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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. It won't fly. It's just a publicity stunt. No way America will have a black (shitty) musician as a president. He won't even take part in primaries. But the fact alone that it seems to be thinkable for people now shows how much the presidential office as an institution has been hurt by Trumpolf.
  2. dingformung

    Rob pls

    Someone else did, forgot who, but I uploaded them: https://www.file-upload.net/download-14176635/aejams-31-03-2020.mp3.html
  3. Please Europe, get your security matters in order so we aren't so awfully dependant on this shithead US government any longer. It's dangerous that they control the biggest military apparatus on the planet. It's like a toddler waving around a loaded weapon.
  4. dingformung

    Rob pls

    The previews were very tasty, that's for sure
  5. It's still an issue though. I think racism has mostly transformed into classism because the racism of former times has pushed people of colour into the lower classes. That doesn't mean there is nothing of it left, though, but in the end we are using a very misunderstandable vocabulary and try to fit a complex reality into it, which of course leads to a chaotic debate Edit: Probably belongs into the BLM thread, tho, sorry, carry on
  6. I don't know why it would be impressive, either. Being destructive is incredibly easy, even Schlitze can do it.
  7. What the world urgently needs is another stereotype that you can use to discriminate others, right? Interesting that it's against women and not men, as usual. The "Karen" stereotype might become as reactionary as the thing it's trying to criticise. While I find this incredibly funny, I think, upon further reflection, it's not fair that they receive a shit storm like that. Yes, they are privileged, yes they are weapon owners and yes they are clumsy in the way they handle their weapons and yes, they have a shitty taste in clothing. But they clearly felt existentially threatened, an emotion that humans shouldn't impose on other humans, it's certainly not a legitimate form of protest. It's not nice to see your face all over the internet in that way as a result, either. Of course, pointing your weapons at protesters and by that threatening them with death is not acceptable but this behaviour is due to their shitty American upper class socialisation which they had no say in receiving. The protesters weren't all peaceful, they repeatedly showed propensity towards violence. The lootings and pointless destruction of not only upper class property won't help their cause at all. The protests around Martin Luther King could only have an effect because they were so peaceful. I feel that these new protests often lack sincerity and are for a lot of people just a welcome event to escape their boring everyday life and blow off steam. Don't get me wrong, I think racism (and classism) is an incredibly important issue to address especially in a history blind place like the US, but I'm not sure anymore about the intentions of some of the protesters and if their ways to protest help with this issue.
  8. dingformung

    Rob pls

    the fact that they have two albums up their sleeves...
  9. Sorry to hear you have the Corona virus. Good that you aren't risk group. The holy spirit and God & Jesus will protect you, keep praying. Just don't walk around and spread it to others, remember, Jesus doesn't protect non-Christians.
  10. Karl Popper was right, truth is approximative, yo
  11. I'm afraid I have to agree with Schlitze here. A noobie like Taupe Beats should know his place in the community. His contributions have been shallow and nonsensical and it was only due to our generosity that we accepted him so far. For someone of his calibre he has been imposing on our kindness way too much. Thin ice, my friend, thin ice
  12. as far as I am concerned TV shows are pieces of motion picture as they consist of moving pictures
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