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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. What I'm trying to say is kill the motorcyclists FWP: I need to clean my room
  2. There is a chaotic anarchy that makes up soul life, and there is a deep, true order that creates soul life. Here we meet again the confrontation of chaos and order. Through equilibrium and counterbalance, an energy field is formed, an energy organization that is viewed as a law. There is a similar order in the universe. Most people do not understand this order because they are too haunted by the disorder in their life and those around them. Many people have learned to stand against the environment because of their human instinct for survival, and like an animal that has to survive, they imagine that everything and everyone is against them. Some people have a more subtle sensorium that tells them that order is reflected in the world and they know that they belong to it. They understand the order in their environment and recognize the patterns according to which everything happens. These patterns are not created on purpose, they are not plans that individual people have worked out. They are the natural order of the world. Without the play of chaos and order, nothing we see and experience would be possible. While these two sides of the universe are in a state of equilibrium, they are also in constant flux. Order is the basis of everything that we experience as "reality". If we use the mind, we can not only understand this game, but also influence it. There is no order without chaos and no chaos without order. They are always connected. When looking at one side, we should always consider the other side. Both aspects are inseparable. Our entire world is shaped by these two aspects. The universe is a whole. It is a closed system in itself. The universe is designed to exist and we humans are part of that system. We are an integral part of the universe and we can influence it. We have to learn how to master the chaos in our life. We have to learn how to master ourselves and bring order into our life. It is possible, but not easy. It takes discipline, patience and perseverance. At the same time, we need to know how to disperse that order again, because without chaos there is no room for change. In the end, it is all about balance and equilibrium. In our daily life, we have to be aware of this order and disorder. We have to be aware of the influence we have on the world around us. We are part of that world and we are changing it with every thought, every feeling and every action. We are influencing the world and the universe with our thoughts, feelings and actions. The universe is a whole and there is no separation between us and everything else. Everything is connected in one way or another. It is impossible to separate ourselves from this universal whole. There is no such thing as separation, except in our imagination. Our imagination is the only thing that separates us from the universe. We have to learn how to be part of the universe and to know how to influence it. We have to learn how to be a creator. We can influence the universe in two ways: First, we can consciously change our own world. We can change our environment and we can change ourselves. We can change our emotions, thoughts and actions. Second, we can unconsciously change the world around us. We can influence our environment and other people. We can change our environment and we can change other people. We can change their emotions, thoughts and actions. The two ways are not contradictory.
  3. motorcyclists, kill them all. behead them and play football (soccer) with their heads. we need to execute them all. maybe start with one of them, slice him open and put his motorbike inside of him, it might give him a funny shape, then the others can see it and may decide to stop being motorcyclists, and if not, then we can kill them all. we need to kill all of the motorcyclists. we can't allow them to live anymore. these motorcyclists have been infecting our streets with their noisiness and pollution for too long. they're a nuisance to society and should be punished accordingly. they are a blight upon our streets, and i say that it's time that we get rid of them once and for all. the best way to get rid of these motorcyclists is to kill them all. i suggest that we hunt them down, and mercilessly kill them. if they're not dead after we have killed them, then we need to make sure that they're dead by cutting off their heads and extracting the infected motorbike parts from their bodies. then we can play football (soccer) with their headless bodies. should there be any wounded motorcyclists, or motorcyclists without motorbikes, then we can kill them while they are helpless. we must kill all of the motorcyclists
  4. listen to river/weir/waterfall/ocean for exactly 3 hours
  5. Also, do you collect psychedelic mushrooms and/or peyote in the Mexican mountains?
  6. Thanks, very inspiring. I wanna get into more outdoor stuffs as well since mostly I'm just indoor and doing small walks at most. Do you have any tipps on sleeping outside? It seems that a tarp shelter is the way to go because it's very light and much smaller than a tent and fits into a backpack nicely but setting one up seems not to be as trivial as it may appear, lol, it's a science in and of itself (I have a small booklet that explains all the knots etc. but maybe it's best to just try it out without instructions, maybe tonight in the nearby forest) ... so, how do you sleep / take shelter when you have to? like you don't wanna get rained on while laying around there sleeping
  7. You can say you didn't believe him. And it might be just a story
  8. when u do the dishes and cant skip a track bcs the hands are wet. horror
  9. - why did u create them - why did u create hate - why did u create living/no-living - why did u create "create" - why did u create "why" - what? - interweb? - weB?¿•○●□■
  10. Stupid First World Problem: I texted with a woman on Tinder who looked really hot and smart and it went comparatively well but out of an impulse I "unmatched" her to try out self-sabotage and then realised that self-sabotage is a really dumb thing to do, but I'm smarter now "I still don't know what I did to make you not want me. This is the most difficult thing for me to understand. What I felt was real and it was mutual. Did I do something that made you realise you didn't want me? Did I say something that made you realise you didn't want me? Did I seem too nice? Too desperate? Too humble? Too willing to compromise and play second fiddle? Too willing to be your best friend first, in case we didn't work out as lovers? Too much like a girlfriend already, even though we had only met three times and talked on the phone once before this happened? I don't know. But it makes no sense to me, because what I felt was real and it was mutual. It had just started, so we hadn't had time to build up the kind of emotional baggage... " etc. pp.
