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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. Just align with the sacred geometry of the cosmos and there will be no friction, everything will fall into place
  2. agree, compared to the dick meat the ball meat is huge in their case
  3. It's not a secret that posting in Your Latest Creations makes you famous instantly
  4. Why do you guys even share these headlines and help this idiot with publicity?
  5. Stalking birds is fun. There are a lot of large grey herons standing in the flat river waters fishing, in the middle of the city. I'm always fascinated when such big animals haven't been exterminated yet. Probably because there isn't much meat on them
  6. Yes, it's a fun program. Have tapped into it myself at some point but didn't pick it up again. Been talking to design graduates who ditched expensive 3D modelling software for Blender because it's better
  7. These look delicious and not disgusting, though ? I like Portuguese food. Been to Lisbon once to visit a friend who had worked there and liked the food there a lot ?
  8. Swimming helps. It will hurt like shit but it will also help.
  9. Hope this asshole dies painfully
  10. at least there is one person who thinks that
  11. These are the fucking previews. The full documentaries are on his patreon. https://www.patreon.com/allgasnobrakes These videos are the same as on his patreon, there just are more of them on his patreon. I bought the subscription. Fun stuff, without a doubt. He seems to be associated with this umbrella company: https://www.doingthingsmedia.com/partnerships, so maybe not as Indie as it seems, but fun nonetheless
  12. @manmower Wtf did you drop the "sum" in "et in arcadia ego sum". That's too ghetto for me
  13. America is great and beautiful, there are just too many Americans in it. It would be a lot better without them in it, I guess. ?
  14. Somehow I wish to find someone breaking the rules so I can yell at them but unfortunately everyone sticks to the rules here ?
  15. Literally me when I'm especially unracist lol
  16. whaddaya mean idiocracy. freedom was literally invented there
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