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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. Yes, it's pseudoscience and the compounds are incredibly expensive for what they are, that's why I find it non-sensical that politicians discuss if they should be paid for by health insurance here. They have a placebo effect, though. Note that a placebo effect isn't simply an illusionary betterment of your ailment, it can actually improve the disease's process by activating the body's self-healing capabilities/immune system. It's how healers of ancient times often worked with their patients, with a limited amount of available medicines and powerful belief systems (because everyone took them as fact) they did whatever was necessary to activate the immune system through placebo. Belief and intend alone can heal, which is scientifically proven. Every body process that works top-down (from brain chemistry to effect on the body) can can be positively affected through placebos (or negatively through nocebos), namely everything pain or immune response/inflammation related. But it is dishonest to make the patient believe they are given a non-placebo and damages the trust between physician and patient. Placebos can have an effect even when the person who is given the placebo knows it's a placebo. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/306437#what-is-the-placebo-effect
  2. I can achieve breast enlargement through hands-on healing, for free!!!
  3. Wolof sounds nice but I think Twi sounds hilarious (no offense to any Twi speakers). Africa is such a diverse continent and I know next to nothing about it apart from the stereotypes that you pick up when growing up in Europe. To me sub-Saharan Africa in my mind almost appears as a sort of diffuse samey mass but in fact it apparently is way more diverse and less samey than Europe, with thousands of languages and peoples. The world is big What's in your sig, I have sigs deactivated
  4. I purchased this, it's mind bending
  5. So the videos on this channel are parodies, right? Actors, or a mixture of actors and some real nutters, right? Or do they not seem like real people to me because they in real life act out roles instead of being genuine? I can't accept this is real. This video for example: At first I was 100% sure it's a parody but then I read all the comments and found this Vice interview with the guy: https://www.vice.com/en_ca/article/epgjaj/all-gas-no-brakes-is-capturing-americas-weird-underbelly-on-an-rv-road-trip It just can't be real
  6. Used to listen to them a lot for a while but somehow had forgotten they exist:
  7. Feel the truth and let it guide you, instead of trying to guide yourself towards the truth. Don’t let the means dictate the way. But, instead, let the way dictate the means.
  8. I don't deny that all movements can be occupied by political forces that have nothing to do with the original ideas and intends of the movement and be perverted to the point of fascism. But after hundreds of years of colonialism, slavery, racism and white supremacy through out virtually all dimensions of society black people only from the last half of the last century on could find a voice and protest against this multidimensional trauma and injustice this sort of world order has left, it is tasteless to try and discredit this movement as potentially becoming as bad as the thing it is protesting against. There is nothing that even remotely implies that BLM will in this or any parallel universe become a black supremacist movement that aims on suppressing white people. "Simply stating that it should not become 'black lives better'" completely misses the point.
  9. Don't give thought too much importance, pay attention to the here and now. #guru #watmmlifeadvice
  10. He doesn't refer to a watered-down version of BLM he means that the BLM movement might become a black supremacy movement (black lives being better than white lives) which is utter non-sense and can only come from a position of complete historical and political ignorance. It's not surprising since he is a very privileged person that's also black so he might think: "Ah come on dudes, being black isn't all that bad.". Also, famous people like to say things for the sake of saying things, because no matter how people react, he will benefit from the attention.
  11. It's not uncontroversial. It's completely inappropriate to speculate about BLM becoming "black lives better" in the situation we have now regarding racism, structural or not. It's ignorant "centrist" drivel
  12. This is something that, I think, Americans have a particular problem with. I reserve having opinions on subjects in which I do not have the adequate knowledge. That's all. There's kind of a social obligation for a lot of people to make themselves look like they know what they're talking about, but don't. Speculation is not truth. Having an opinion does not make you more learned. Perhaps this was taught ages ago and it was rooted out of our education system. From my own experience I can tell you that it's not exclusively an American problem
  13. Why do people continue having opinions about shit they don't understand
  14. I'd feel pretty uncomfortable even having a gun lying around in my house, and certainly less safe. But Americans gonna American, I guess
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