  11. Cancer may be a by-product of academic medicine. It just shows how powerful academic medicine can be, in both ways. There are other medicinal systems as well, that fix problems in other dream realities than this one. These other systems also have their own kind of illnesses that may or may not be treated in this reality through academic medicine. When treating sicknesses in the normal reality, doctors can cause all sorts of other problems, without (consciously) knowing, elsewhere. I'm not even talking about medical mistakes, I'm talking about their energies that they can transmit into the more dream like undercurrents of the patients consciousness (or subconsciousness, or superconsciousness). Most do not understand these other plains of existence, they only know this normal reality (they learned from books and teachers and trust their eyes and memory and often have absolute faith in their skill, because they are certified), unaware that changes here can cause changes there, and vice versa. It is very hard to distinguish where one reality ends and another begins. It is even harder to influence it intentionally. These other plains of existence are only truly known and navigable by people who have lived there for some time & experienced them consciously, and sometimes can only be entered through great effort and a certain state of mind. Every person has their own way to reach this state of mind. Other medicinal systems than the academic one may focus more on the non-normal realities, while academic medicine is stuck in the normal reality. Experts of other equally valid medicinal systems can enter these other plains of existence and influence them in various ways, but they can also cause all sorts of problems, without knowing. These other medicinal systems are the reason why we as humanity can exist today, and have lasted for thousands of years (but time can be a different thing there than it is here). Unfortunately a lot of the knowers have been killed, enslaved or weren't able to transmit their knowledge to another generation due to persecution and war. Every system has it's own problems, and every system has it's own ways to solve those problems. The academic system has many problems, and while they may be solved with other medicinal systems, there are also some problems that may not be solved in this reality through the use of these systems, or only with great difficulty. If someone is sick in this reality (like cancer) it is possible that they are sick in a different reality as well (like their dream reality). People who have lived long enough in a certain way may have seen all sorts of things. They can tell you about the nature of consciousness and how it operates. They will tell you that we are spirits in a dream. They will tell you that we exist in many other plains of existence, and that the common consensus of this normal reality is a very limited and often distorted view of the whole picture. These other plains of existence exist semi-independently of this normal reality, but they can have an influence on it, and we can have an influence on them, they are in our dreams. This is why it is possible to do things that can't be explained by the common consensus of this normal reality. In my opinion, these other plains of existence are not less real than this normal reality, they are just as real, but they operate according to different rules. If you can dream up something in your mind, that doesn't mean it is less real than something you perceive with your eyes. It just means that your consciousness operates on a different plane of existence than the one you are operating on right now. A lot of people, who understand this, may have problems with normal reality, because they can see the world in a different way. They may have been told that their ideas and feelings are wrong, and that the common consensus is right. They may be afraid of the judgement of others, they may not want to be ridiculed or rejected by society, or they may not be able to live according to their own conscience. They may try to conform to society and suppress their own ideas and feelings, but this has a great cost for them. They may feel like they are living a lie. This is a sad thing to have to go through, but it is not the fault of these people. It is the fault of society. Society should be accepting of different views, instead of forcing everyone to conform to one view. The more people are able to freely follow their own conscience, the more healthy society will be. If you can't follow your own conscience, you will feel like you are trapped inside a body that doesn't belong to you, and this can cause a lot of mental suffering. The only way to deal with this suffering is by letting go of the need for acceptance and approval from others, and not allow yourself to be defined by anything other than your own conscience. No one should be able to tell you what to think or how to feel. If you have a different view than the common consensus, it doesn't mean that you are wrong, it just means that you have a different view. It is possible that your view is more right than the common consensus, but this is something only you can know, not anyone else. This is why the acceptance of different views is so important. The more people are able to be themselves and be accepted for who they are, the healthier society will be.
  12. It's okay, it's okay, it's okay... Don't worry about a thing my sweet little fruit of wisdom. I'm glad you are sane my sweet sweet fruit of wisdom, I want to see you again, I want you to come and visit me in prison. We can sit and eat some fruit together.-Don't worry about a thing my son
  13. Совсем недавно я видел мертвую приручку. Она сидела на столбе, а я проходил мимо. Недавно я смотрел инстаграм-каналы, и там было что-то, что "ведьмы" - это женщины, околдовывающие мужчин, и тогда я понял, что девушки-ведьмы - это настоящие красотки. Андрей: "Ведьмы" - это женщины, околдовывающие мужчин, а "волк" - это слово, обозначающее мужчину, который околдовывает женщин.
  14. Being is an infinite movement of consciousness which, under the name of death, returns to its original state - its source - from where it has the potential to transform into life again. Death is a movement of consciousness which, under the name of life, returns to its original state - its source - from where it has the potential to transform into death again.
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