cool and that it gives him a sense of power. it's always the same thing, isn't it? and you know what? it's always the same kind of person. what a shame
  18. I might have done that, don't remember exactly
  19. The children are broken of their human genetic memory at schools. The body is restrained & controlled, there is no actual physical education that teaches kids from early on how to survive in nature, how to feel the energies & tides of the environment without being distracted by alphabetism. We lose the ability to maintain ourselves in a natural environment and are made dependent on a system that is destroying the planet, on cities, supermarkets and Amazon. We no longer make use of the evolutionary traits that are built into us for a reason, because these are actively suppressed through our screwed education systems. It's a damage done to children that's nigh irreversible in an adult age, resulting in a population of obedient workers that may even understand the situation they are in but can never escape it, because they were programmed this way to the point that they defend the massive civilisation of the earth. You think you have a better life than that of animals? But you are totally disconnected from your evolutionary programming, and utilised to serve a system that is a longterm hazard to all living beings. This is how the ruling classes manipulate you. They created a gigantic system of control many generations ago that serves them with the help of all the elite-serving media and education. This is the most beautiful scam ever. Don't believe me? Just think about this. There is no real education for you, there is only the training of you to be a useful, domesticated slave, offspring of a slave, and the child most likely becomes a slave as well. You are born into the system, you are raised and that is it. From an early age, humans are programmed to become useful to the system, to be caring and understanding of all the problems of the system and the ruling classes that create them. If you question the system, you are pushed aside, you are called paranoid, you are ridiculed, you are called conspiracy theorist, and you will be made a pariah. If you tell the system that it has to change, you will be called a radical and a revolutionary. You will be called a rebel and you will be ridiculed for that. You will be told that you are crazy, that you are idealistic to demand changes from the system. You will be told that you are negative. You will be told that you are a danger to the system, as you could destabilise it. You will be told that you are a utopian dreamer. You will be told that you are a misanthrope, a nutjob, a liar. You will be told that you are naive. You will be told that you have a victim mentality. You will be told that you are just angry. You will be told that you are a radical. You will be told that you are a revolutionary. You will be told that you are crazy. You will be told that you are driven by misguided idealism. But our inherent human powers that have enabled us to live for tens of thousands of years in the harshest environments have long been taken away from us as we have been domesticated, the unconscious memory of our ancestors that enabled us to connect with our dream realities, speak with animals and be one with God. What we are left with is a tame, domesticated, disconnected, depressed mind that longs for the past and no longer is able to connect with the present moment. sorry for poor engrish
  20. I just saw two extremely beautiful and stunningly hot gurls walking past me. I could just look at them and they seemed to appreciate my look but I didn't have anything to say to them other than maybe "boing" or "peng" (I should have said that or asked them if I can take a photo of them but... well). They looked perfect and also like nice people. They were both dressed like they were going to a party or hang out with friends. They were simply perfect. I wanted to ask them to go on a date with me. I should have said something but I didn't and I regret it. Oh well, at least they saw my look of approval and that's all that matters... hopefully, they will remember me in the future. ? Well... I don't know what else to say. I'm just really tired. I feel like I haven't slept in days and that's probably true because I can barely remember anything about the last few days except for the fact that my body is in pain from sitting on the computer and that my mind is completely exhausted from thinking too much. Well, I'm going to take a break from the computer and the internet. It's been fun but it's time for me to go. I need some rest and I'm going to go get some sleep... ? Goodbye everyone. Oh wait, I'm not tired from sitting in front of the computer, I think I'm tired from too much sleeping, so maybe I shouldn't sleep more, I should just go out and have some fun. Oh well, it's too late now... I'm already tired. So anyway, goodbye everyone. Maybe we'll meet again someday. ? I need to rest my eyes and mind for a bit. So I'm going to go sleep for a little while, hopefully I'll be able to wake up later. I have been getting too much sleep lately and not enough exercise. That's probably why I'm feeling so tired now. It just started raining, I guess that's good because it's been too hot lately and I needed a little rain. It's not raining hard enough to get me wet but just enough to make me feel like it's nice outside. I'm not tired anymore. I feel a little better now. I was just tired for a few minutes but I'm better now. It's okay, that happens sometimes and it's no big deal. I'm going to go eat something soon. Well, I just finished eating some things actually, so I will wait a bit. Maybe do something that benefits me later instead, like exercise or something. My mind feels a little better now. I feel like I'm ready to start doing stuff again, so it's time for me to go do that. ?
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